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Posts posted by suomikeizari

  1. thanks Wooz! good points there. and also Outlanders is completely right. there is a massive mount of willing ACE/ACRE players without a proper server to play in, atm they have to make due with 15th MEU, [ST3] and UO.

    also dont gun down my perma base idea right away, we want as versatile gameplay as possible meaning we need a lot of assets, also if we set a permanent base now we DONT have to fix it later, i made this thread for ideas like wooz gave me, not for gunning down the only ideas i have.
  2. 1. Dedicated players - everytime you want the server to fill up you need to have some people playing it. no one likes playing alone

    2. as few mods as possible - lets keep it simple so its easy join the server, just ACE/ACRE and Takistan.

    3. Leaders, leaders and leaders. - we need to step up and start leading these players, make interesting plans to take over territory and take down caches. (make up a backround story for them.)
    ALSO these plans MUST be very big, i mean having 12-30 players included. otherwise rest of the players will get bored.

    4. Small stationary base - the base must be still and be secured easy to help players there, this is possible by making it for example on one of the Airfields. pack it with vehicles LAV/Stryker, 3-5 humvees. 2 trucks. ?MHQ?, 2 Hueys, 1 Chinook, 1 Apache/Cobra, 1 Harrier/other plane if possible.

    5. TS required for all important assets.

    6. Designated pilots, only verified players are allowed to fly Apache, Harrier and the Chinook

    7. Only verified players are allowed to use the APC (LAV/Stryker)

    8. RP - lets try to make this immersive, roleplay it as much as possible! I dont mean in a chernarus/zargabad/takistan life way, I just mean that we should act military, THIS IS NOT A RULE, JUST A SUGGESTION.

    9. We NEED something unique, something =VG=! bring on the ideas! how do we promote teamwork? how will we help new ACE/ACRE players on the way?

  3. alright Dman, and I really see your point there, a shame you didnt give us a big heads up about this problem. I've been as blind as the others.

    we should quit the fancy scripting and new games, we have way more fun together then scripting and playing new games alone. im going to work on getting my BF2PR working and also the vanilla ARMA2 ins ACR addon. I suggest everyone does the same. I know im not the best example of our clan but I've got my eyes open now and I'm going to do everything I can to get us together and get the old days back.

    I'm wishing all good to you Dman and hope to see you soon, PM me if you need a someone to play with.
  4. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    I agree we should get some ideas and see if we can get more players into ACE/ACRE but the mods server will never be as full as the vanilla one due to the fact it runs mods. Now, with the popularity of DayZ and Six-Updater that may change as people can easily load up the mods they need and go....

    but this is where you are not entirely right, I mean check out the [ST3] ACE/ACRE insurgency's both Zargabad and Lingor Island server, they have been to constantly max BOTH servers (in total 60 players, most of them are non-Clan) without us even hearing much about them (at least me), also 15th MEU is doing quite good as well with it's Takistan map.

    also the amount of teamplay and communication these people reach is beyond our imagination, especially in vanilla INS.

    We try to skip the whole problem with the name ''DayZ'' all the time without seeing that there is a large amount of players playing this game mode with maps that need A LOT of mods.
    and truth to be told, if we had a moderately manned ACE/ACRE insurgency up almost no one would like to play the vanilla one.

    EDIT: sorry about hijacking your thread in the name of ACE/ACRE jager :)
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