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=VG= Melon Muncher

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= Melon Muncher

  1. So yeah, thought about this to spruce up the server a bit more, and give the regulars a change of pace. )Opfor event, in case you missed the thread name)

    I'll fix up all the maps so that they aren't just base-rape extravaganzas and should have a bit more playability.

    I was thinking run it for two weeks or so, rather than just a weekend event.
  2. I'll update as its released.

    Devcast #1

    DevCast #2

    French Forces 1.0 teaser

  3. Honestly I think we still have a fair bit of sway over the PR and FH2 populations. I know for a fact people still play on the PR server even though it constantly crashes.

    Most VG players who get on the servers end up leaving pretty quick because no-one has been able to get admin status on the recent server and the few previous servers have had people not having admin because they can't get on when someone's available to give it to them.

    Morrison I don't know what problems happen on the FH2 server but I'm more than happy to take a look/fix them but I can't if I have no idea what's wrong, Fastjack probably can fix some aswell. Chances are at least a few can be fixed server side.

    EOD is one of many BF2 mods that are just dead they won't come back no matter how much we want them to, Everything ends up this way at some stage. I mean sure we might get a few VG guys organized an in the server but most won't even bother downloading the 3 gigs needed to play it.
    AIX still has players but people are going to play on a server that they know gets players, This is the reason our FH2 and PR servers are still popular, We used to have an AIX server a year ago and it was never populated then so there's even less of a chance of that happening now.
    My suggestion if you want to have an event with one of these mods is just to set it up and play it on someone elses server.
  4. Aright Yes and No from me I honestley don't have the time to put into seeding the server anymore normally when you do get a few seeders the server fills up quite good but it's just that effort needed to be put into getting the first 10 or so players going. Lack of a PR update is quite a problem.

    I don't want to see the server gone when 1.0 rolls around because it will be server filling good so maybe swap it over to a different game or something in the meantime.

    Honestly though the server just needs that little push from a few dedicated players to get the it filling up and then its quite great. thats the reason the insta spawn servers get players is because the teamwork is not required when you have so many assets to abuse and what not.
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