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Posts posted by PITN

  1. Wassil,
    How does that explain the report of temakilling with a grenade launcher? You will have to wait for Riddle to respond as the ban is based on his report. Other witnesses should come forward with there testimonials. After hearing everyones side I will decide whether or not to remove the ban.

    You should clarify what happened and recommend whether we should keep or remove the ban and instead place him on probation.
  2. Banned

    7a7f73605a554b77081e027a3881d022 -1 intent tk
    db4d23cd5f77ee9ea4c6e557fd7fca74 -1 griefing racicsm
    be833f4ecada4bbef7d9a61717c53600 -1 griefing
    8855a26cde1c89047ea7be41e8d731f4 -1 name tk ~Racist name and reports of mass teamkill.
    495c2511f9d3b3c25edaa961a61d7158 -1 teamkilling
  3. Sounds like the server wasn't synced with the HIVE properly. It happens. The good thing is that the server didn't pork your character on the HIVE.

    BTW. has been released and if your brave you can start testing it. This update REQUIRES the latest beta. It also requires that every server run BattlEye and be updated with the latest HIVE and beta and DayZ files or it will be blacklisted.

    It should fail to connect now if you join a server running the wrong files.


    * [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play
    * [NEW] Optimized authentication process on login
    * [NEW] Singleplayer mode disabled when DayZ is loaded
    * [NEW] DayZ Logo and Version Number appear in game when DayZ is loaded
    * [NEW] Hive now tracks login/logout (to assist in analysis for an ALT+F4 solution)
    * [FIXED] Infected cannot hear weapon firing (now they actually hear again)
    * [FIXED] Clothing no longer spawning (now it spawns as it used too)
    * [FIXED] Tents and items with ID's above 1 million don't syncronize (now it should syncronize, players to confirm)
    * [NEW] Respawn button is enabled if the player has a fracture
    * [FIXED] Players switched to non-player skins (by hackers) sync to database (updates no longer saved for objects non-authorized skins)
    * [NEW] Players spawning in debug area or "water world" will spawn on beach on next login (with their gear)
    * [NEW] Client will automatically spawn player out of debug and waterworld to last known position
    * [NEW] Radar removed from helicopter (UH1H will be added back to vehicle spawns)
  4. I found the problem in my install after I applied the latest patch 1.62. The new patch uses a security measure to prevent DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) from executing code on your computer. They go into great detail on the wiki and in short could allow an attacker FULL access to you computer.


    In my case, ACRE has a dll called dsound.dll . This was causing my game client to crash when loading. To solve the problem I located the file in my Arma2 OA directory and renamed it dsound.dll_bak . This fixed my client crash issues and I was able to play again.

    I am not saying that ACRE is hacking. Only that it is not compatable with the new security measures. I am sure ACRE will get updated again one of these days.

  5. Today?s players: Pig, saxapwn6romeo, Renainn, , and PITN.

    Server(s): DE 378

    Operation RoadRunner (Weapon collecting)

    Joined the game to find everyone giddy about scoring some vehicles. A 4x4 pickup, a Lada, and an ATV. There was also a report of a repairable helo but we were unable to locate it. We lost the pickup due to a server reset but everything else was secured. Renainn and sax headed to the eastern airfield on the ATV for fuel and weapons. Pig searched for his helo and I sat in camp talking shit. Renainn and sax moved on to a store and secured some suppies while me and pig devised our next OP.

    We decided to raid the NW airfield. Renainn and sax would approach from the East while myself and PIG came in from the west to provide overwatch. Renainn and sax found a crashed helo enroute to the barracks and looted that for all it was worth. PIG and me refueled our vehicle and 500m from the airfield we saw a dead zombie. This was an indicator of a player nearby. We turned around in our noisy Lada and booked it out of there. The airfield raid was called off. Meanwhile the helo looting continued.

    Hearing all the traffic and unavailable space issues we drove around the airfield to meet up with team 2. Along the way we discovered an ATV in need of repair. It needs 2x wheels, an engine and fuel. We applied some scrap metal and left it for another day. After meeting up with team 2 we secured the crash site and secured what we could. Some weapons were lost to the netherworld. Oh well.

    We decided that luck was on our side and we set course for the barracks. Team 2 would provide overwatch while PIG and me secured the loot. We managed to get an M4A1 and a SVD. AS we pulled out we started taking fire point blank on the drivers side. I was driving btw. Thinking that sax was shooting the zombies ahead of us I sat there asking on comms we they were shooting the car. We quickly decided that it was a player and I floored it while he was popping away. I was glad this dude was a bad shot. Team 2 engaged the target and he quickly Alt-f4'd into the abyss and was still alive.

    We ran down and then returned to the scene of the carnage. Checking the player list we saw ten dudes trying to join including the biatch. Great. Not only was this guy a punk ass biatch but he called his clan on us. Not wanting to get ghosted by the exploiters we performed a tactical withdraw. Team 2 egressed East and we headed south.

    Not more than a kilometer south of the airfield we see another crashed helo. SCORE! PIG jumped out on overwatch while I drove the the crashsite. PIG was killed most of the Z's with his trusty M249. I mopped up and secured a FN-FAL and a Bizon SD. Awesome! We loaded up and hauled ass to camp.

    We had a good run today. Hopefully soon the Alt-F4 exploit will be fixed and we can actually kill of those server hoppin' biatches.

    Standing orders:
    If you just washed up on the beach you are instructed to arm yourself with at least a melee weapon and secure medical gear BEFORE you move inland to the AO.

    Good hunting.

    Note: Everyone please update your status.

      Last known weapon status:
      • M16 M203/G17

      • M249

      Dave (hiding under his blanket with his NVGs)
      • ?

      • M4A1 CCO SD/?

      • L85 AWS/?

      • M16?

      We are currently near Devil's Castle

      Current loot request.

      JEEPS and 4x4s
      Intel on any HELICOPTER. Even repairable ones.

      Latest INTEL:
      Crashed Helo 2+ and looted.

      Advanced belt gear such as:
      Entrenching Tool

      All 9mm including SD (I'm desperate)
      .45 Revolver or M1911. This ammo can be converted.

      Any sniper rifle +ammo.
      SD weapons +ammo
      Scoped assault rifles. PSO/ACOG
      M203 rifles

      Tomorrow's mission (optional).

      Operation Polaris:
      We have located an ATV and we intend make it our prize. The vehicle is 95% damaged and requires multiple parts.
      You are not to mount the vehicle until the parts have been applied. Especially the engine. Doing this before the vehicle is repaired may cause it to glitch out and explode. Try to get it green before moving it.

      You are ordered to secure 2x wheels, engine parts, fuel tank parts, and fuel.
      After securing the gear, move to the last known location of the ATV. (Contact PIG for info)
      This mission requires, at a minumum, two men with empty backpacks and a TOOLBOX.
      I recommend using the working ATV.
      Berizino has a large industrial area and you should be able to secure the necessary gear in one trip.

      PIG-FARMER is the POC (Point Of Contact) for this mission.

      Good hunting.

      Gear intel: This gear takes up _x number of slots each.
      One wheel = 6 slots.
      Engine parts = 4 slots.
      Fuel tank parts = 4 slots.
      Fuel can = 3 slots.
    • SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

      Well, I guess the new patch is out already, that was very fast.

      I wonder if we can install over the RC? Instead of reverting?

      No. Dwarden has already stated thet the RC's cannot be patched and that you should back up your game installation before trying them.

      For those of you that installed without having a backup I feel for you. I have 1.62 RC#2 but I backed up my arma directory beforehand. I will patch later tonight but I plan on keeping this RC so I can start messing around with the new ACR units.

      FYI the latest 1.62 RC#3 and the new official 1.62 patch do not have these ACR units or ACR maps.
    • Instead of a multi boot OS just copy the game file folder Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead.

      Rename the original folder to reflect unpatched. Rename the new folder to reflect the correct folder name.

      Run the beta patch and play.

      When you want to go back to the normal game just swap folder names. Of course name the patched version to reflect that the beta has been applied.

      You may also have to do this with your profile directory aswell.

      I've done this already and It works.

      You could even write a batch file to do this quickly.
    • Weapon Damage Values.

      Source http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/we3e9/weapon_information_chart/

      Zombies have 4000 health. (blue bar in image)
      Players have 12000 health. (red bar in image)

      Melee Weapons
      • Crowbar:
        Damage: 1388.75
        Audible range: 2.2m
        Slot: Primary / Tool
        Fire modes: Single

      • Hatchet:
        Damage: 4499.55
        Audible range: 2.2m
        Slot: Primary / Tool
        Fire modes: Single

      • M9 SD:
        Damage: 1388.75>
        Audible range: 0.1m
        Slot: Sidearm
        Extras: Silenced
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: M9SD Mag.

      • PDW:
        Damage: 1388.75
        Audible range: 52.8m
        Slot: Sidearm
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: PDW Mag., MP5 Mag., MP5SD Mag, G17 Mag, M9 Mag, M9SD Mag

      • M9
        Damage: 1388.75
        Audible range: 52.8m
        Slot: Sidearm
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: M9 Mag, M9SD Mag.

      • G17
        Damage: 1388.75
        Audible range: 52.8m
        Slot: Sidearm
        Extras: Flashlight
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: G17 Mag, M9 Mag, M9SD Mag.

      • Makarov PM
        Damage: 1999.8
        Audible range: 52.8m
        Slot: Sidearm
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: Makarov Mag.

      • Revolver
        Damage: 4499.55
        Audible range: 59.4m
        Slot: Sidearm
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: .45 ACP

      • M1911
        Damage: 4499.55
        Audible range: 59.4m
        Slot: Sidearm
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: M1911 Mag.

      • Winchester 1866
        Damage: 4499.55
        Audible range: 125m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: 15Rnd. 1866 Slugs

      • Double-barreled Shotgun
        Damage: 6721.55Slugs / 1999.8Pellets
        Audible range: 90m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: 2Rnd. Slugs, 2Rnd. Pellets

      • M1014
        Damage: 6721.55Slugs / 1999.8Pellets
        Audible range: 90m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: 8Rnd. Slugs, 8Rnd. Pellets

      • Remington 870
        Damage: 6721.55Slugs / 1999.8Pellets
        Audible range: 90m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Flashlight
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: 8Rnd. Slugs, 8Rnd. Pellets

      >>Submachine Guns
      • MP5A5
        Damage: 1388.75
        Audible range: 52.8m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Burst, Full auto
        Magazines: MP5 Mag., MP5SD Mag., PDW Mag., G17 Mag., M9SD Mag.

      • MP5SD6
        Damage: 1388.75
        Audible range: 0.1m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Silenced
        Fire modes: Single, Burst, Full auto
        Magazines: MP5SD Mag., M9SD Mag.

      • Bizon PP-19 SD
        Damage: 1388.75
        Audible range: 0.1m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Silenced
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: Bizon SD Mag.

      >>Assault Rifles
      • AK-74
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 30Rnd. AK

      • AKM
        Damage: 4499.55
        Audible range: 149.4m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: AKM Mag.

      • AKS-74 Kobra
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Kobra sight
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 30Rnd. AK

      • AKS-74U
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 30Rnd. AK

      • FN FAL
        Damage: 7999.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Burst
        Magazines: FN FAL Mag.

      • FN FAL AN/PVS-4
        Damage: 7999.5
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: NV scope
        Fire modes: Single, Burst
        Magazines: FN FAL Mag.

      • L85A2 AWS
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Thermal scope
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD

      • Lee Enfield
        Damage: 12498.75
        Audible range: 234m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: Lee Enfield Mag.

      • M16A2
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Burst
        Magazines: 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD

      • M16A2 M203
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: M203 launcher
        Fire modes: Single, Burst
        Magazines: 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD
        M203 Magazines: M203 HE, M203 Smoke, M203 Flare White, M203 Flare Green

      • M16A4 ACOG
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: ACOG scope
        Fire modes: Single, Burst
        Magazines: 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD

      • M4A1
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD

      • M4A1 Camo SD
        Damage: 2721.95
        Audible range: 0.35m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Aimpoint sight, Silenced
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto

      • M4A1 CCO
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary Extras: Aimpoint sight
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD

      • M4A1 Holo
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Holographic scope, M203 launcher
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD
        M203 Magazines: M203 HE, M203 Smoke, M203 Flare White, M203 Flare Green

      • M4A3 CCO
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 80m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Aimpoint sight, Flashlight
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD

      >>Sniper Rifles
      • AS50
        Damage: 37551.80M107-magazine / 174204.80AS50-magazine
        Audible range: 455.4m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Scope
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: 10Rnd. M107, 5Rnd 12.7x99mm NATO

      • M107
        Damage: 37551.80
        Audible range: 455.4m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Scope
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: 10Rnd. M107

      • SVD Camo
        Damage: 7999.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Scope, Camo
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: SVD Dragunov Mag.

      • DMR
        Damage: 7999.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Scope
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: DMR Mag.

      • M24
        Damage: 7999.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Scope
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: 5Rnd. M24

      • CZ550
        Damage: 7999.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Scope
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: CZ550 Mag.

      • M14 AIM
        Damage: 7999.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Aimpoint sight
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: DMR Mag.

      >>Light Machine Guns
      • M249 SAW
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 200Rnd. M249 Belt, 30Rnd. STANAG, 30Rnd. STANAG SD

      • M240
        Damage: 7999.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single, Full auto
        Magazines: 100Rnd. M240

      • Mk 48 Mod 0
        Damage: 7999.2
        Audible range: 180m
        Slot: Primary
        Extras: Aimpoint sight
        Fire modes: Full auto
        Magazines: 100Rnd. M240

      • Compound Crossbow
        Damage: 3555.2
        Audible range: 3.3m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: Steel Bolt

      • M136 Launcher
        Damage: 6234098.75 Audible range: 160m
        Slot: Primary
        Fire modes: Single
        Magazines: M136

      • M203 HE
        Damage: 7999.2
        Rounds: 1
        Slot: Sidearm ammo
        Used in: M16A2 M203, M4A1 Holo

    • The DAY Z patch 1.7.2 has been released but there are a few unintentional bugs. Some of these bugs will cause you to lose gear, die, or spawn in strange places. Play at your own risk.

      • The L85 AWS was removed from the game unintentionally.

      • If you have a character with camo or attempt to switch camo skins results in death/teleportation.

      New features include zombies that can run indoors and uphill faster than you can.
      Disconnecting may not save you from the Z's anymore. Unconfirmed.

      If you have good gear you may want to wait for a hotfix. If your on a new character you might want to test it out and report back to us on how it all works out.

      Good luck.

    • Today?s players: Pig, Pass, Renain, Dave, and Lamorak.

      Server(s): ??, FR 75

      Operation Pinnacle (Rescue the Wounded - Lazlo)

      We had two wounded soldiers that have been down for several days. Latest intel suggests that one of the soldiers (PASS) has been rescued by PigFarmer. Further reports suggest that between them they now have plenty of medical supplies. However, we have lost contact with Lazlo and are awaiting further communication.

      Dave secured a FN-FAL and medical supplies. His last check in was near Vybor. Dave and myself are near Lazlo's last pos and are continuing the search. Dave believes that he can raid a hospital and return overnight. Good luck, Dave.

      We have had no contact with Lazlo as of the 4th of July. I plan to wait nearby until I have located him, he has been rescued by another member, or he is declared MIA/KIA.

      The primary mission is to complete Operation Pinnacle and rescue Lazlo. You are to distribute medical supplies amongst yourselves to increase the chance of success within the shortest time frame. The secondary mission is to gather equipment and Tier 1 gear to attain 100% survival readiness.

      If you just washed up on the beach you are instructed to arm yourself with at least a melee weapon and secure medical gear BEFORE you move inland to the AO.

      Good hunting.

      Note: Everyone please update your status.

        Last known weapon status:
        PITN (A girl)
        • DMR/M9sd

        • Unkown

        Castor +camo (extended vacation)
        • M14 aim/M9sd

        • Win-1866/M1911

        • L85 AWS/Revolver

        • FN-FAL/Mak

        poffadder (Ghulle suit +spare camo)
        • FN-FAL/G17

        • New Spawn

        • Enfield/Mak

        We are currently near Devil's Castle

        Current loot request.

        JEEPS and 4x4s
        Intel on any HELICOPTER. Even repairable ones.

        Latest IINTEL:
        Crashed Helo. FR75 @ 049063

        Advanced belt gear such as:
        Entrenching Tool

        All 9mm including SD (I'm desperate)
        .45 Revolver or M1911. This ammo can be converted.

        Any sniper rifle +ammo.
        SD weapons +ammo
        Scoped assault rifles. PSO/ACOG
        M203 rifles
      • Create New...

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