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VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by PITN

  1. it is not just RGO Frag Grenades. It also as crashed when you use smoke grenades. I think has more to do with the 'throw' command/ability than the item itself. Could test a fix by removing all thowables from the mission.
  2. I'd leave the hint alone. it's good tool and hints are used for other things. The mod for the GPS is what needs to move.
  3. Nice work. Good pop and teamwork today. Suggestions: -Keep the SEALS. It is very easy to switch gear so there is no need to remove them. Plus ppl like to swim sometimes. Example. I spawned as a regular soldier and a seal and saved these defaults in my loadouts. Now i can quickly switch at the VAS. Another option would be to have default loadouts (in addition to custom) for special abilities. SEALS, Medic, AT, Civilian etc. -More water objectives. -AI seems sparse but super accurate if u do find one. -Need some civ vehicles scattered about so we can steal them. -Remove explosives placed at base with warning of who placed it. Current grief is to mine the helo pad. -Add repair kits to every vehicle and helo inventory -if respawned the grenades no longer work. This can be fixed by LOADING a saved gear at the VAS. This bug has to do with remove all equipement. If the VAS fixes this then they may have figured out a workaround. -Helo refuel at spawn point or have some other way of recovering a helo that is empty fuel or damaged at start. -One of the big griefs atm is to destroy everything at start with explosives or CAS. Need a trigger to check, clean up, and respawn the base or vehicles. thers more but I would be here all day..... and i forget.
  4. I was the secondary pilot for this mission. Overall I think the mission was a success and there were also some missteps. I would like to share some observations and feedback based on gameplay and this AAR. Load-outs. The load-outs worked great. They just need some tweaking. The Demolition/Engineer should be added. Empty backpacks are nice but I prefer to have everything filled. Players can clear their pack or just drop it and grab an empty one. Radios. All vehicles need radios pre-installed. Radio comms need to be clearer. Codes are great but plain English is preferred when under stress. Command net or 117/119 traffic should be for platoon to platoon or platoon to HQ or support (aircraft/artillery). ie. CMD ? 1, Firesupport ? 2, CAS ? 3, MEDEVAC/TRANS ? 4. The 148's should be on the same channel for that platoon. The 343 should be on one channel per squad. Fireteams communicate in direct or 343 even if there are 12 people on that net. There was some unnecessary comms and I was guilty of it myself. If your using the radio then say, ?THIER CALLSIGN?, YOUR CALLSIGN? and wait 5-10 seconds for a response before you try again. Make sure when you press the transmit button that you count to three before speaking. Support slots. Even if there are a set number of people signed up there needs to be extra slots available for interested players. These slots can be in pairs or as individuals. Depending on the number of extras you can add support attachments and assign them a squad. If there are enough you could even make a new squad/platoon. Pilots. The Pilots had no role for this type of mission. While supply runs would exist for a pilot no player wants to drop off a some ammo once in three hours. Simple support roles like ammo/supply drops can be accomplished with the Logistics module. We could have been utilized better as an attachment to the platoon in a supporting infantry role. The first helo was lost to an extremely accurate RPG and the second was lost due to a lift script bug. It took us 45 minutes before we could attempt the recovery of the helo when it could have been recovered in ten minutes with the Logistics module. The Logistics module would have also solved the satchel dilemma. Vehicles. All vehicles should be pre-loaded with gear necessary for a patrol. This includes radios, ammo, explosives(C4/ LAT/HAT/etc.) and medical supplies. Vehicle formations. The herringbone. This is used for extended stops along a column and it isn't usually called. You just tell the column to stop and they assume the correct posture. Unless you practice these formations they will always be a clusterfuck. They also do not translate well into online games. You would be better off modifying it slightly by just working on fields of fire and sector responsibility. Other helpful formations are Wedge, Vee, Echelon left and Echelon right. Formations and movement. While watching the drama unfold overhead I could see some squads in excellent formation. These guys were on the line and I could clearly see the fireteams and who the leaders were. Textbook. But others just seems to run into the fray without and type of cohesion or safety. They might has well been a mob running down the street. This can only be fixed with regular drilling or practice sessions. Squads and units. Let each squad be responsible for their vehicles. The squad leader can drive or assign his own. The vehicles radios should be on the platoon net. MRAP(119) to the SL(148) The SL has his RTO to talk to CMD if he has to. Practicing formations. You do not have to be online to practice formations. Formations used by infantry are almost identical to vehicles and BIS did a good job on recreating this. Load up a game in the editor and fill out a 4,8 or 12 man squad and command them into various formations. DO NOT do this in MSO or with ACE. These mods screw up the AI. When you are commanding these AI try different formations, awareness and stances. If you pay attention you will see the AI cover there own sectors and provide pretty good 360 degree security. You do need to have regular drills with other players to get that squad cohesion though.
  5. PITN

    MSO Loadouts

    Change request: Replace MAAWS with AT4 or AT4 CS Or any LAT with open sights compatable with NVG. During night missions the scope on the MAAWS/SMAW are not NVG capable. It is possible to have a grenadier fire a flare to illumninate the area and then you can fire but this requires some teamwork. If the MAAWS remains then ensure that flares are in the grenadier kit.
  6. PITN

    MSO Loadouts

    The loadouts are for setting a kit STANDARD to reduce time playing in the boxes. I think of it as your standard battle issue kit or battle rattle. I recommended this awhile back and I am ecstatic that we now have a quick loadout kit. Now we just need to finalize the basic kits to get them inlne with platoon ops. While Mk17's would be nice I would prefer that during serious ops that everyone is on the same page and not pulling their favorite weapon. After the the M4 loadout script has been finalized we can consider a second battle rattle array. Say with the SIGs or Mk17's. But for the moment let us stay focused on the M4 loadout system and tweak it to cover a normal infantry platoon. 4-6 man command team. Plt Leader - Lieutenant Plt Sgt Medic Radio (RTO) FO (The FO and FO RTO can be an attachment) FO RTO Two 9-10 man squads of two fireteams. StaffSgt Medic (I added the squad medic. Normally there is only one medic in a platoon.) Sgt/Cpl G AR LAT Sgt/Cpl G AR Rifleman/Rifleman LAT/DMR (only one DMR in a platoon.) One 9-10 man Weapons squad. StaffSgt Medic Sgt/Cpl G AR LAT Sgt/Cpl G AR LAT MG attachment to the Plt Leader MG AMG MG AMG HAT atachment Javelin Assistant Jav Javelin Assistant Jav Sniper attachment Sniper Spotter Mortar Attachment Mortar Base Plate Ammo/Rifleman Ammo/Rifleman Source US Army FM 7-8 Edit: I was looking at the attachments for gameplay purposes and instead of naming the attachments in the mission.sqm HMG/SNiper/Etc. just make 2 man teams called Attachments with their own callsigns. Then the Plt leader can have an attachment quickly change from MG to HAT without disconnect/reconnect etc. Say Ryder was an attachment the PltLeader would tell Ryder to equip his/her team for HAT or equip the team for HMG, or even Enginneer. In the event that two 2-man teams need to join to make a 4-man team then the senior or designated NCO is in charge.
  7. 5.56 = Firepower = Assault Rifle = A shit load of bullets heading your way. 7.62 = Heavy firepower = Battle Rifle = Reach out and touch someone with the hand of death. Look up Assault rifle vs. Battle Rifle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_rifle
  8. Jager LAN_WROTE ... AKM LAN_WROTE ... Real "sniper" ? Since AI don't care about camos or ghilies just pack M107 in the back of MRAP and switch to it when you really need it. Rest of the time you can 'work' as part of the fireteam. That's all. Same for M240 or heavy AT, for example. Agreed, we've done some pretty successful recon missions in that manner. We carried our most basic gear needed ( prim / sec weapons, mags, meds gear, other gear ) then a ruck with a lot more, easy enough to remove if one needs speed. If we need something to take out a special target its in the truck, that however requires one to keep your vehicle safe and not put it in harms way. The pilot SMG was just to give them a fighting chance. An m4 would work fine. I just thought it would be kewl with a mp7 or a SBR (short barreled rifle). The sniper idea I was a little more seriuos about. A marksman is a squad level asset and should be engaging targets up to 800m. A sniper is a platoon/company asset and should be engaging targets up to 1.5km and run autonamously. Being a Sniper/Spotter also requires certain skills and teamwork. Anyone can grab a M107 and start laying down fire but that's not a snipers role. Frankly it is a very boring job but the most crucial. A grunt thats just popping off rounds is hindering more than helping. Just think of the Sniper as an attachment to the platoon. It's there if you need that role to be filled. The same goes for the Heavy MG role. Some people believe that is serves no purpose. It serves a very specific purpose in fact. A MG is a HEAVY support fire tool. An AR/LMG is for volumn support fire. They both have there uses. I just did some testing in the editor. I destroyed an enemy SPG9 truck with just under one mag of ammo from the M249 (200rd) and M240 (100rd). The M240 does this in half the time of the M249. The IAR took 120+ rounds of ammo (2-4 reloads) to turn it black but not on fire. So you can see MG>LMG>IAR. It is up to the platoon/squad leader to designate which tools to implement to complete the mission. You can even take it a step further. Where the HAT is an attachment team to a platoon where the LAT is more of a squad role.
  9. Calv =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Sounds like any items provided via the Logistics system get wiped then. So a FoB would likely remain if built with the items at base. What I was pointing out was that the database was recording the vehicles spawned via logistics and not everything else. So how does the database remember the vehicles? Can that be implemented for the other items like walls and crates? Also I was looking for a PDW for the pilots and the smallest one with decent punch was the KAC PDW. My second choice was the 516 with 10 inch barrel. HK516-D10RS. Whats nice about the 516 is that is uses STANAG ammo and not special stuff. Good luck surviving with just a pistol though. LOL As for the Designated Marksman I recommend the M110 variants for now. M110, M110 NV Scope, and M110 SD. Just leave out the TWS.
  10. Calv =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Grenadier - I assumed that anyone inside a team could take that role and just slap the M203 attachment on, but now I think about it I have a feeling the attachments are optics only, so yeah could do with that loadout adding. Assistant roles - AR/MG guys can carry 700-1000 rounds on their own, and their team can always pick up spare ammo manually, or load it into a vehicle if desired. AT Asst - Similar to above, if a team is taking the AT specialist, it's down to the FTL to get the grunt to swap his M136 for spare MAAWS rockets, or again load some in a vehicle. MG - Never really felt that it is worth the extra weight and all the downsides that brings. M27 is generally enough for basic suppressive fire with the M249 for when more is needed. May be worth chucking the M240 into the crate though in case a team desperately wants it. DM - Considered doing this loadout, couldn't decide on a rifle though. Was leaning towards the mk12 rather than the DMR though. Wasn't aware the DMR could be used with NV.. The assistants are just rifleman (grunts) carrying extra ammo for your heavy weapons like the LMG and LAT/HAT. This also fosters the battle buddy system (soldiers in pairs). You can't always run back to your truck/crate when shit hits the fan. I suggest this because I would like to ween you guys from the crate. Players waste too much time searching crates for gear as it is. A LRRP can last days with no access to support so a squad or platoon needs to be self suffecient so it can outlast a sustained engagement. The DMR is from ARMA 2 Vanilla and is NVG compatable and it actually requires more skill to use at range than the Mk17 SSR. Note: I just tested the ACE M14 DMR and it IS NOT nvg compatable. The only weapon that fits the DM role I see that has both is the M110 but the Attach script needs to add the NVG/non-NVG so it can switch. MG is considered a platoon attachment. For when you need that extra punch/range over the LMG. Not really needed though as everyone should be using similair weapons/ammo for consistancy. NOTE: I just noticed that the ammo crates I called using Logistics did not survive the restart aswell.
  11. Yes. Just checked my work and my walls are gone. ;( So no persistant bases atm. I was looking through the pre-defined weapons bag. -Add the Grenadier or make the FTL the grenadier. -Add Assistant Automatic Rifleman (grunt w/backpack of m249 ammo.) -Add Assitance Anti-Tank Rifleman (Extra MAAWS ammo) -Add Machine Gunner and Assistant MG. Heavy MG (.308 weapon like the Mk48 or M240) -Change Sniper to Designated Marksman. Change weapon to DMR since this will work with NVGs. If your going to have a Sniper/Spotter class then this should be a 2 man attachment team that can be assigned to the platoon. Pre-Defined kits with the tools they need but they should have free reign on the weapons platform. Maybe their own bag to pull from. Example, you have a 2 man engineer team attachment now just add a 2-man sniper/spotter team with ghullie suits to the mission.sqm. EDIT: I flew around and all of my bases that I used the logistic module to spawn defenses are gone. However, all vehicles that i spawned using Logistics Airlift (aircraft/MTVRs) are still there. So the database seems to be recording some items.
  12. I observed no fps degregation due to multiple logistic AI spawns. I think you're more likely to see it if you have too many towns activated. Id did not know that each item needed a database name. Mayeb have the server create a name based on location, random counter, etc. Has the server been restarted since I've built those FO's? I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. There needs to ba a balance between reality and fantasy. Some of us can"t spend and hour driving to the AO, pick a fight, and then drive back to get more bullets. Having only one base is a huge logistics issue and makes your LOC (line of communication) too long. It prevents you from maintaining an engagement and reduces battlefield tempo. Having smaller bases (FO's and OP's) placed between poulation centers help maintain contact with the populace and allow you to project your power quickly. Oh, and have the AI counter attack and capture the FO''s. If player in radius FO then randomly attack FO etc.
  13. Would still like a FO or OP in a box. A connex filled with everything to set up a Checkpoint, Observation Post, or small Forward Outpost. Add warfare buildings etc. Right now it takes upwards of 40 large walls to build a small FO. Add the bunkers, towers, and crates and you get an idea of the logistics problem. An example would be enough goodies for four walls, bunkers, Ammo crates, MG guns, Dragon Teeth, elevated positons, and matierials for hull down/up scenarios. What gave me the idea. Check out the video on that page. http://www.hesco.com/prod_raid.asp
  14. MSO ideas/bugs etc. Server FPS was 49 when i joined and 45 by the time I left. My goal was to tax it with AI. Some lag client side in busy enviornments but server fps never dropped below 45. -Supply convoys are not working atm .The lead or escort vehicle spawns but the convoy does not. -Supply helo (landing) sometimes can't find a helipad and will abort. Need to create a helipad on map click? -Even with AI bringing me building materials it takes me hours to complete a small fob. Zzzzzzzzz. -Logistics GPS drop gets lost or off course. Can be 500m+ off sometimes. -Logistics ammo crate via GPS drop places the ammo crates in a net crate (awesome). If you use the standard drop it scatters ammo crates along the flight path. Not awesome. -Can we have the addaction for weapons attachemnts placed on the soldiers ace menu or attached to the soldier itself? Reason being I spawn with night vision m4 and I can't turn it off until I return to the crate and select a new weapon and reselect the nv m4. Then I'm good to go until next respawn/reconnect. The other reason is I can go SD in the field and not have to RTB to refit. Bug, somehow the lift script was making the vehicles fly throught he helo on drop. This resulted in the loss of several MTVR' 's from main base. The Chinnoks lost were Logistic spawns. The lift script worked fine the other day so it must be breaking during the game or maybe someone knows how to recreate the bug? I'm sure there is more but I can't remember atm.
  15. Here a link for a DayZ script to make defensive structures. But the cool thing is that it lists the classnames and images of those structures! http://aaquacks.com/forum/index.php/topic/2924-build-recipes/
  16. FYI it took 2 hours to build a crappy FO on Altair mountain this morning. With one guy calling in deployabales and my 2 trips to base I managed to secure all of the largest base items and these still were not enough to build a decent FO. Part of the probem was the size of the container and the size of the materials. The largest walls and bunkers currently at base are all the medium size stuff. Arma has much larger buildings and longer walls available. I also discovered that the container holds 110 units but the truck holds 110 units. So there was no benifit to the container and I realized I wasted my time with one. Recommendations: Containers need to hold double or triple what a MTVR can hold. MTVR should carry two containers or it can remain as one. Container should be AIRLIFT capable and two can be joined together as a pair for a lift. Pre-Filled containers with enough items to make a small defensable FO. Just use more to make it larger. Speciallized pre-filled that contain specific base kit. FARP, Radar, Comms, Veh Checkpoints, etc.
  17. Video 14:49 minutes. Highlights: Main Menu and Configuration Clothing System (pockets) Enterable buildings (interiors) Marshland Island of Utes Loot spawn changes New Static Wrecks
  18. A little youtube flick for Dayz fans. It is about 9 minutes long. Make sure you see Corridor Digitals other flick, Tether.
  19. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Might be more appropriate for a Mil-Sim Clan or gaming group....I've been following Poffadder through all hell on earth and would follow him some more. This ain't 7th Cav Just read through the ShacTac Arma 2 Players Guide and you're golden. 7th CAV is an excellent group but they are extremely strict in command structure. I've been there and I've done that and it eventually starts to feels like a second job. That was not what I was suggesting. I said pick a doctorine to use that vocabulary to quickly communicate intent and execute sound tactical movement. But there needs to be training. By completeing drills and repeating the task over and over the unit as a whole will benefit from it. I know that doing something over and over is monotonous and boring. To do well someone has to do the boring parts. i.e. siting on a hill looking at an empty valley, or walking the long and safe way around an objective, or waiting 15 minutes so the assault team can get into a better position. If no one is willing to drill then let the thread die and just continue the status quo. Let's do a test without google. How many of you know how to do these tasks. Just reply with the number you know how to do. Example: I know how to do 5 out of 8 of those tasks. What is Echelon left? What is a sector of fire? What is bounding overwatch? How long do you stand up during movement under fire? How do you cross a road using security? How do set up an ambush? How do you withdraw under fire? How do you do react to contact? How do you break contact? What is suppressive fire?
  20. Leaders can be trained all day but that wont make a good leader. Strict military discipline can backfire aswell. Look at the HMS Bounty. William Bligh was a brilliant man but a fucking prick to those under him. His intelligence allowed him to get out of most of the stupidity he himself created by blaming it on the those under him who were less educated or less eloquent. Of course his superiors decided to promote him even though they were aware of his shortcomings. Freinds close and enemies closer and all that jazz. I still see it happening today. A training regimine based on current military practices needs to be decided and based on current docterine from sources such as the USMC, USA or BAF. Then tweak those techniques to the game enviornment. Once a baseline is established you need to train. Train the most experianced first and work out the kinks. Then break up into smaller groups and train the less experianced. The more you train the better your communication and the less you have to manage your team. Remember, whether a leader is right or wrong your job is complete the mission by his order (unless it is illegal). Since it is a game, the costs to human lives will be temproary and the after action review at the end of the day is the time to bring up the good, bad and ugly. Work the shit out in training or don't work it out at all.
  21. Granted. I banned this GUID for GRIEFING. Specifically, shooting players at the spawn. After carful review of the logs I have reduced the conviction to Teamkilling and the ban is removed for time served. Any future ban will be permanent.
  22. MSO 4.5 has been released. They even have it on the new map Esbekistan. !guitarplayer However, I'd like to give it a shot on one of the boxes for 1-2 weeks. I know we are working on edits and alternatives but I'd like to get some baseline gameplay experiance. Phase 1: I propose a NON-ACE variant such as " mso_32_a2co_coop_baf_usa_vs_tak_ins_gue_4-5.takistan ". -NO personal edits of the mission. -NO ACE/ACRE (for now) -Public (no password) -Persistant DB -1-2 week test. The goal is to understand gameplay and explore the missions viability in public play. Can we attract the casual player to a more seriuos game type? Phase 2: Then conduct a second public test with ACE/ACRE and look at activity and participation. -NO personal edits of the mission. -Public (no password) -Persistant DB -1-2 week test. Phase 3: Ultimately I would like to see a persistant =VG= variant running Clafghan or Esbekistan as ACE/ACRE. -ACE/ACRE -Custom =VG= edit. -Custom map. (Clafghan/Esbekistan) -Public (no password) -Persistant DB (until game crash or BLUFOR win/lose) The most important thing I want to get from this is how popular would this be to a public player. I want to see what kind of activity we can generate. Hence why I want a vanilla, non passworded server.
  23. There are rumors of hijacked Origin accounts. If you have an Origin account (i.e. Battlefield 3, MOH:Warfighter, Mass Effect, SWTOR, etc.) you may want to verify that you account has not been jacked and consider changing your password. Origin accounts being hijacked
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