I have been playing squad quite a lot recently, just come back to it after a long break and have been having quite a lot of fun on it.
Yes it is quite disorganised to what you would usually think a game like this should be like. But not in every game, the new commander feature added allows a Sql to be voted for the role by other Sqls. This feature allows alot of coordination in games and can actually lead to a victory or a loss depending on the commander and his/her tactics. The commander does get access to off map supports and a UAV but really this isn't normally thier strongest characteristic. Rarely do i play on PR where the commander takes command of the whole team and coordinate each squad but this is what occurs in most games in squad, especially in popular servers like PA 1 and 2. If you are in a squad where the Sql lead isnt always talking to your Squad and the communication seems a bit limited more than likely your Sql is gonna be communicating in the Sql only chat with the commander.
The servers on squad have quite a different rules set when it comes to vehicles and squads but it all depends on the server you join. On PA(project awesome) servers rules regarding vehicles is that it must have at least 2 crew if a crewman kit is required and for squads, they can only be locked under 4 if they are 1 man squads e.g. logistics. Squad naming is more of a decency than a rule and pretty much any squad can take a vehicle if no other squad has claimed it already, IFV/BRDM squad taking a tank. The main reason for there being 2 heli squads instead of one or a one man BRDM(which doesn't require a crewman kit) is the ability to communicate with commander and other Sqls.
Joining the game and seeing things like those above may seem like it is discouraging team work but really it is just a way to increase communication. That BRDM on its own could be scouting for HABs (respawn locations) or vehicles so the team can act together to remove those assets from the battle field.
But the rules depend on the server. Also just for ease any rule that may be unusual can be displayed in red text at the top pf every players screen automatically every 10 mins or so (I assume this can be set to different timings). I think a server with the current VG PR ruleset could be used but adapted more to the sqaud player base because we wouldn't want them to come on the server and do something that they would normally consider ok, get kicked or warned and not want to play.
The aussie mod would be nice but i pretty sure at the moment that on the mod description in the workshop the author has written that he wouldn't like anyone to host the mod on their own server but for it to be only hosted on an official server created by the mod author. I saw this a few months ago so i am unsure if it is still true.
I would be down to play on a VG server or if anyone wants to play with me i am usually on PA 1 or 2 and if u would like any help getting into the game i am sure i can put my couple of hundred hours to use
Cheers, Hoops