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Posts posted by TEDF

  1. SOLDIERS: Added new/now Mxxxxe sxxxxxr textures from Sxxxe (hauteclocque) 16118
    SOLDIERS: Added axxxxxxxxxe Mxxxxxs xp axxs from Sxxxh (hauteclocque) 16120
    SOLDIERS: Added two mxxxxxg new/now Mxxxxxs sxxxxxr textures (hauteclocque) 16121
    SOLDIERS: Added new/now Canadian soldier textures (hauteclocque) 16182
    SOLDIERS: Added French soldiers (hauteclocque) 16253
    SOLDIERS: Fixed french soldiers sxxxxg vxxxxs (j.f.leusch) 16279
    SOLDIERS: Added Vietnam soldiers, mxxxxxy as they are (afterdune) 16354
    SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd hand/head texture pxxxs of Vietnam NxA soldiers (afterdune) 16360
    SOLDIERS: New Rxxxxxl system by Fxxxxxxxxxx, cxxxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16442
    SOLDIERS: New fxxxxxxxxxxxxs, new/now dxxxxxxxxxxs, dxe sounds/solves exc. New body ixxxxt sounds/solves on cxxxxxn mxxxxxxxs. (anders) 16443
    SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd French soldiers (added lxxxt sxxxxxr and Sxxxh rxxxxxs) (hauteclocque) 16476
    SOLDIERS: Mxxxr ixxxxxxxxxxs to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16518
    SOLDIERS: Uxxxxxd the French soldiers textures, changed the cxxxxxxxxe size for dxxxxt and sxxxxxxxd it (spush) 16527
    SOLDIERS: Added nxxxr (and bxxxxr) UxA AxU sxxxxxr textures (spush) 16540
    SOLDIERS: Txxxxd up the bxxxxxxxxs on the French soldiers dxxxxt cxxxxxxxxe (spush) 16555
    SOLDIERS: Added DxxK and Mx Bxxxxxxg hxxd pxxxs (Taliban and USMC rxxxxxxxxxxy) for adding into xp sxxxxxxxxy pxxxxxxn vxxxs (chuc) 16565
    SOLDIERS: Cxxxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxxxxs to bxxxxxxxxxxxs for xp vxxxxxe hxxxs (chuc) 16573
    SOLDIERS: Added gxxxxn hxxxs fxxxxd to the sxxxxxxxxy Mxx (chuc) 16573
    SOLDIERS: Axxxxxr uxxxxe to rxxxxxl, rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16652
    SOLDIERS: Added US hxxd x wxxxxxxd fxxe pxxxt (spush) 16664
    SOLDIERS: Unique #x to rxxxxxl (by fxxxxxxz)x rxxs #xxx (bloodydeed) 16769
  2. Progress so far :-)

    AI: Uxxxxxd Bxxxxxxs with current PR team motives :P (yeah we all wanna kxxl oxxxxxxxs) (bloodydeed) 17183

    COMMMON: New blood/hurt sounds/solves (anders) 16724

    COMMON: Added sxxxxxxxxx.dxs sxxxxxe txxxxxe, which is used on ''Txd Sxe'' (it is a map. dont remember the name :-)). (afsoccer) 16123
    COMMON: Cxxxxxxxxd size uxxxxxxxxxxd sxy txxxxxxs, used on kxxxxn and txd sxe, size a fxw mb's (ancientman) 16260
    COMMON: Added textures/sky/dxxxxxxxxd.dxs which is used on Vxxxo City and may be uxxxxl on other mxxs. (afsoccer) 16339
    COMMON: Added Vxxxxxm music (afterdune) 16346
    COMMON: Added new/now txxxxxn txxxxxxs (afterdune) 16346
    COMMON: Added music fxxxs for Vxxxxxm mxxxxxxxxxr (afterdune) 16351
    COMMON: Fixed the bug where you cannon't exit an AAV. Sshould be OK new/NOW. (afterdune) 16431
    COMMON: Replaced and added exxxxxxxn sounds/solves. Cxxxxxd gxxxxxe ixxxxt sounds/solves for fxxt sxxxxxxg Mxxx (AxxP) to made the sound sound fxxxxr.x
    xx Also new/now dxxxxxt ixxxxt sounds/solves.x
    xx Also added dxxxxs sounds/solves to cxxxxxn mxxxxxxl exxxxxxxxs.x
    xx Added xxm sxxxxxxxp sounds/solves, xxxm sxxxxxxxp sounds/solves.x
    xx New kxxxe ixxxxt sounds/solves on wxxd, fxxxh, hxxd and sxxt mxxxxxxxs.x
    xx New bxxxxxxxxs on all mxxxxxxxs. New rxxxxxxxs and sxxxs/wxxxxs. (anders) 16443
    COMMON: Added xxxm fxxxy sounds/solves (anders) 16506
    COMMON: Cxxxxxd the exxxxxh vxxxxs to the oxxxxxxl PR vxxxxs (anders) 16519
    COMMON: New bxxxxt fxxxxs/sxxxs. Mxxxd in x.xx sxxxs into my sounds/solves (anders) 16567
    COMMON: Replaced old vanilla PxM boxes with new/now ones on the ammo crate model (chuc) 16683
    COMMON: Added wxxxxxxd txxxxxe for the rxxxr (rhino) 16723
    COMMON: Made oxxh sounds/solves into ogg and made xx% sxxxxt. Dxxxxxxxd the size from (wmv) xx,xxB to (ogg) xxxxB. (anders) 16728
    COMMON: New JDAM explosion sounds/solves (anders) 16737
    COMMON: Added xxxm sxxxxxxxxxs for xxxm to xxxm sounds/solves (anders) 16792
    COMMON: New bxxxxt hxt sounds/solves (anders) 16953
    COMMON: Added "Oxxxxxxxxxxxxe.nxxxxxxxxxxxp x" to dxxxxxxxxe HMG nests so the sandbags don't get in the way of the sxxxl explosion effects. (rhino) 16957
    COMMON: Ixxxxxxxxxd xp cxxxxa sxxxe wxxn exxxxxxxxs or sxxxxxxxxxn oxxxxs (chuc) 17069
    COMMON: New AA missile lock sounds/solves (anders) 17119
    COMMON: New Fxxt and added Blackhawk hit sounds/solves (anders) 17205
    COMMON: Added cxxxxn fxxxs for Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17224
    COMMON: Added new/now sky textures for Bxxxk Gxxd (vapoman) 17225
  3. Hi all,
    I hate to be the one who's whining about the map rotation all the time !sorry , but the current rotation has really killed the server population. Many and many of our coop server players doesnt have (and it looks like that they dont have intention to get it) the sp mappack and it has killed the server poulation horribly. Could we pls set at least few vanilla maps at the start of the rotation to populate the server? Or at least consider of removing the jalabad from the 1st place of the rotation and change it to something popular.
  4. The problem with 3 times punish kicks/bans is, that if someone accitentaly tk-s someone(for example mortars) and gets banned for it, then its unfair if they have to wait until that timers goes down and ban gets lifted. I have had that problem for myself when operating mortars and someone runs into mortar fire or when someone gets tk-d by a glich.
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