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=VG= poffadder

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= poffadder

  1. A lot of the circuitry has been reduced to ICs (integrated circuits.) Most of these ICs are on the top side of the board (under the cooler.) Every thing gets smaller by the year and when circuits get small enough, they can be implemented on a small chip so multiple chips can be used on a smaller space. Also It's important to note that while technology is advancing, circuity is getting more efficient because designers are using the newest integrated electronics that they have available and they have gained experience from previous technologies and learnt where to cut down. High end cards still have a lot of that clutter because they want to fit as much on the board as they can to maximise the performance of the GPU. here is the underside of a 7870: http://img.hexus.net/v2/graphics_cards/amd/7870OC/giga-3.jpg Also I hope your cases top fan is in a pull configuration and that your cooler is pushing air across the heat sink.
  2. I miss the SLAM in PR, used to send the insurgents and their caches flying.
  3. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... the one poffadder was showing has some problems with shadows V1.1 -Shadow problems fixed (mainly backpack related) These are pretty high quality units, I have used them for a long time.(Not with ACE though.)
  4. The UKF weapon pack is pretty good, I love the modernised L85A2.
  5. If you want to do BAF then please check out these mods: British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10898 UKF weapons: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11513 L115A3 : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10896 Anyone without the BAF DLC will appreciate these mods. They are better quality than the DLC too.
  6. Platoon lead or squad lead please. I like how the mission carries on from the last one.
  7. Aviation overload.. Can't wait to throw my money at DCS when they release everything. I'm looking forward to the typhoon and strike eagle the most.
  8. =VG= poffadder

    New Computor?

    That motherboard does not support SLI. And unless you are going multi monitor and huge resolution, the following 570 is a much better choice. I cant recommend MSI and it's twin frozr range enough. Great factory OC, great quality custom PCB and great build quality all round and very cool and quiet. MSI 570GTX Twin Frozr III OC: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127582 I have installed and used this card before and I have the 560 ti version in my pc. With the help of MSI afterburner, RivaTuner and the twin frozr cooler these cards are overclocking beasts. You could also look at the 670s I think they are worth the price premium.
  9. =VG= poffadder

    New Computor?

    Man you should really look at some Intel stuff. Their CPUs are much better for gaming (Even if you go low spec now and upgrade further down the line. eg. i3 now i5-7 later.) I'm always on TS if you need suggestions. Also a 700 Watt PSU is overkill for that setup, a stable 450-500 watt psu would work just as well. (Corsair make great PSUs) And I'm not sure how hyper threading would affect your ability to play older games? Could you explain your concern?
  10. I'll be there put me up as a SL or FTL if possible. Also I'm currently working on a mission for our events. Spent ages trying to think of something original.. I'll have to rethink a bit now.
  11. Hey Stein, do you know if you run a 32 bit operating system? If you do, you would need to upgrade to a 64 bit one to run more than 3.25 GB of RAM.
  12. I will be there. Any support role will do for me, I'd love to do some flying (Especially an LB) this time if there is any need for it. Any chance any one wants me to add these mods to the ACE insurgency mission for some practice with them?
  13. Thanks for this link. Very useful information here.
  14. I'll be around. I'd love to use the mortar. I'll start practising some MRSI. If I cant be on the mortar I'd like to just be a rifleman in any squad.
  15. I'll join you. Been a long time since I played swat 4, I'll need to buy it again though. The link for download would be great. Don't feel like waiting for delivery
  16. If you are looking to assemble a PC yourself with $2k, you can build something pretty epic. If I had that much I would go for: CPU: Intel Core i7-2600k Motherboard: Asus Maximus IV Extreme (high end) or MSI P67A-GD53 (mid-range) RAM: Anything at 1600 or 1800 MHz (I like the 8 GB Corsair Vengeance kit at 1600 MHz because its cheap,cool and fast) If you are concerned about CAS latency in the cheaper kits they have versions with tighter timings that cost a bit more. With modern DDR3, timing is less detrimental to game performance as even the cheap kits have decent timings. Super high end GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 3GB (Brand new and super fast but super expensive.) Best bang for buck GPU: A non-generic GeForce GTX 570 (Very powerful card and so many to choose from.) Value GPU: Geforce GTX 560ti 1 GB (fast and cheap) PSU: Corsair HX 650W
  17. We can't use the GLT F-16 because we can't host it. We would have to wait until the new GLT(FRL) F-16 gets released with it's new model by RKSL. The new release will require the Missilebox. Now back to my suggestion I would like to use the Misslebox's modded A-10 (GPS/INS system) and the laser guided Mavericks and Hellfires, along with a few other small things. The Kiowa is a tiny file (less than 10 MB) and is very fun to fly.
  18. GLT Missilebox for different loadouts on fixed wing aircraft and better Hellfires/Hydras on rotary. We would need GLT Missilebox for the updated F 16 anyway. (possibly Mando Missiles too) I would like to suggest the OH-58D for the scout role(They are able to operate at high altitude and high temp.) Just a side note, the Wildcat(Lynx) is a maritime platform and can only operate up to 10,000 ft(far too low).
  19. A super GPU that would be crushed by a single 6990. heh.
  20. Well I just took out my 4870 and upgraded to a 560 ti. It's really worth the upgrade. I'm keeping my 4870 though, was indeed a good card.
  21. Ingo is correct, They have to have the same GPU. The only difference can be the amount of stream processors and the frequencies of the GPU core and the memory. Also you are talking about putting a DX 10 card with a DX 11 card, that would limit you to DX 10.
  22. I'm going to sleep.. I'll post those pics on the weekend.. Give myself some time to remove the fur balls lurking around my case. My damn 25cm fans will suck up anything. It also doesn't help that my cat loves to sleep next to the intakes, I swear there is more cat hair inside my pc than there is on the cat itself.
  23. You could have like 1000 tabs open in your web browser and still run two instances Arma smoothly.
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