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Posts posted by suomikeizari

  1. followed some dude in regular DayZ for awhile,
    saw he was using a weapon not in DayZ, hacked weapon. after he killed like 5 new players with only beans, no weapons for fun, then I finally got a proper chance..

    Came up behind him, said ''Requiescat in pace'' in local and emptied my makarov clip in the back of his skull.

    never felt better while playing ANY game.
    THAT is when I realized that COOP in DayZ is just for fun and giggles.
  2. or people will just leave for server running the same settings all the time.
    worth a try I guess but people might just go for other servers and stop coming to ours.

    but we wont know without trying, right? it's good that you guys are having ideas!

    we have always switched around the server and changed mods and made updates and such.
    well... you can see the result, while vanilla insurgency has basicly stayed the same and it is flourishing.
  3. Calv LAN_WROTE ...

    While I have no issue with the idea of a static base, having multiple assets including heavier ones such as aircraft, apaches, etc would be detrimental to insurgency gameplay.
    You only have to enter any Domi server to see what happens when random public players have access to every vehicle.
    Basically all the armour is largely ignored because it takes too long to drive them to the AO and they get destroyed en route usually, and there is rarely anyone willing to airlift them.
    You then have 70%+ of the players jumping in choppers/planes blowing the crap out of the AO so the few players actually trying to act as infantry basically just sit and watch.
    Having multiple vehicles like that also encourages infantry players to basically "rambo" because they don't need to rely on others to transport them, they can just drive/fly themselves.

    The MHQ with limited assets was a fantastic idea for insurgency as it required everyone to stick together as there was only one chopper for transport, it forced teamwork out of pure convenience which was great. This declined somewhat when choppers were made available to all team leaders via the radio but still kept each team together.

    The other problem with a static base with multiple heavy assets is that in domi the enemy has access to similar equipment, armour, choppers, aircraft, sams, etc so the things are kept relatively equal, whereas in insurgency the enemy has none of those things so basically one apache could essentially solo an entire insurgency mission without being in any danger.

    Final point is that heavier assets would not be used in a mission like insurgency due to the high civilian presence, we're not attacking military targets or bases so the focus is on infantry teams clearing their way to a target area rather than a chopper or plane blowing the crap out of every building in the city.

    That said a static base could be done on Fallujah at the northern FOB lcoation, the only downside would be that every mission would always start with clearing the same squares which could become monotonous over time.

    Ok, that's a fine point there.
    I was going to restrict the heavier vehicles to verified people as well but that kinda changed my mind.
    I still think there should be atleast 1 static base, but the assets should be restricted to 1 Stryker/LAV, few humvees, trucks and a apache/cobra. also 1 plane should be available. for transport we should have 2 hueys and 1 chinook (airlift).

    is it possible to get 1 MHQ as well? there should be a way to teleport and spawn either on MHQ or the base.
  4. ok, I think you voiced the other in the base matter but I still think we should have a stationary base.
    you can just fill it with so much more, multiple types of choppers, planes and armored vehicles, but since so many of you still are with the MHQ idea so it will probably be used.

    adding MSO features and ranger skins + the fallujah map in insurgency are both pretty neat things but this will cause huge problems with getting people to join our server. we need to keep it as simple as possible.

    so far that Ive noticed is that the more mods you have the harder it is to get people on your server.
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