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Posts posted by PITN

  1. Castor,
    1000-0300 Pacific. We don't need stanag but those 'other guys' may want them.

    You would spawn randonly near the coast. You would have to figure out your location and then land nav to our area. Maps are in the Dayz teamspeak channel. I prefer the PDF version. Empty servers are better btw for new players learning the game.

    BTW, I think all those ACE/ACRE guys should do a Dayz Community event. Practice your land nav skills! !gam
  2. Successful raid today. We managed to sweep two areas.

    We had seen one player but he DC'd immediately. The chicken. I tried to suppress him not knowing that he had already left. The result was the zombies used me as thier midnight snack and dropped my health to 7k. But we completed the raid and before disconnecting for the evening we did a blood transfusion. So I am now 100%. If anyone is near a hospital please bring some fresh blood bags and morphine up north.

    Special Loot discovered:
    -m1014 + tons of ammo.
    -2x AKM's 0x Ammo
    -1x M16 0x Ammo
    -1x M14 + Ammo (I am now equiped with some FIREPOWAAH!) Dropped my MP5.
    -1x G17 + M9 and G17 ammo
    -1x map
    plus the misc drops. Surprisingly, food was pretty scarce.

    myself and Dave are closer to your AO. We have been playing between 0600-1100 GMT.

    Murder or Terremer,
    we have 2x mags of STANAG ammo for you. You guys can fight over them. !NHLfight

    Dante, you need to catch up!

    Everyone else,
    Move north and link up when you can.


    Stuff we need brought up from the southern areas.
    Blood bags. 1 each per active player.
    Morphine. 2 each per active player.
    DMR ammo.

    Stuff if you have room. (Low priority.)
    STANAG ammo.
    AKM ammo.
    AK ammo.
    Pain pills.
    m1911 ammo.
    M9/G17 or other double stack 9mm ammo. It is all interchangable. ;p
  3. Crawl to the hosptial and get some morhpine. !training

    Solving survival problems is kinda kewl. !neo

    Or you could just ... !suicide

    And watch out for those !ninja

    BTW we are up near Devils' Castle but I think lazlo is near White Mtn. enjoying a cup of tea. !coffee

    But if all else fails just !help and we shall rescue you. !mental derpa, derp.
  4. We found a helo crash site today while playing DayZ. To bad it was bugged and we could not loot it.

    The helo's mini gun had a muzzle flash thing goin' on so maybe that was an indicator that it did not initialize properly.

    FYI it is said that the best weapons can be found in these birds.

    This pic was taken near Devil's Castle.

  5. He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" John 9:25
    It has already begun.

    Chloe Albanesius
    March 16, 2012 11:57am EST

    Some of the nation's top Internet service providers are on track to kick off the "Copyright Alert System," which will provide notices to consumers if their ISP suspects there is illegal downloading going on, but an exact date for launch will be up to the ISPs involved.
    Many ISPs already provide warnings to users if sketchy behavior is detected, but the Copyright Alert System - announced in July 2011 - is intended to provide a standardized approach that all ISPs will use. Going forward, users will get a notice if they are suspected of illegal downloading. If they ignore that message, the ISP might resort to pop-ups or redirecting to special websites that display the alert. If those too are ignored, the ISP will turn to "mitigation measures," which could include throttling or permanent re-direction to a warning landing page until contact is established.
    The system made news again this week after Cary Sherman, CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America, appeared on a panel in New York, resulting in a news story from CNET that the system would be implemented by July 12.
    An RIAA spokesman today clarified that Sherman said implementation of the alert system by participating IPSs would likely begin by the "end of the second quarter," but emphasized that the timing and particular mechanics are questions each individual ISP will handle.
    Participating ISPs include AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon. The effort also has the support of the RIAA and the Motion Picture Association of America, as well as small and independent studios and labels.
    Back in July, the alliance insisted that account termination is not part of the alert system, but "section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires that the ISPs have in place a termination policy for repeat copyright infringers as a condition of availing themselves of the Act's 'safe harbor' provision," the group said. "This is why subscribers have a right to know if it has been alleged that content theft is taking place on their accounts, and a right to respond."
    ISPs will be made aware of the illegal downloading via "a notice from a copyright holder or its representative," the group said.

    After reading the article I want you to imagine that you are the ISP and how would you determine who on your network was downloading or uploading copyrighted material. You would have to not only monitor the traffic IP addresses but you would actually have to SNIFF the packets or in some way verify what the traffic actually was.
    The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.

    @ Iffn
    All I can say is do your own research and develop your own conclusion. In my opinion this calculated move has been in the works for the last 6-7 years. It is only going to get worse.
    -Name the last PC developed FPS other than Arma. As far as I know it is the first Crysis which was released in 2007.
    -You are right. Games are being made for the PC such as Tribes Ascend but these are extremely limited versions designed to run in web browsers or otherwise on a bare bones everday PC. Nothing super special or innovating has been released.
    -Piracy is out of control because any noob can steal now. Same with cheats and other BS that was usually too technical.

    -Micro transactions have already begun. Look at ME3 and Capcom. Day 0 DLC's and planned DLC's that are already on the install disk. Capcom's DLC's (that are on the disk already) have to be purchased and unlocked. When it is all said and done you would have shelled out over $120 for extra skins and characters.
    -Bandwidth caps and throttling have already begun. AT&T and Verizon have already announced download caps from a few GB's to about 50 GB's per month. A DVD is 3-5 GB's. For all you who stream video or store info on the cloud (Steam/Origin) pay attention to your bills this year.

    They are all sellouts and only independents will be making true PC games, but these are few and far between. EA is gobbling up companies in order to get rights to their excellent titles such as Bioware for ME3 and the StarWars The Old Republic series (KOTOR). Game companies are shifting to the DLC and the subscription model because the fools will pay for it. Look at MW3 Elite and it's subscription service. The only way to stop this is not to complain but to vote with your wallet.

    The PC is dead as we have known it. No more tower cases with it's guts brimming with CPU and GPU power. In the next decade you will see these become the niche for the developer and power user. The mainstream will be PC's based on laptops, tablets, and smartphones. If you want to develop applications then this is where you should focus. Believe me I have already looked into it. But be aware that you are not going to get rich by any standard. The most sold app on Android hasn't broken 250,000 units. Most average in the few to 15k unit range. Personally I'd focus on Apps for the iPad and then the Android. It is expected that handheld PC's will reach 15 billion units in the next 5 years. I looked at the software languages and it is definitely over my head. But I believe that if you focus on backbone or root apps the facilitate other apps then that is where the money is. Like the guy who developed software so that the ads during televised sporting events can be overlayed on top of cars, fences and such. That mofo is rolling in the dough. I recommend you look into using HTML 5 for the site.

    It really comes down to buyers remorse and a sense of personal betrayal to my expensive hobby. I spent several thousand dollars for this six-core, dual SLI super rig for a game that I thoguth was gonna be the super be all PC game of the year. It turned out only be a poorly ported game designed for a console machine. A console machine designed decade ago (released in 2005) running a POWER PC cpu and 256mbs of onboard video. A cheap console that any joe blow can get at Walmart for $200. I spend $2400 a year for two internet connections (landline/mobile). Add in the games and DLC's and that money makes for one hell of a vacation or a shit load of hookers and beer.

    I am eligable to retire in less than 10 years and I need to find my island paradise. I always thought this paradise would include my own personal server farm but it is not to be. Maybe I'll become a campground host and nag the weekend city folk in their Walmart tents. We shall see.
  6. I have been reflecting lately about personal computers, gaming, the internet and the direction the industry is heading. I have been using a computer since the Commadore 64 and the Apple IIe. My first PC was an Apple IIc and my first built PC was a 386 DX2 40 that I made from used parts over 20 years ago. I have had several PCs over the years. Some that I have bought and some that I have built.My last build was to support BF3 (the big lie) and the ARMA series.

    I have known for awhile now that game publishers have been moving away from the PC platform and to the console platform. I have resented this shift from the developers by first boycotting UBISoft and other developers that were console centric. I had hoped that BF3 was going to be the super PC game of the year but that was not to be and it was instead published as a console port. I resented EA and DICE for that. But after reflection and some research I realized that I have been in denial and that my anger was misdirected.

    I now firmly believe that piracy is the main reason for the shift in developer releases. The last game that I know of that was designed strictly for the PC and it's capabilities was Crysis. When I played Crysis it was a fun single-player game but when it came to multiplayer it was shit and full of little hacking assholes. I couldn't stand it and I tossed it in the corner with less than 10 multiplayer hours played. Later I come to find out that it is estimated that 70-90% of all online PC Crysis players where on cracked/pirated games. In response the developer said that Crysis 2 will be designed as a console game and the CEO has publicly stated that they will no longer develop games for the PC. This just means that all future games will be developed for the consoles and then ported to the PC. But the seed to end my denial was a conversation I had on the TS server while playing some ARMA.

    A few months back I has a chance to talk to a UBISoft engineer. We talked about PC games, RainbowSix, and console ports. In a discussion about my position/boycott of UBISoft and console ports he stood by his companies position and, I am ashamed to say, one that I initially dismissed. He told me that a popular game was released for the PC in the US market only, with a European release scheduled for a later date. It turned out that within 24 hours of the US release their support line for that game was flooded with calls from customers in European countries (Italy was mentioned) and that these so called customers were having trouble getting the game to work. To put it simply, kids that downloaded the game from a torrent or other site couldn't get it to work. From this I surmised that piracy has gone from the above average PC user hiding in the shadows to nearly every PC user stupid enough to risk getting caught using stolen content.

    Other issues have been the rampant cheating. In the past cheaters were small groups of trusted friends and once identified were easy to dismiss. Now the hacks have the audacity to sell their cheats or give them to anyone freely. Couple this with the rampant PC piracy and cd crackz and you have an unlimited source of grief that can't be effectively controlled by any admin or 3rd party anti-cheat service.

    This last year I have purchased only a few video games and all of them have shown their limitations and have revealed themselves as being console ports. Add in the average PC players mentality, the global shift of developers/publishers and you may come to the same conclusion. PC gaming as I have known it is dead. However, the PC game will continue in the future but in a different form.

    Console ports will continue to dominate the current PC market but the next shift will be in television and portable devices such as phones and tablets. You will end up leasing content from the major studios and publisher through proprietary devices and software. Currently there are huge litigation wars and backroom deals already occurring around the world between the major players. Even Netflix has effectively been neutered by the studios by starting their own services such as Hulu or MyHBO. My ISP has gone from an internet provider to a content provider. Just one more middle man sniffing my internet traffic so they can sell my browsing information to the highest bidder.

    In the end I will be canceling my ISP service due to throttling, sniffing packets(suspected), poor latency, bandwidth compression and price increases. I pay well over $100 per month for a landline ISP service that I can no longer justify along with another $100+ for a mobile ISP that is even worse. You may think that this move is purely financial but it is only one factor in many. The internet is going in a direction that I do not approve of. Not only will you be forced to use a companies proprietary hardware/software but you will also have to relinquish your rights of privacy to do so.

    I want you to imagine paying a monthly fee for internet access. Then a monthly fee for a devices access to the manufacturers server. Then a monthly fee for a game publishers access. Then separate monthly fees for movies published by different studios. Then monthly fees for your music downloads. Then add a monthly fee for your cloud computing storage area. Oh, and by the way. When you go over your monthly download bandwidth limits, becuase you have to d/l or stream all of your leased digital content, you get slammed with overage fees. There is even discussions about ISP's charging you to visit certain 'high traffic' sites that they don't even own. Places like Facebook and Youtube.

    Most of you are too young to understand what I am describing and you may dismiss this as a complete rant. But just think of this. As future generations are born and raised into this new world they will have no concept of the freedoms that have already been taken away. Just look at Youtube.

    How many times have you clicked on a link to have the message say that you cannot view it in your country? To me that is utter bullshit! The internet should be pure freedom. Freedom to express and absorb whatever is out there. I can understand protecting the rights of ones own work and to charge for licensed content is acceptable in moderation but I can't abide by censorship. This slippery slope has been started under the guise of copyright protections but what happens when those censorship's crossover to other subjects? Don't get me wrong I am not supporting illegal criminal activities but if I want to see the news feed from the BBC or Al Jazeera that should be my right.

    Since my hobby of the last 25 years has started to turn into shit I find myself looking for a new hobby. Retirement is only a decade away and I don't want to spend it in a cyberworld controlled by greedy corporations. I don't think it will be all bad nor will I unplug completely but this change is neceassary for me. Currently I think that Arma 3 will be my last true PC game on the condition that I find a suitable ISP between now and then. In the meantime I will be cleaning house and detoxing from my PC hobby.

    Good luck my friends. !heart


    p.s. I have may place ads for some PC goodies here to sell before they go on ebay/craigslist so you guys can get the first crack. L8r.
  7. @Sem
    U/l the new pbo to the clafghan11 folder. Copy the other 10 files from the orig to the new folder. rename both folders so the new version reflects correct file name. Should only take 5 min of downtime.

    Sigs would be diff but the only sigs are from SixUpdater. So atm it is not an issue. If you are having trouble connecting then verify your 1.60 patch. Verify that you have all 11 files related to the clafghan mod. I have them llisted on the TS clafghan channel. Remember Six Updater seperates the files into 3 diff mod folders.
  8. I like Sem's idea bu the implementation in arma doesn't work right. was thinking about the F2 farmework, shack attack hud and proper FT management. If I could keep these units seperate and just tlink the FT's to the SL then it would be awesome.


    Grenadier FT Leader

    Grenadier / FT Leader

    THe idea is the SL and FT groups are SEPERATE in the missions SQM but are linked on JIP to the SL group and color coded in shackattack hud. Reference is arma:pr. THeir solution was to sepereate all soldiers and they JOIN a fire team then the SL makes the seperate groups and color codes them, I'd rather this process was automated and the players are forced into specific roles. i.e. MG AT etc.

    Now if I could just figure out how to make this happen without user input....
  9. UPDATE! Use six-updater and download @Clafghan. It will give you a warning so right click on d/l and select CONVERT this mod. It will break up the mod into the three seperate mod folders.

    You need all 11 pbo files. Six updater keeps the opx and mb stuff seperate.


    This is the original thread. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?117090-Clafghan-Map-20x20-Beta-Release
  10. BLuDKLoT =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Maybe we should just make Syntax and admin in the server guys? What you think?

    Go ahead I have no objections.

    Just understand.
    -Don't remain logged in. Restart the map and get out.
    -Don't ban anyone. Report bannables on the forums so I can add them to the proper banlist.
    -Don't kick unless it is the last resort. If it is an emergency kick/ban contact me or Semler.
  11. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?117090-Clafghan-Map-20x20-Beta-Release

    It can be hard to do the simplest things on a smartphone.

    So far you can play this map and missions 0.942 on the serverCLIENT SIDE without any big issues. I am noticing some framerate drop but that may not be related to the update so I am still testing.

    I'll do a server side test soon if Sem has the new file uploaded already.
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