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=VG= HaterOneActual

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= HaterOneActual

  1. Attention!!! Gentlemen, I miss my dude . I think about him a lot. I keep up with his son, the actual Vincent James. Crazy Vet was my daily dose of laughter and shenanigans during a time when I was struggling with some shit. Vince and I broke in a ton of fucking noobs and taught them the rules. He was a brilliant Gunnery Sgt. I could always sick him on the grunts when they were fucking up. He was a good man. PTSD is a bitch. If any of you are struggling with PTSD please seek help. I know for a fact myself that there is some relief out there if you look for it. Thank you, Gentlemen. As you were.
  2. I would like to personally thank all of you who facilitate this memorial. And all the guys who show up every year to remember my best friend I've ever had in this community. I want to single out one guy who was Vince's close friend is his own right, GRNANDGLD. Bro, your annual posts get me every time I read them. I really appreciate your efforts to keep this event going for 5 years straight. So thank you!
  3. Hey guys it's past the official day but I have been thinking about my boy a lot lately. I drew this to honor and memorialize his memory.
  4. If you don't know me by now. You will never-ever know me.
  5. I found my tcadmin login so I can do it now but thanks Ted!
  6. Thanks guys! It is pretty dope for a free program. only outputs 480p mp4's though.
  7. Hey guys. I have never been able to donate but I can now so I got us up to $100 of the goal. Only $50 left. Let's get it done!
  8. Shit I was so excited to see the flying off map fix I didn't look at the date.
  9. Hey Guys! Our server needs to be updated to the new game specs. Thanks!
  10. @CHEECHIN516 I don't know. Long enough to burn some bong rips!!!
  11. Server appears fucked and is not in the list.
  12. I remember you, bruh. Who did you tell me to go fuck? My mother? Ban stays!!!
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