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Posts posted by suomikeizari

  1. now i know that you guys might not be much of a fans of WH40K or MMOs but i tought that i have to post this anyway, i found WH40K world first when i bought DoW I and ive been in love with it ever sense, its in no way realistic and possibly even a little bit silly world but i love it still..

    so DarkMilleniumOnline is kind of MMO Third Person Shooter, you can choose to be on Imperiums, Orcs', Chaos' Taus or even Eldars side (note that i wont explain these names here because it would take forever to do it... (just check 'em here if you're interested http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_40k_Wiki ) all the factions have their own bonus sides and so on.. Imperium (divided to space marines and imperial guard, also only human faction) is for Order. Chaos, well... Tau for ''greater good'' Orcs just for slaughter and so on.. so pic what you like (I KNOW, that no one in this clan would take Chaos :D) and have fun!

    btw. this game ain't ready yet, but will propably be finished.


    HOMEPAGE= http://www.darkmillenniumonline.com/
  2. the 4th answer is a bit blunt but i guess that's for me.. got too much going in school, i just failed French and i need to double my effort on it. also im not very good with computers.. all i can do is build one, get it working with all the softwares i might need etc. tought later on i will help with testing, giving ideas, or making paint pictures for ya! :D

    EDIT: or perhaps even learn a thing or two about developing these things
  3. guys guys.. have you seen the PR tutorial videos? it quite simply makes the communication more ''Realistic'' you see you dont have to start kicking your keyboards ass to find the correct key, the commo rose make the thing A LOT easier. + there is still stuff like 3rd person (not sure if they are gonna keep it) the weapons are accurate right away when you just prone, no waiting just lay down and shoot right away..

    there is still stuff that needs to be corrected, you just gotta find 'em.

    btw try ARMA II free first, makes your job easier :D
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