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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Image Comments posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Awesome tower concept, Double - thanks!

    Haven't got to the walls and towers yet, kept running out of stone, etc. cuz my inventory was only 900 slots -- increased my stockpile storage to 4,800 slots (space for nearly half a million items).  Also went and tamed another 2 Argentavis (Giant Eagle) for a total of four.  Now I can go out for mining and return with over 10,000 items so I can spend more time building and less back-and-forth gathering of the resources.  Largest stone walls cost upwards of 500 stone per wall, so it's still a big endeavor even with structures plus, just less fiddling in inventory menus and chests.

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