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Posts posted by PITN

  1. Dedicated Server file info.



    Dedicated server - status

    Alpha state changes aren't definitive! it's Work-In-Progress, the aim is to offer :

    1. Dedicated server to run non-dependent on STEAMclient (yet support STEAMcmd deployment)
    2. Dedicated server capable run multiple binaries on same OS instance
    3. ability to run at least 1 instance of Client / Dedicated Client on same OS instance where is already Dedicated Server(or Servers)
    4. if possible allow multiple Dedicated Clients on same OS instance where is already Dedicated Server (or Servers)
    5. if 4. possible then in the end allow to run multiple Dedicate (HeadLess) Clients (super fast network mode)
    6. if possible offer both Windows and Linux binaries (atm. Test available only for Windows platform)

    * each instance of Client / Dedicated Client (both modes) needs unique STEAM account with the Arma 3 game ownership

    note: that You can use STEAMcmd (non-GUI) https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD instead of STEAMclient (GUI)

    very short and simple summary to avoid repeated questions onto dedicated server subject,

    stability - x4 (work in progress)
    server binary - x2 (work in progress) , (Test build of binary atm. tested by ~100 server admins)
    server data package - WIP (work in progress), STEAMcmd support
    server distribution - WIP (work in progress), STEAMcmd support
    server administration - WIP (work in progress)
    server anti-cheat - WIP (work in progress)
    secret goodies - WIP (work in progress)

    * Linux server binary is slated for release after Windows server binary

    note: later will be replaced with links and more detail

    Last edited by Dwarden; Yesterday at 18:59
  2. Latest version 2.99e of Xeno's Domination. This should be compatible with the next alpha build. I expect all current missions to break on next patch.

    * Changed: Send players with a non valid UID back to the lobby
    * Changed: All clientside functions are now compiled with compileFinal, means they can't be changed during mission runtime anymore.
    * Changed: Started with moving object creation from clients to the server (create vehicle @MHQ for example). Might setting up Battleye easier once it is available.
    * Fixed: Side mission 4 did not end (containers can't be destroyed). Replaced container with a cargo box
    * Fixed: Units will have their grenades back and usable again after respawn, finally really fixed.

    Forum thread with link to mission file.

  3. I recommend moving to the DEV build from this point forward.

    Posted by DnA
    EXE rev. 04517
    ?Small first of many stages to reduce MP security vulnerabilities: should no longer be needed to restart the whole game to undo the common functions breach. This should also prevent it from spreading (but does not help the current situation on default branch servers of course). More on the topic in the next SITREP.
    ?Added: new events for inventory event handlers: "Take" and "Put"
    ?New: making PhysX vehicle simulation run on more threads (can cause possible random crash while WIP)
    ?Fixed: improved path planning related to roads
    ?Helicopter light tweaked for new lighting settings
    ?Diver UW magazine count modified
    ?Fixed: BIS_fnc_infoText was using obsolete sound
  4. Any player can pass the infection. Once infected you MUST restart your game client to clear the infection. Restarting the game client reloads the REAL game files and overwrites the infected files.

    DO NOT go from server to server while infected.

    Just restart the game each and every time you want to try a different server.
  5. Ins v04 ready. Savage, can u upload to dedi?

    Added VAS.
    Removed superman. I hope.

    Known bugs.
    Support helo call doesn't work for subordinates. Just leaders. Somehow the SL approval is not getting back to the sub.
    VAS is not fully integrated with Insurgency. i.e. backspace (gear) on death and respawn with full gear etc.
    paa error has to do with initial loading from dediserver.
    gear error is VAS/BIS related
    rocket error when destroying cache is Ins related. I don't have any idea why that was put in there. Maybe someone thought it would make good fireworks. I'll get around to removing it eventually.
  6. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    Hacking: I spent a few hours the other day reading through various forums and here's what I found out.

    1 - there is an addon called Darky's PBO hider that prevents the server from detecting if you have any addons running. This means a player can join with hacked pbo files or better yet Devcon (@MCC_sandbox) giving them full control over the server.... ability to spawn, kill, kick players, nuke the world, etc, etc. Fortunately this addon does not seem to be widely used (probably too technically challenging for the kiddies).

    2 - despite the above problem, having sig checks running on the server is the best way to prevent most of the hacks. Without the ability to join the game with hacked pbos, a player has to use a script injector (only a few known to work in A3) to exec his attack.. which effectively eliminates 95% of the 'hackers' out there.

    3 - I need to learn more about anti-hack scripts and how to run them properly.. I know there was one on the A2 Insurgency server (dooacs), and there are ones out there for A3 Alpha as well.. just need to find them and test. Anyone have any knowledge there please PM me.

    Without BE enabled it's a futile effort to make a banlist based on a script check. All that will happen is they'll use the server to test the detection. But I was given a nice little tool the other day for this sorta thing.
  7. Can an xml by called into a mission from a database when a condition has been met? The database is only storing the active mission. Example: MSO.

    Say I wanted to attach a medic graphic to a vehicle thru xml when only the medic was driving.

    If the above is true then can I dynamically assign the xml thru a condition or trigger?

    Say if you had several groups and you assigned each group it's own xml. When the you join the group and they meet the condition and thereafter the xml will appear on their equipment.

    Another option I suppose would be to make custom textures and use hidden selections and set object texture. But that's doesn't make the mission new content friendly.

  8. I need all the ARMA 3 PIDs for the VIPs. You know who you are. I hope to launch a non-VIP version today. I plan to launch the VIP version later this week.

    PIDs are under the main menu / options / profile / player id:

    Send me a PM called "A3 VIP PID" with the following info in this format. The quotes, comma, and forward slash will help me build the array quickly.

    "PID#", /// Player Name

    "1234567890987654321", /// PITN

    Remember, the PIDs changed with the last update. Make sure ARMA 3 is updated before you retrieve and send my your PID.

    VIPs are invite only. I'm only accepting established VIPs at this time.

  9. AW Domination. All of the sound files are ripped from BF2 or BF3.

    The reason to remove MHQ was because lazy ppl like to spawn on it and then drive it instead of walking. Merging the fire teams and setting RP's would allow separate spawns and separate areas to attack from rather than a steady stream from the mhq. Which of course allways ends up either in the middle of theAO, in the bottom of a ravine, or (like last night) back at the airport as a pilot taxi.
  10. Domi needs the nofire zone increased to 800m or 1km. DIcks like to take hunters just outside of the zone and shoot down helos.

    It's been full most of the night. with some arcade tweaks I think this can be the main mission for the servers. It certainly requires more skill.

    -Replace MHQ with squad spawn or rally system.
    -Change the fire teams to eight man squads with balanced kit. Similar to INS for Stratis.
    -AND RIP OUT THE BATTLEFIELD 2 and 3 SOUND FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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