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Everything posted by mectus11

  1. and I came in like a wrecking baaaall! http://mectus11.kissr.com/episodeone.php Took a more "classic" classified file approach.
  2. Recon =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Need 5 volunteers to cast as several roles in my News reports. This will be done separate and prior to the actual event, just need some footage of our soon to come action. What do you mean by that? As in an interview from a soldier and such? Count me in anyway and just send me the details of when you need this to be done.
  3. Mikel =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I have seen many Mikels on the server (including one 'Mikelitoris' which I'm totally claiming). Does this have a point? Teejay is probably afraid that some guy with his name might teamkill and break other rules resulting in the teejay in the pictures getting banned and himself getting banned aswell.
  4. LAT on regular inf please. Would be nice if there is some realism factor in the squads as in your forum rank matters in that squad, a proper working chain of command would be lovely.
  5. Cheesy video haha, love it. so hyped for the event, looks like Karbala and Fallujah West in the shots if I got my maps right.
  6. Aww my trans footage just got uploaded, the link should be in your inbox, it starts slow but around 15mins in it starts getting interesting.
  7. I'll try to get you some footage from the Trans side of it. !grin
  8. Feel free to poke the shit out of us or use the chat function on this forum, I usually keep it open when I'm on my laptop if people need an admin and such. Also Mikel, I know to me the Manual really doesn't cut it to explain how everything works. I'm not going to stand around there and read a wall of text. I was lucky to be able to join up in one of m8's squads when I first joined and basically taught me everything I needed, we need more of that.
  9. I was there and I can confirm that people reported him for asset stealing/asset wasting. Warrant did the right call in my opinion of banning him, this is not a test server where you can do as you please. If Warrant didn't load in before me I would've done the same and issued bans. Also, I think it was Whiskey who came to us on the channel we were on. We have a set of rules that applies to everyone, even admins too.
  10. Forgot totally about this. This was 2 months ago. http://i.imgur.com/UNJx2z8.jpg
  11. Now this is one hell of a guy that deserves to be up there as a VG member! Go m823us!
  12. Great screenshots haha but is it as good as flipping a jeep and a logi truck vertically !grin
  13. Screenshots are not working for me, can you provide links with them? Thanks!
  14. Getting rid of a bunch of twats? Where do I sign up? m823us is right, we all want to contribute to make this a place we can all enjoy. He couldn't have said it any better.
  15. Warrant_Officer LAN_WROTE ... Is that your Nobel steed? RIDE HER INTO BATTLE !mental That sounds so wrong.. God damn it Warrant.
  16. Fucking cat.. She was probably scared of me, don't blame her I'm a big guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmsN2p2RBHE
  17. This game seems really interesting and complicated, it's my kinda game! Is there anyway you can teach me one day man? If you remove the text from the last screenshot, it's really good wallpaper material, great screenshots overall.
  18. mectus11

    My new record

    but can you do it on a cold rainy night in Tad Sae? (if you get the reference you're insta my bff)
  19. Fallujah West seems like a map that doesn't have much tickets aswell.
  20. God damn! I'll definetly try and break that record, nice work you crazy russian beauty ;)
  21. T.E.D.F =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Also, I managed to get myself some extra free time, which means MOAR PR releated events! Realism event? Everyone adresses eachother properly and in their "rank"? Where chain of command exists? Maybe? Please make it happen. I volunteer myself to help write the script/idea for it!
  22. I remember Fastjack talking about him being able to convert insurgency to coop, I would fkin love that. Please make it happpen
  23. Love you Ben and love you Stormhawk for starting this thread. !grin
  24. The Tad Sae change has ruined the map and the spirit it had. Tad Sae used to be the hardest map where you NEEDED good teamwork and a good commander to win it, it's a map where every ticket used to matter. Now it's just too easy and has been ruined. We can easily win the map by only capping south bridge and sitting there with MGs. For me the map is no longer fun, the changes should be reverted for this map in my opinion. It's my favorite map and it's a shame to see it become boring and easy. Also, something else, Ghost Train today has been too easy of a win and you just don't feel the "victory" there. It became just.. Easy? I'm not a fan of the changes on some maps and I think that this should be reverted aswell. Operation Barracuda has been too easy aswell, it has way too many tickets to start with, which made the whole point of swamps being the hardest to cap non-existant and we could just throw bodies in there until we end capping with no problem. Charlie's Point I have mixed feelings about, sometimes it's too easy but then sometimes it's not that easy but it still needs the tickets to be lowered. Other than that, the maps that I've played today like Operation Archer and Ramiel seem fine and I think nothing changed on them? If so that's good because they're balanced.
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