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Posts posted by TEDF

  1. Just 1 day to go, gents! Latest test results have been promising and the event should run as planned. (No crashes plzzz)
    A huge, HUGE THANK YOU to !cheers Melonmuncher !rockon , who has spent his time to keep the COOP running and changing out the maps & Beefing up the bots for the event.

    A little reminder for signups :

    1. Please join TS about 15mins before event begins to get the PW for the server
    2. Please check out which squad you'll be in. Specially those who joined in later.
    3. Commander Keed, either join TS a bit earlier or try to catch me before event so I could give you the details of what needs to be done before mission begins.
    4. Be sure to check out the rules and gamemode description
    5. Something I propably forgot...

    Hope to see you all tomorrow and I really hope that the server is on our side during the event and runs without problems.
  2. And there we go. Total of 30 players signed up. That also means that the signup will be closed for the time being! Thank you all who signed up. Those who missed it, don't worry. More events will be coming in the near future!
    @Struecker, chickenjason, Warrant and Deadpool - I will add an additional inf squad for you. You'll have to manage yourselves in there.
    1) SQL
    2) Medic
    3) LAT
    4) Rifleman
    Please do so by the end of Friday. If you haven't decided by then, then I'll put you on random slots.
  3. All current slots have been filled! Thank you all who have signed up. !cheers
    I'll see ya all on Aug 1th. Please join TS at least 15mins before event starts to get the password for the server. Also make sure to read the rules and memorise the gamemode info so the event could be run smoothly.

    Missed the signup? No worries! More additional slots will be added if more people wish to join!
  4. Glad you can make it, keed. !cheers
    Please join TS a bit sooner before event starts so I can give you the details on what needs to be done before mission begins.

    A little update on the event as well :
    There will be addition role on the bot team - Captor.
    The captor stays with the VIP and will execute him if Blufor fails one of certain objectives. The captor will be person who can transport VIP around the map by using a unarmed transport vehicle (Civi car, ammo techy etc.) In order to stop the vehicle, Blufor has to either block its way (Vehicle or a squad in a way it's heading, sandbags, wire etc.) or to shoot it until it starts smoking (more risky way as you can kill the VIP in the process.)
    Captor can also disquise himself as a VIP in order to confuse Blufor.
    During the mission there may be addition objective that requiers blufor to capture/kill the captor in order to win the mission.
    Additional rules for Captor and VIP :
    1. VIP can only move around with the Captor nearby
    2. Captor can't use heavy vehicles or weapons.
    3. Captor is allowed to kill the VIP only when blufor has failed certain objective.
    4. Captor can't ram blufor players and vehicles.
    5. Captor MUST stop the vehicle when it starts smoking or the road ahead is blocked by blufor. Then it's up to him if he want's to surrender or give blufor one final fight (which will most likely end with his death). Blufor is not allowed to shoot him if he surrenders.
    6. Captor may not pick up his weapon once he has surrended.
    7. Captor may use VIP as human shield.

    I will add additional info and tweaks when I have done full overview and tested out the maps/bots.
  5. Only if it's really, REALLY needed. (Stuck alone behind supply create while there's active techy nearby, etc).
    The kit request system won't be disabled, but I do ask players who join to stick with the role they signed up to.
    Also, try not to request kits to resupply ammo. We have logistics and trans squad that can drop you supplies when needed.

    Like said before, This "scenario" has no fancy editing or coding - Just vanilla PR. It requiers players to Role play through it so it would look as good and challeging as intended. Of course you won't be kicked/banned for requesting a riflemand kit or something, but bear in mind that doing so will reduce the quality of the scenario.
  6. For the moment, no. I chose chopper extract mainly because it requiers more effort in order to get the VIP away.
    With land vehicles, there are couple of problems. Firstly, with landies, all you have to do is drive quickly outside the combat zone and then to the main with no risk to the VIP whatsoever (Unless the driver is !crazy ). To avoid that abuse, The VIP would have to stay relatively close to the main battle zone, in order for blufor to have a challenge, which also means it would be easier to find him.
    There should be no problem with having a trans chopper as their spawn times are relatively low (5mins?).
    Edit : I'll think about it. Maybe if added a direct route that the escort has to go through (mines on every other roads making them not usable :P ) then, maybe yes.
  7. The players can pick the position they wanna fill when they sign up. I'll try to update the squad roster as often as possible to avoid multible players claiming the same spot.
    Only squad leaders and the commander are required to have a working mic. (Edited main post)
    All future updates on main post will be added with yellow text
  8. 01 August 2015
    20.00 Project Reality Time (PRT)
    For event details, click Here
    (Mectus11 !cheers )

    Squad signup :

    VIP : TEDF

    Captor : Sparky

    Commander : keed

    1. Mech INF (access to all APCs/IFVs) :
    1) SQL - zero_tolerance_s
    2)Rifleman/Driver - Water_Is_Nat
    3)Rifleman/Gunner - Z_A_C_K
    4)Medic - Semler
    5)LAT - lordvlad30
    6)Breacher - Blud
    7)MG - Sledg3hamm3r
    8)Grenadier/Marksman/Engineer (Picked by sql) - Catch_The_Blues

    2. INF squad
    1) SQL - PYangster95
    2)Medic - m823us
    3)MG - StormHawk10
    4)LAT - mectus11
    5)Breacher - sillymoose
    6)Rifleman - afluffypillow
    7)HMG - Torval
    8)Picked by sql - l3RY4N

    2nd INF

    1) Sql - Lord_Deadpool
    2) Medic - Warrant_Officer
    3) LAT - Chickenjason
    4) Rifleman - Struecker

    3. Quick search squad (QSS)
    1) SQL - Spotter/Breacher - Opiak
    2) Medic - SavageCDN
    3) LMG - Gaz

    4. Logistics aka truck boys
    1) SQL - Ben
    2) class picked by sql - Tough

    5. Pilots
    1) SQL - pilot - PBAsydney
    2) pilot - Orracis

    =VG= TED(F)
  9. Zero, that's the exact reason why I asked people to post the dates and time so I could compromise and do the event at time that suits everyone most.. All day/weekly events don't work as intended as people would join in at random times, resulting in chaos that happened last time - No one had any idea what's going on and when other people were gonna join etc.
    The event won't be run for a entire day or week as it requiers squad management and a VIP who's willing to spend hours just sitting in 1 place and doing the math on how many intel point Blufor has and when do give out pieces of intel. Also The gamemode will only work on few maps that has correct asset, ground and flag layout. (VIP rescue on Kashan... 5 minutes maybe?)
    As said before, the signup will be up sometime this week. If you guys aren't going to post wha time would suit you, I'm forced to pick up a random one. Also, if we don't get enough people signed up then the event will be thrown into trash can. No point in grinding bots with only 5 guys.

    Come on guys. We used to do this kind of events all the time in the good old days. I remember random VG guys jumping randomly on channels with people just to either do small talk or just to say hello. I miss those days when we sometime had over 30 guys on 1 ts channel playing the same game. Now all I see is people forming different groups, sitting on certain channels and the good VG spirit is dying out in my eyes. People, step up and create events that most of the guys around here can join. Would it be either PR, Arma, Free to play game - whatever. Something that would get the VG crew and other our family members back together.
    (Sorry that it turned out as one of my grumpy posts... again. Yes TEDF is grumpy again... Surprise, Surprise !crazy )
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