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Posts posted by PITN

  1. Both starting hanging around the server around the same time.

    In the video I see deathmatching and intentional teamkilling. However, Versus could have avoided M. yet instead chose to be within range of his weapons.

    Both may get a ban. If you see them let them know that I'll be watching. Any more DMing will result in a ban for BOTH!

    I have both of these guys guids but I am reserving judgment. In the future I need the guid of the actual offenders. This way I can ban the offender and not an imposter slandering someones name.
  2. ===================================

    This page is obsolete! For up-to-date rules, please visit
    the VG wiki rules page(s) instead.




    EDIT Spring/Summer 2021:  the following information is archive material and not necessarily active policy - visit VG Wiki link above for current rules for each server:

    General Rules

    The following will result in a kick or temporary ban.
    -Excessive teamkilling.
    -Disruptive play.
    -Deathmatching or dueling. i.e. Harrassing each other, tit for tat, etc.
    -Not following an Admins instructions or arguing with said Admin.

    *If an Admin declares that you are 'grounded' DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FLY AGAIN UNTIL PROPERLY TRAINED.

    The following will result in a permanent ban.
    -Cheating or executing any outside script that interfers with gameplay.
    -Intentional teamkilling.
    -Griefing. Behaviour with the intent to disrupt the play of others.

    =VG= Insurgency and Liberation

    The following will result in a kick or temporary ban.
    --Stealing another squads asset.
    --Using Artillery or CAS without a Forward Observer. (teamkilling / griefing)
    --Pilots showing poor judgement.
    ---Hovering over the AO or players in a helo.
    ---Multiple crashes while flying over other players or assets.

    *If an Admin declares that you are 'grounded' DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FLY AGAIN UNTIL PROPERLY TRAINED.



    =VG= Clafghan

    The following will result in a kick or temporary ban.
    --Stealing another squads asset.
    --Using CAS without a Forward Air Controller.
    --RAMBO with CAS.
    --Using Artillery without a Forward Observer.
    --Failure to play as a team. i.e. Solo/sniper medics or engineers.

    *If an Admin declares that you are 'grounded' DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FLY AGAIN UNTIL PROPERLY TRAINED.


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