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VG Clan Alumni
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Posts posted by PITN

  1. Start from scratch.
    Format reinstall.
    Basics software. DO NOT VISIT ANY WEBSITES!
    Get a clean restore point and make an image of this install or a back up on a seperate disk.

    BSOD are sever hardware or driver failures. Could be a bad hard drive or memory etc. Good luck.

    Finding gremlins like this is time consuming sometimes.
  2. LTB, the Mk48 is spawned with the Delta Force soldiers in my 0.76 edit.

    Simply put, if you are not a Delta you won't get it. There is also a silenced TWS that spawns. Same deal, it is not in the ammo box. !winker

    In ACR the MAAWS is a soldier spawn item only. So if you play with your kit you lose your AT capability. This was due to an ammo bug problem I couldn't solve.

    I may do an SF only version. Expect kits to be extremely restrictive though. It will be an ELITE player types only kind of deal.

    I have alot of crazy ideas but I am not sure which one I will do first. You'll just have to wait and see. !cheers
  3. We need to know the maps that you are playing. Zargabad may be the troubled one.

    Let's try a format.

    # of players:
    Server FPS:
    AI Units:
    Known Paramters-
    Civilians: ON/OFF
    AI Chopper: ON/OFF

    It may be easier for people to take a screenshot of the server stats and just fill in the rest by hand.
  4. Seems to run okay on Takistan so far. Zargabad lags like crazy when you get into the city. We need members to play zargabad and take notes. Try with and without AI. With and without AI CAS. etc.

    But when it starts lagging just go ahead and restart the mission. You will notice when it gets real bad. You or others will complain of freezing in place and being annoyed as hell.

    But without feedback it can't be fixed, so....
  5. Fireballs latest release is here.

    Ambient civilian population! With traffic.
    Suicide bombers. Yes, they go boom.
    IEDs. Haven't seen any as of yet.
    Some PMC weapons added.
    Six main vehicles instead of four.
    AI controlled A10 support.

    Come check it out!
  6. You will need a scsi boot disk if you want to use the raid. Try the raid controllers manufacturer or the motherboard manufacturer.

    As for dual boot. Another option is a hot swap HDD bay. This way you can have one large XP drive with everything related to XP and XP installed programs on it. Keep your shit COMPLETELY seperate from win7 all together.
  7. It may not be that far fetched.



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