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=VG= poffadder

VG Clan Members 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= poffadder

  1. !mental We will hopefully have a Coop server and a deployment server up on release. !pilot
  2. If someone is teamkilling like that, please don't retaliate because it is against our rules. Post in the chatbox on the site or come onto teamspeak if there is someone breaking rules on the server. It also helps if you take a screenshot of their GUID or their name with a time stamp so that they can be found in the logs.
  3. There are TCA issues that still need to be resolved before I can go near this (which is why it is taking so long.) I will sort all of this as soon as I get that fixed. Shilling if you still read this thread, could you please post your full in-game name with tags (If you wear any) and your GUID. EDIT: I managed to fix TCAdmin so I'll add him as soon as I see him in-game or as soon as he sends me his nic and GUID. EDIT: EDIT: All done.
  4. Pigeon LAN_WROTE ... Have you guys ever considered charging your members. This idea was put forward in our last clan meeting, Blud said that no one would ever have to pay to be a member of VG. Ideally what we want to do is cut our costs to around half of the current target. I'll take this opportunity to bump that conversation as we need to push to find a solution before Solar goes away.
  5. Cores with higher clock and IPC is what you want for the headless client, not more cores.
  6. Sorry for late signup, I'm in. I can fly, grunt or whatever really. Edit: I would really like to have Banana as a callsign. !dash
  7. That is a lot of changes for coop. Keep up the awesome work Melon.
  8. Calv =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I was towing the extra MRAP from my team until ordered to leave it behind, not sure why. But after we lost the MRAP at the next town I heard talk of going back for the one we left, did that not happen? Yeah that order came from me, in hind sight it was a bad call but I was not expecting to lose another vehicle. I wanted to keep the MRAPs that we had as full as possible to avoid an uneven distribution of forces. We did not go back for it because we had enough space in the vehicles that we had at the time.
  9. Vader1-1: Poffadder Vader1-2: Savage The mission was completed successfully with minimal casualties to an acceptable standard. Those insurgents are going to have a hard time finding RPGs now. The squad play was great, I think we all worked fairly well together. There were times when I was watching above with the satcam and I could distinctly identify each squad and fire team in Fox and Echo as they moved forward to take objectives. Reaction to contact was good after a few attempts. Communications on the command net were good, never lost touch with any of my squad leaders. I would have preferred to have more communication between fox and echo, but since it was our first time trying this out I think we did a cracking job. We did have technical issues that made comms difficult. For instance I had no comms with Riddle (Outlaw1-1) and Ibux had no comms with some of his squad members. The missing satchels were probably my fault, I should have put more emphasis on the presence of caches. We managed to lose three MRAPS and two blackhawks, some of the MRAPS were discarded due to the lack of a crew. Lets try not to waste as many assets next time. The mission took too long to get going again. (More preset stuff should resolve this.) I will have a full briefing posted before the next event to avoid it having to be explained from scratch at the start. I will also have the server up the day before for squad leaders who want to do some preparation or training. Signups will be conducted in a more orderly fashion for the next event, to avoid last minute crowding. Please let me know what you thought about the chain of command. Where can we make improvements? I know I made mistakes and need some criticism. Also WE NEED MORE LEADERS. I want to run around with a gun listening to my FTL shouting at me too. Overall good job and thanks for making it a wonderful event. I hope to play with you all in the near future. !gundown
  10. // Slots and radios Vader1-1 (CMD) - poff -- 117 CH1 Vader1-2 (2ic) - Demon1 SQL - semler -- 117 CH1 -- 148 CH2 Demon1-1 (FTL) - gaz -- 148 CH2 -- 343 CH1 Demon1-2 (MEDIC) - Ciro Demon1-3 - ingo Demon1-4 - sparky Demon2-1 (FTL) - calv -- 148 CH2 -- 343 CH2 Demon2-2 (MEDIC) - dman Demon2-3 - Harry Demon2-4 - Dumbfoundead Demon3-1 (FTL) - Speirs -- 148 CH2 -- 343 CH3 Demon3-2 (MEDIC) - Iffn Demon3-3 - Nvram Demon3-4 - Rev Fox1 SQL - -- 117 CH1 -- 148 CH3 Fox1-1 (FTL) - -- 148 CH3 -- 343 CH4 Fox1-2 (MEDIC) - Fox1-3 - Fox1-4 - Fox2-1 (FTL) - -- 148 CH3 -- 343 CH5 Fox2-2 (MEDIC) - Fox2-3 - Fox2-4 - Fox3-1 (FTL) - -- 148 CH3 -- 343 CH6 Fox3-2 (MEDIC) - Fox3-3 - Fox3-4 - // Bantewagon's slots Echo1-1 (SQL) - -- 117 CH1 -- 148 CH4 -- 343 CH7 Echo1-2 Echo1-3 Echo1-4 Echo1-5 Echo2-1 (FTL)- -- 148 CH4 -- 343 CH8 Echo2-2 Echo2-3 Echo2-4 Echo2-5
  11. Feel free to sign up. I'll update the briefing tomorrow.
  12. The event will take place at 1900h GMT (Zulu) on Saturday the 16th of February. We will once again be playing a large scale and coordinated MSO session with the L.A.M.B.S community on our server. We will play till we drop and have some good fun with some great team players. Please sign up if you want to attend, the event is open to anyone. This post will be updated with information as it becomes available. If you are new to MSO please RTFM: https://dev-heaven.net/documents/56 Server name: VETERANS-GAMING COOP | MSO Community Event Event Overview: -------------------------------------------- Mods List: If you are using Six-Updater go to the Server Browser tab, click on the Import Server button above the list of MP servers, and paste this link: sixupdater://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/six_repo/2322.yml This will add a new preset on the left which you can use to start the game and join the server. Make sure you add any client-side mods like JSRS_ACE or st_movement. If you already have a preset in SU you may need to delete it and re-import. @ACE; @ACEX; @ACEX_USNavy; @ACEX_RU; @ACRE; @ASR_MapGrids; @CBA_A2; @CBA_OA; @CBA; @exa_rg31; @JayArma2Lib; @kyo_MH47E; @mad_build; @mad_resh; @rangers; @SNR; @sthud; @st_interact; @yup_uh60; Optional mods: @ACEX_SM @Blastcore_Visuals @JSRS_ACE @st_movement Roles/Slots: Vader1-1 (CMD) - Vader1-2 (2ic) - Demon1 SQL - Demon1-1 (FTL) - Demon1-2 (MEDIC) - Demon1-3 - Demon1-4 - Demon2-1 (FTL) - Demon2-2 (MEDIC) - Demon2-3 - Demon2-4 - Demon3-1 (FTL) - Demon3-2 (MEDIC) - Demon3-3 - Demon3-4 - Roster: Gaz Calv dman Nvram Semler Speirs Dumbfoundead Sparky Rev Ingo Iffn Harry Maybe: Starchy Savage Lupago Ciro Pigeon Slamfire Vetala // Other Clan's Slots // // L.A.M.B.S Fox1 SQL - Fox1-1 (FTL) - Fox1-2 (MEDIC) - Fox1-3 - Fox1-4 - Fox2-1 (FTL) - Fox2-2 (MEDIC) - Fox2-3 - Fox2-4 - Fox3-1 (FTL) - Fox3-2 (MEDIC) - Fox3-3 - Fox3-4 - // Banter Wagon's slots Echo1-1 (SQL) Echo1-2 Echo1-3 Echo1-4 Echo1-5 Echo2-1 (FTL) Echo2-2 Echo2-3 Echo2-4 Echo2-5
  13. Since it seems that everyone is okay with it, I added him to the admin list.
  14. Could you send it to me Savage? I wanna make some changes.
  15. Currently updating the mission to have less weapons in the boxes and MGO attach without TWS and the new black hawks.
  16. I'm not sure if its just me, but I don't want to be able to do anything in MSO quickly... We need to keep the work that is involved in logistics.. Making it too easy, moves away from our initial vision of MSO. It's too easy to walk up to a crate and push a button that magically fills stuff (load outs and vehicles.)
  17. Not sure why it went down.. Its back up now though. Have fun. !pilot
  18. The Dingor version was made for testing some new modules and mods. It was also made to develop a base mission that is easily portable to other islands and incorporates the changes that were suggested for the MSO events. I think Reshmaan should be the island that we use for the pub server as it seems to offer good stability and runs well on most peoples PCs. It's also a well designed map with lots of space and is fully compatible with MSO. And Ingo, I'm still not sure about the RH packs. I think it might result in too many mods on the server. Forcing new players to download so many mods can be frustrating for all parties. So for now I think the RH packs shouldn't be included.
  19. Group shot of the two squads outside the chemical factory.
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