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Posts posted by suomikeizari

  1. Calv LAN_WROTE ...

    As stated the Section-1 Leader is in command of the mission so setting out a basic plan is his responsibility.

    As for procedure when in combat/trouble, that's what the team leaders are for.

    that maybe so but S-1 leader has to concentrate on multiple objectives (mission commander, Section 1 lead + FTL)
    at once which might decrease units combat effectiveness (or most probably will)
  2. some women are bitches some aren't, I'm not saying your X is, but you will find the one you want to share your experiences (maybe less computer stuff) with.
    In my opinion life doesnt make any sense without women, I cant explain it but that's the way it is.
    also acknowledge that I'm really drunk now so everything I say must be the truth :)

    + that house of yours sounds really fabulous! mind if I come sleep there a ''couple'' of times?
  3. as I said, I was denied its use in most cases. no problems with the equipment.

    also If you notice that the conversation/decision making isnt going anywhere hurry up on other things.
    I was asking if we could do 2 LZs separate for Delta 1 and 2. and also the ETA for charlie SQ arrival after our touchdown,
    but I wasn't given the time for it, also i didnt want to confuse the situation anymore in the chopper so I stayed silent.
  4. Recon team Delta 2 AAR

    Whole mission went smoothly, we are still missing a lot of Pre-mission planning and a lot of the guys dont seem ready for that kind of ops, people kept shouting in debriefing stuff like ''lets go already! I want some action! Cmon!'' so we need to work on patience.

    Still the mission went extremely well even tho Delta had it's first recon mission, we worked as a team and that was enough.
    But next time I'd wish for less unneeded chat in the backround while debriefing, and especially more planning,
    you cant send your soldiers to the unknown all the time, it WILL bite you back.
    Always have a plan ready for different scenarions but keep the plans kind of ''open'' (as we did) so the teams have room to maneuver.

    I know you're going to criticise my comments by saying that Recon removed all the unknowns, but there was situations where things would have easily gone south without delta 1.
    Mostly we had no idea where charlie or delta 1 went (for I was denied to communicate with delta 1, by ordering the use of 343 radio between us, unfortunately range in it was too short and coms were cut for long time periods), so if the situation would have arised we would have been unable to cover them.

    Notify that I am NOT saying that someone specifically did wrong, it was just an overall thing.

    Delta 2 flew to the AO with Delta 1.
    LZ was located about 2klicks south of our OverWatch position, route to there was long and hard but we made it without a scratch.
    At OW we held and Recon'd the area finding multiple hostile foot patrols, enemy camp and a KORD-machinegun until we were needed, took a couple of shots to the camp and took down the KORD.
    Next we moved 50m north so see the northern camp finding another camp, garrison, 2 KORDs, and a foot patrol.
    engagement was succesful, no casualties.
    After that we move NE towards possible satellite phone call location, unfortunately an unstable cliff gave in under my spotter and he dislocated his knee, we took of with a MEDEVAC while Delta 1 and Charlie finished the mission.
  5. alright boys and girls prepare to be ASTOUNDED!
    I just paid a visit to NW airfield and am now armed with nothing else than
    1. A ghillie suit
    2. an M4 CCO with 6mags
    3. motherfucking NVGs!

    My current location is East of Vyshnoye.
    Because my gear is now just about perfect,
    I will give myself to service for my friends in Chernarus.
  6. if baf then yes for the unit pack, the one poffadder was showing has some problems with shadows and the one calv gave is for spec. ops. better than old ones tho!

    EDIT: NVM the SAS pack looks quite good!

    also if we are going with some faction I recommend forcing the use of that faction's weapons for at least one mission, this will bring more experience with different weapon systems.
    for example I myself am not that impressed with L85A2 but I wouldn't go with any other while playing as a British soldier.
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