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Posts posted by PITN

  1. Teejay001,

    You joined our channel and everyone present said, "Hello." You did not reply. Not long there after you started to play music. Your TS3 registration showed you as a 'GUEST'.

    Everyone present went for the ban button but I just happened to be quicker.

    I don't engage in conversation with people that behave in a trolling manner. They swiftly get the boot.

    People should not join channels and spam music, soundboards, or other disruptive activities. I don't like having my game, task, activity disturbed. I don't appreciate having to ALT-TAB out of my activity just to deal with juvenile behavior.

    Your ban is lifted. However, further disruptions may result in a permanent ban.


  2. I played some with the new parameters. I can get he AI to go above the cap so I'm not sure what is going on there. And the AI only attack if they see you. I think those guys need to put back the "ai always knows player location" stuff they removed.

    As for server pop you can post an "event" either here or on Steam say about a week in advance. Or make a weekly event. That way we can get some of the old gang back together and put some stress on the server. Sadly I work weekends though so someone else needs to take lead on this.
  3. I'm guilty. Guilty of placing emphasis on features and not playability.

    I think we need to focus on stress testing a full server and finding AI spawn/despawn parameters that don't bring the server FPS to it's knees.

    If you're an A3 admin then please set up the server on Altis with debug on and lets see if we can get some of the old gang together and test the hell out of it.

    We need to know the player count, the parameters you used that gave the best performance.
    When you are logged in as admin use the command in chat '#monitor 10' (10 is time in seconds for each report, pick a number but faster is not better) to get server fps and memory usage.
    Use "reveal resistance" adddaction to see how the Ai are spawning/despawning. You must have DEBUG enabled in the parameters.
    Take all your players into the biggest city and walk/drive (not fly/teleport) and see what kind of performance we get.
    Use Zeus to give yourself ground vehicles set to allow player spawns and "this allowDamage false;" in their init for testing purposes.

    Can we get the parameter for DEBUG set to enabled by default. Altis ver.
    Need to edit the onPlayerRespawn.sqf. on the Altis version, too. No added stuff like we did on the Stratis Mission.
    -Remove (rem out) the teleport feature.

    if (InsurgencyEnableDebug == 1) then {<br />    onMapSingleClick "if (_alt) then {vehicle player setPosATL _pos}";<br />    player addAction [("<t color=""#FF4444"">" + "Open Virtual Arsenal" + "</t>"), {["Open", true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal}, "", 0, false, false];<br />//Rem out teleport for mass player test<br /> /*   player addAction [("<t color=""#00AA00"">" + "Teleport to cursor position" + "</t>"), { player setPosATL screenToWorld [0.5, 0.5]; }, "", 0, false, false];<br />    player addAction [("<t color=""#CC8000"">" + "Toggle reveal resistance" + "</t>"), {call ing_fnc_reveal_resistance}, "", 0, false, false]; */<br />    player addAction [("<t color=""#0000AA"">" + "Make player immortal" + "</t>"), { player allowDamage false; player setDamage 0; }, "", 0, false, false];<br />    player addAction [("<t color=""#AAAAAA"">" + "Debug" + "</t>"), "debug.sqf", "", 0, false, false];

    p.s I work weekends and probably some OT to boot so I can't join in on stress testing until my days off. Wed/Thur. Good luck and have fun. Happy 4th!
  4. Maybe a way to remember loadouts?


    [player, [missionnamespace, "Current"]] call bis_fnc_saveInventory;<br /><br />[player, [missionnamespace, "Current"]] call bis_fnc_loadInventory;

    This worked in the debug console just need to integrate it with respawn.

    Field repair is too long. Need to shorten that timer and remove limit restrictions.
    Change SL from Sergeant to Lieutenant.
    Zeus no longer working? or operator error... Ah, I see now that you removed that extra slot including the Zeus module.
    Disable random explosions.
    Some AI classnames are not needed. i.e. "I_G_Soldier_SL_F", "I_G_medic_F", "I_G_engineer_F"
    Add "I_G_Sharpshooter_F"
    These three need to be replaced with Guer units but with AA/AT added to them when they spawn. "I_Soldier_LAT_F", "I_Soldier_AA_F", "I_Soldier_AA_F". Maybe by using "I_G_Soldier_universal_F".
    Support module only init on Start. Does not work on reconnect. Needs JIP compatablity.

    AI classname - my recommendation.
    InsurgencyUnitTypes = ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F", "I_G_Soldier_F", "I_G_Soldier_AR_F", "I_G_Soldier_GL_F", "I_G_Soldier_Sharpshooter_F", "I_G_Soldier_LAT_F", "I_Soldier_AA_F"];
  5. Okay. I need to remove the processInit cmds from inurgency and I'm trying to wrap my head around BIS_fnc_MP. I'll post a section of code and if someone can explain to me how _process is a switch that would be a start. Ignore my crappy attempts. ATM the AI spawn repeatedly and are not being counted properly and could be a naming issue as well.

    This portion spawns the enemy AI, sets enemy count, adds IEDS/NVGs (not needed atm), and sets the Intel briefcase on death. I need to remove the process init section and use MP_fnc_mp or similar.
    fillHouseEast = { <br />    private ["_x","_process","_arr","_inc","_pID","_pos","_bool","_unit","_name","_class","_ai","_nPos","_house","_cCount","_hID","_wCount","_i","_group","_skill"];<br />    scopeName "fillHouseEastMain";<br />    <br />    _house     = _this select 0;<br />    _wCount  = _this select 1;<br />    _inc     = _this select 2;<br />    <br />    // when this is true, setVehicleInit is processed (i.e. AI is created)<br />    _process    = false;<br />    // number of spawn positions in a house<br />    _nPos        = nPos(_house);<br />    // 0 based count of OPFOR infantry class members<br />    _cCount        = count eastInfClasses - 1;<br />    // random spawn position<br />    _x            = round random (_nPos-1);     <br />    // checks if the house is a valid house for AI spawns (if not it's -1)<br />    _hID        = CACHEHOUSEPOSITIONS find (typeOf _house);<br />    _arr        = [];<br />    if (_hID != -1 && _wCount > 0) then {<br />        _arr = CACHEHOUSEPOSITIONS select (_hID + 1);        <br />    };<br />    <br />    for [{ _i=_x},{ _i<((_nPos-1)+_x)},{ _i=_i+_inc}] do {  <br />        if (count _arr == 0 && _wCount > 0 && _hID != -1) exitWith {};    <br />        _pos   = _house buildingPos (_i % _nPos); <br />        if (count _arr > 0) then {<br />            _pID = (_arr select 0);<br />            _pos = _house buildingPos _pID;<br />            _arr = _arr - [(_arr select 1)] - [_pID];<br />        };<br />        // create an AI at _pos if no other "Man" in radus of 3 meters of _pos<br />        if (count nearestObjects[_pos, ["Man"], 3] == 0) then {<br />            _name  = findSquadAIName(player);<br />            if (_name == "") exitWith { breakTo "fillHouseEastMain"; };<br />            _bool  = !isNil _name;<br />            if _bool then { _bool = alive (call compile _name); };<br />            // when the AI unit (found by name) is alive, make sure it's healthy and, make it <br />            // "look-alive" by issuing a move command<br />            if _bool exitWith {<br />                _unit = call compile _name;<br />                _unit setPosATL _pos; <br />                _unit setDamage 0;<br />                [_unit,{<br />                    _this doMove getPosATL _this;<br />                    sleep 1;<br />                    doStop _this;<br />                },server,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;<br />                if DEBUG then { server globalChat format["moving %1", _name]; };<br />            };<br />            // if there are no appropriate AI units around,  prepare for spawning them<br />            if DEBUG then { server globalChat format["spawning %1", _name]; };<br />            _class = eastInfClasses select (random _cCount);<br />            _group  = [player, "EastAIGrp", "", "east"] call getGroup; // create an AI group<br />            _ai    = _group createUnit [_class, spawnPos, [], 0, "NONE"];<br />            _ai setPosATL _pos;<br />            _skill = aiSkill / 10;<br />// SPAWN AI, SET VEHICLE INIT, NEEDS REWRITE ---------------------------------------------------            <br />/*            fnc_SpawnInsAI =            //my crappy attempt<br />            {<br />                %1 = _ai;<br />                    this setVehicleVarName ''''%1'''';<br />                    %1 = this;<br />                    doStop this;<br />            };<br />            [(_process, true, "fnc_SpawnInsAI"],_process,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;<br />*/            <br />            call compile format['  ///original<br />                %1 = _ai;            <br />                    _ai setVehicleInit ''<br />                    this setVehicleVarName ''''%1'''';<br />                    %1 = this;<br />                    doStop this;<br />                    this addMagazine (%2 select (random (count %2 - 1)));<br />                    this addMagazine (%2 select (random (count %2 - 1)));<br />                    // Chance AI will have a nightvision device - Disabled in coop only!!!<br />                    if (random 100 > 75 && eastRatio > 0) then {<br />                        if !(this hasWeapon ''''NVGoggles'''') then { this addWeapon ''''NVGoggles''''; if DEBUG then { diag_log format [''''Adding NVG to %1'''', this]; }; };<br />                    };<br />                    this setSkill %3;<br />                    this addEventHandler [''''killed'''', { <br />                        missionNamespace setVariable [''''%1var'''', time];<br />                        if (random 100 > 90 || DEBUG) then {<br />                            _case = createVehicle [''''Land_Suitcase_F'''', %4, [], 0, ''''None''''];    <br />                            _case setPosATL getPosATL (_this select 0);<br />                        };<br />                    }];<br />                '';<br />            ', _name, IEDList, _skill, spawnPos];<br />            _process = true; // switch to spawn ai<br /><br />            };<br />        sleep 0.1;<br />    };<br />    // spawns the AI prepared with 'setVehicleInit'<br />    if _process then { processInitCommands; };  //PROB DONT NEED THIS ANYMORE---CALL COMPLILE INSTEAD? NEED _PROCESS TRUE TO SPAWN AI<br />    <br />}; 

    How the hell does
    if _process then { processInitCommands; };
    become a trigger? and why are they using
    so much instead of
  6. Check the AMD site to find memory they have already tested. Then try Newegg for a price. Double check that I have the right MB selected as there are different versions. This one has integrated graphics.


    Make sure your case has power supply that the proper connection plugs for your MB. A 5400 rpm hard drive would be reliable and cheap. A 7200 rpm drive would load faster but the difference is minimal. SSD would be a rocket in comparison. If you have to buy a new PSU then check the dimensions and make sure it fits properly in your case including the wires hanging out the back. I just built a microATX and the PSU fit but the wires added length to the PSU that I didn't account for.

    If you have onboard video use that first and see if it works well enough for you. Check reviews at places like Toms Hardware for a cheap standalone vid card. I'd stick with Radeon since it's an AMD board.

    I still use CRT monitors but you should be able to get a cheap name brand 23" LCD and still be in budget.
  7. Well I just received my cable/internet bill for the month of November. It seems that my rate has gone up about $5 U.S. Dollars recently. Wait, but there is more. It also contains a disclaimer that rates will go up another $5 USD next month. So I'm looking at $114 USD for basic cable and an internet connection set at 3mb down and 0.5mb up. Absolute BULLSHIT! !angry

    In all honesty I'm done with this company. Unfortunately I do not have a viable alternative out here in the sticks. If you see less of me it will be because I have cut the cord. Cable TV can go the way of the dinosaur for all I care. I may manage to sneak in some time on the Android phone but no broadband bandwidth for me.

    I'm still undecided but I feel that I have no other choice at the moment. Boy, I am pissed off right now.

    p.s. The Gipper once said, ?You can get me to crap a pineapple, but you can't get me to crap a cactus.?
  8. Alive AAR.

    Spent a few hours today playing solo.
    -Some enemy AI spawn in the ocean if near the coast.
    -The opfor/blufor don't take territory. Even if I clear the area. They just maintain there own little patrol area.
    -The manual talks about support abaility. I'm not sure if this is working as I didn't see any.
    -BLUFOR had some aircraft at the north airfield but they were content to just sit stationary. Even when under OPFOR attack.
    -Greece and Rebels seemed to be light on the AI side. I'm not sure if this is intentional.

    Is this our missions or our attempt at a mission using Alive?
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