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Posts posted by TEDF

  1. The full info about the event will be posted with a signup threat sometime next week.
    As for gamemode - Blufor(humans duh) has to cap points and kill enemies (bots) in order to get intel points. When enough intel is gathered, Blufor will get small hints about VIP location. (Inside/outside, colour/type of building). All flags (except mains) will be active at the same time. If Blufor manages to cap all of them, they'll be given 200m(?) wide area where the VIP is. Then they'll have certain amount of time to get there and find the VIP, before he's executed.
    Full list of details about intel system and rules will be added on signup threat.(haven't decided how many intel points for what... ) Bear in mind that this is going to be Vanilla PR event. There will be no fancy coding or editing. Just AAS with other objective than just flag capture and bot grinding.
  2. The first event shall be VIP rescue. As I'm currently busy until the end of next week, the setup will be delayed..
    Until then, It would be awesome if you guys could promote the event on VG servers (Pr, Arma, ts etc.) . !rose
    Also, the event will most likely be on the weekend so all of our workaholic players would be able to join us. Therefore I would like you guys to post the time you would like the event to take place (date + time) starting from next weekend. To avod confusion with different time zones, we shall use the "PR" time - PRT (realitymod.com)
    The signup with set up event time, rules,instuctions and maplist will become active sometime next week.(Assuming the interest for the event is still up)
    I do have most of the things already planned out so right now all we need is players and a bit help from our VG tech gods to set up the server for the event.

  3. Another thing we could try is something Sparky, Gooooooding, Robot and I did a while ago on Kozelsk - long range RPG mortar targeting.
    Players would have to hit targets with rpgs at long range. Targets would be behind big obstacle (forest, hill, town etc.). Each contestor would have a teammate who tells the shooter where the rounds land and gives suggestions on elevation and direction change.

    Or have a race with different vehicles(forklifts FTW). For more fun maybe add 2 player teams. Driver doesn't know the track layout so teammate would have to quide him to the checkpooints.

  4. I didn't mean defence style gameplay. Round would be pretty much the same as normal one only with a small bonus objective,
    Resque mission would require Blufor to cap flags in order to get "intel" on pilots/VIP location. No last flag/safehouse rush allowed.
    Assassination would be like normal AAS, only with 1 extra human VIP on bot team who gives them orders.
    And escort would be like a rushed AAS round with smaller amount of time than 4h (30mins - 1h, depending on map)
    Tank one sounds pretty cool as well, if we can pull it off.
    Going to do 1 of these events, does require 100% cooperation from all players on the server tho. Definetly going to need a lot of admins on to keep an eye on those little kids who can't get out from CoD fantacy and run around aimlessly. It would take only 1 player to make entire team lose the round if he manages to tk the VIP player.
    Any other event ideas are welcome. Post them up! :-)
  5. All of those suggestions (knife + tank) aren't propably going to happen.
    1) If I remember correctly, some of us had that knife idea in the past, but it was too hard to make bots to use knives only.
    2) That would require someone to build a brand new map and code it so bots would spawn only in vehicles, STAY inside them, and not wonder off somewhere randomly.

    What is manageable :
    1) Resque the pilot - 1 trusted player (admin) goes to bot team and stays on the last enemy flag. Blufor must find him before round ends. Blufor loses if pilot is killed or round ends before pliot is found.
    2) Assasination - Basically same thing, only the person on other team would go as CO and the human team coal would be to kill him. Rules - that person can't use UAV, heavy vehicles, mounted mgs, AA etc. CO must stay within fighting area and not wonder off somewhere random. Play Only inf as officer. Blufor has to kill the officer before round ends.
    3) Escort - pretty much same as the old gamemode. Blufor commander has to get to certain point before the time runs out. Blufor loses if CO is killed, time runs out or round ends

    Sry for typos. Phone sux !crazy

    EDIT: also would love to try out something Robot came up some time ago - 2 player server with 1 human on both teams, playing as CO and leading bots against other team's bots. !crazy !crazy !crazy
  6. I'm afraid the time of needing to have 2 servers has passed. The initial !flood of new players is over and from what I've seen, the COOP servers are half empty most of the times.

    What we could do is (If someone actually has time and is willing to do it) switch sides or do mini deployment events on current server from time to time.
  7. Hi there.

    To quickly clarify things - I was the one who resigned you from the squad. You got reported on TS that you made a duplicate squad for trans. As I was unable to join the server at the said time and the remote admin tool doesn't show squad names, I decided to trust the person, who reported you, and resigned you from the squad.

    Bingreding LAN_WROTE ...

    More infuriating however, was that the admins present refused to respond to my calls to rectify the problem by resigning the later squad. We all make mistakes but refusing the rectify them is absolutely appalling behavior in my opinion.

    The admin program froze (like it does every 10 seconds ) and I decided not to bother to open it again.
  8. Personally, I discourage people to run to stationary AAs. on Muttrah when I'm doing CAS as I know where they are and I like to be the one that takes them down so I could start a respawn timer. What I usually do is warn people on chat twice and then do a hydra/hellfire run on the AA. I know that this may seem a bad habit and be pain in the arse, but it is really annoying when you have someone next to AA and knifing the gunner. Specially when knowing that bots don't have weapon cooldown timer and they can fire instantly as they spawn on the weapon.

    Like Semler said, communication is very important in these kind of situations, but I personally think, that inf should stay away from stationary AAs unless asked otherwise from CAS squad.
  9. There's not much we can do about the server crashes as they are completly random. It can be caused by people jumping on different vehicles/weapons, bots getting random orders, placing deployable assets to random places etc.

    There are some maps that are known for crashing most of the times (Silent eagle) that you should avoid running. Other than that, there's not much else to do but do cross your fingers and hope that server stays. If it does crash a lot, the best thing you can do is to set up next map that was supposed to be run before crash happened.
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