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=VG= .Blizzard.

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= .Blizzard.

  1. Testing/Event Saturday! Saturday, 7th of May VETERANS-GAMING | INSURGENCY ACE | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Sign-Up: REQUIRED! PW: ----- secrit ----- I will tell the pw when you join TS ---------------------------------------------------- Time: 2000 HRS -GMT Map: Takistan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRIEF: Welcome back! I know it has been a long time since I`ve updated the ACE INS. mission. Well here we are now. Updated with some cool new stuff (new location, units, spawn protection against stupid civilians trying to enter the base and steal =))) and more). Anyway I won`t talk about it in detail. Aaaand it won`t be an Ins. mission without caches so... OBJECTIVE: Destroy 2 caches! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assets: Transport - UH60M or CH-47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115753805 RULES: Common arma rules! + DO NOT KILL CIVILIANS! ( without planting evidence =))) ) Join the event 1h before to make sure everything works =)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLOTS: Captain: =VG=.Blizzard. Squad 1, Callsign "..." (max 5): *req. Leader: @=VG= I3RY4N medic: @=VG= System E.O.D: @whtz J.T.A.C: @=VG= The_Polish_Guy AR: @Stixon Squad 2, Callsign "..." (max 5): *req. Leader: @=VG= Deathdealer medic: @dogenamite EOD: Grenadier: Marksman: @=VG= GRNANDGLD Squad 3, Callsign "..." (max 5): Squad 4, Callsign "..." (max 5): Trans (max 3): *req. Leader: @=VG= TEDF Gunner: @=VG= keed Gunner: Please fill the required slots.
  2. I AM ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Mission will be updated soon! TBD: - Headless Client. Add Iraqi units and divide Blufor in 2 teams from different factions (half team = US, rest = Iraqi) -> Dropped - Fix the f...ing MONEY SYSTEM for Opfor weapons ! - Change enemy units look to new Project OPFOR units. (add clothing and weapons). Also add vehicles from the same mod (afghan looks or maybe Isis looks, still unclear, please post your favorite). - might drop ACE, cuz ITS A B...TCH - TESSSSSSSSSST the mission with others!
  3. Hi! Welcome! I hope to see you soon in either PR or ARMA. We sometimes do Arma events, so feel free to join us! .Blizz.
  4. I want to welcome @BlackSnake777 to the =VG= DEV squad! Thank you for joining!
  5. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115753805
  6. The sign-up list is closed! Happy hunting and good luck!
  7. Achtung! I changed the day of the event! It will be done this SATURDAY! I am sorry guys for the change!
  8. we can change that. It can be done Saturday. Just let me know if you want to join.
  9. Yeah Pink soldiers . No thank you but I`ll keep that in mind for the next one I promise!
  10. Sign-Up: REQUIRED! Just making sure this was seen! No sign-up no entry :)) ! I can`t open more than 12 slots with 10 min before the event. Just make sure you either sign-up and play or tell me to change the time/ day/ week of the event and then I`ll decide what should be done.
  11. The day can be changed to a different one! Just let me know!
  12. OPERATION: Green Spear Saturday, 20th of November VETERANS-GAMING | INSURGENCY ACE | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time: 2000 HRS -GMT Sign-Up: REQUIRED! Password: muncher Slots: per signed player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map: Utes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRIEF: There is nothing more sweet than war! The players must advance from the western beach to the SE town and wait exfil. The main objective is destroying the planes at the airport and capturing the major outposts. An offensive on the capital of Novorossia, is expected as soon as this diversion starts. The US MARSOC operators are getting ready to depart on this journey as you read. Silent weapons are a must! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assets: NONE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115753805 RULES: Common arma rules! + MUST USE US uniforms! MUST USE SILENCERS ON PRIMARY WEAPONS! FIRST 10 min. after reaching the beach MUST BE STEALTH! Otherwise the mission will be restarted till everything is done correctly. COOPERATION IS A MUST! You will have to cooperate otherwise the mission will end badly! The mission will be a fail if all squads die at the same time. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO OUTSIDE THE COMBAT AREA, AND DON`T EVEN TRY! I WARNED YOU! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLOTS: Captain: =VG=.Blizzard. Alpha (max 8): Leader: Sausag3 Operator: KVSH Demo: Stixon Medic: The_Polish_Guy MG: Batmeme Operator: Whtz Operator: X0R Operator: Ingo Bravo (max 8): Leader: If none it will be =VG= .Blizzard. ... Snipers (only 2 spots): spotter:=VG= TEDF sniper: =VG= System More squads can be added if players want to join! Callsign is up to the leader! Please let me know so I can change
  13. I`ve tested the mission today. It works ok-ish It still needs some polish and well the players to play it :)). Hopefully it will be ok with the few settings set. I hope some of you have the time to spare and play friday.
  14. I was taking every bit of info from last botched event. Now I am 70% done building an event that is only PVE and also a bit simpler. No more asset rush ( flying across the map or driving) nor too much useless walking (++ Fatigue is off, Sway should be on - can be changed, ACE-Medical enabled). I will be posting details soon about the event. For now this week-end is only for testing the demo. We only have a limited number of slots for the mission and the Zeus slot is only for debuging. I won`t be spawning in things unless it is absolutely necessary. Demo testing: Friday ~ 18:00 UTC All are free to join using the password: muncher Mods are here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115753805 Server: VETERANS-GAMING | Insurgency ACE | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM Thank all for joining the last event and I am sorry for the failed mission! I hope this one will turn a bit better! .Blizz.
  15. It can be done, but enforcing TFAR might not be the best idea. I suggest we use the ingame coms which aren`t all that bad (not great either) and after a while see the results. 1 week should be enough.
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