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=VG= Speirs

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Speirs

  1. Hey Blud im gonna make a new banner for our site. seems the old one doesnt match with the size. regards Speirs

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. =VG= Speirs

      =VG= Speirs

      here we go, hope u like it. its hard to find some panorama pics :S





    3. =VG= Speirs

      =VG= Speirs

      hey blud, i saw some small details i would like to change. im at work now so i can do this today evening. what u think about the concept? my idea was to keep it simple and clean. also i would like to know if the size matches now (1635x200 pixel). i was trying to download an existing backgroundpicture but ive got only some strange html codes,  so I decided to measure it out.

    4. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      ya I'l post one up in a few


  2. jesus christ! i hope u have no pain and get WELL soon bro!!! !cheerup
  3. Welcome back bro! Hope everything turns out okay. I wish all the best for you and your family!
  4. good job! i guess there is only one guy who can beat ur record - he is a living pr legend and his name is ted!
  5. Looks interesting. Hopefully a new alternative!
  6. Can anyone tell me wich squadron i need to choose to get this "MO 885" Model ingame? My idea was to replace Texture Number 3410 with my custom skin. I don't know how to check it ingame. *** All Textures copyright by H. Renner *** 3410 F-16-Textures located in the folder "Terrdata" (C:\Program Files (x86)\Falcon BMS 4.32\Data\Terrdata\objects\KoreaObj), but be aware there are over 5000 DDS-files. The problem was to find out which are the textures made ??for the F-16. To open them u need this photoshop-plugin https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop. Depending on the version of photoshop you need the 32bit or 64bit tool. After a long search I have found a few. Sry, I don't post them all. It would be too much ;) 3144 3408 3473 3472 Ive made a template. I first cleaned everything with photoshop. A recherche was necessary for the Airforce font http://www.dafont.com/amarillo-usaf.font. Another font i use is "Brush Script" http://www.fontpalace.com/font-details/Brush+Script+Regular/ Originally designed by Robert E. Smith for ATF in 1942. Template "Black Falcons" (my custom skin dedicated to =VG=) I've never tested my custom skin ingame. If someone has the time to test it I would be happy. For those who don't have photoshop or don't know how to deal with it: I'll create custom skins on request as long as it is not too complicated! /pm me for more informations.
  7. I'll take a look at it. May I can help you but will not promise anything. Btw: Here is a tutorial from Kerem Akmil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq-SmZCeb6c Unfortunately, I did not understand a word. I am assuming that the textures are replaced with the existing ones.
  8. Only two servers (ArmA2) are listed up in gametracker. I miss some servers like PR or ArmA3. Can anyone link those Servers with Gametracker again? Cheers
  9. I had to change the plans for Saturday. Unfortunately can't participate (For all europeans: 8pm GMT = 21.00 Uhr CET)
  10. It is a sad end - my condolence. I'm very glad he did not have to suffer! Thank you for the nice words Jamie. I wish you all the power you need. RIP Bottom
  11. I have to install the game first. i'll try to be there.
  12. Wow, fantastic briefing Whiz! Thanks alot. I need a new graphics card. Anyway - Im in. If possible Prophet 2-2 or Wolf.
  13. I've played today and my conclusion is: Awsome! PR is now as it should be. Smooth movement, precise steering, revised maps ... simply well done! Good work Melon and PR-Dev-Team.
  14. voted melon sucks..uhm no i mean ?h voted yes !rose
  15. oh, I'm absolutely sure that the good spears - Lt. Spears - has nothing to do with the story. it's just complicated cause the evil spears has the same name
  16. Sry. I just had to laugh quick - of course tk is not funny! I just would like to say that I have nothing in common with this asshat-teamkiller called "Spears". Unfortunately, my pseudonym is very popular. Apparently the name is used by evil people. Castor has recognized it right. "Speirs" is written with a "ei" (if it is the American hero from the 2nd worldwar). Otherwise we might think that "Britney" has changed the industry. A very disconcerting thought lol. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Speirs
  17. Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ... No way it's our Speirs. !crazy
  18. Howdy Kill Bill thank you that you have opened this thread. Last pm i sent to him was "Friday May 04 2012, 02:29PM". All pm's have not been read - it's a year ago. I do worry for a long time cause I've heard nothing. I really hope that he's OK!
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