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Posts posted by suomikeizari

  1. thanks Sem and Blud!
    I'm just starting a project on building stamina and a bit of mass at the same time, my BMI is 21 (my length = 75 inches, weight = 165 lbs.), which according to the ones I've talked to is quite good,
    I can run about 2miles in a coopers test, but can only lift about 155lbs on a bench (as an example of my muscle condition). Thanks for the warning about over doing the exercise, didn't think of that myself :P

    yeah, these skills might be needed later on in Civ. life, I'm also going to take part in officer training -> only place to study leadership properly. also this way i can go back to work/live for the army if need be, as I said: I'm itching to get there!
  2. lol, gonna be jumping out an old ass fokker then :P It's a bit more complicated here in Finland, its a conscription army --> quantity, not quality.
    but on the other hand Paratroopers are Special forces here in Finland, Elite Infantry men. me against the best Finland has to offer!

    yeah, the training goes roughly like that! what i could use is the knowledge what helps me to prepare for such a training, how hard is it and is it worth it?
  3. Hey guys, Just thought about making this thread due to the importance of the matter to me.

    Ok, I've got 6 months to go until conscription, I'm applying for Finnish Paratroopers.
    I have basicly no idea what I'm going into (I know just the physical/mental requirements) and the info on the internet doesn't give much insight...

    I know that the training probably won't be the same as any of you guys have had but I'm getting a bit nervous/itchy :P

    so my question is:
    what was your training like, and do you have any tips for anyone going thru the same?
  4. Griff LAN_WROTE ...

    Well, BC or "before children," my wife would play Battlefield 1942 with me. Her only request was to be able to carry the bazooka! Now what does that say about her personality? Actually, she has a nice gaming rig too and it can be quickly confiscated for a LAN meet if need be. We have plenty of laptops for her to use while my buddies are over so no worries for her. When she has time, she normally plays Empire Earth, Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, etc.

    dang... just dang....

    ...where can you buy those?
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