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=VG= LittleTortiaBoy

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= LittleTortiaBoy

  1. next they just need to add Battlefield Vietnam, and I'd be a happy Tortia, 1942 is still good though, nice find
  2. one thing to bear in mind PITN, as everyone keeps saying about it, it's still in Alpha, and soon to be Beta, they still have time to improve, and fun fact, WarZ was thought of before DayZ
  3. from what I've read on the forums ((I don't own it, I was seeing if it's worth it)) the loot and player spawns are fixed, so people would either spawn camp players/loot, or hop from server to server farming stuff, I'm not sure if they fixed it though
  4. I've had my eye on it, I just haven't had enough money to actually buy it
  5. it actually seems I'll be able to make it to the after party
  6. sadly no, I've been sleeping during the day, so unless it's during the evening, I won't be able to attend
  7. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... It is available in Six-Updater I would recommend using that to d/l http://stats.six-updater.net/mods/show/04b4a572-0aec-11e1-bd69-001517bd964c lol was reading the forums thread for MCC: VCB ran our first full trial mission with this last night and the MCC Sandbox held up very well. Less can be said about my ability as the MM though - resisting the temptation to fiddle is difficult so things got a bit out of hand towards the end. I accidentally spawned an enemy fighter jet in the wrong zone, so lacking the ability to delete it I spawned a friendly fighter jet to come and shoot it down. Then I needed some Enemy AA to shoot down the friendly fighter because it was circling overhead and not moving to the new zone location (minor bug there probably caused by the AI still being in combat or something). I'm not sure what the rest of the platoon knew what to make of the developing air battle going on overhead. So I added some soothing bagpipe music to take their minds of it. if it turns out to be that random, I'm down for the after party
  8. the only thing is...I'm almost always texting or something
  9. on a side note, I honesty don't think bandits are going to really bring people back...
  10. I'm with Murderface to an extent, I agree about removing it, but that's it, perhaps we should remove it, and switch to a different mod or something, some people are just tired of DayZ, and could possibly want to try something a little different
  11. my only question is..why would you film a ((seemingly)) high school, PE dodge ball game?
  12. as Caster said, I just got tired of Lingor/Dayz, maybe I'll get back into it soon, maybe not, not trying to hurt feelings
  13. it just got old for me, simple as that
  14. and a greater heads up would be nice, this seems rather last minute, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to any type of event this weekend
  15. well spectating for the rally has been cancelled, so I might be able to make it to the event Edit: put me down as a maybe..
  16. I might not be able to make it, the Olympus Rally is this weekend !racing
  17. put me down as a possible Rifeman, and actually have the grass removable :D
  18. pfft, I could accomplish quite a bit with just the MP5, but sounds good, I'm in
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