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=VG= PastramiSndwch

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Everything posted by =VG= PastramiSndwch

  1. Best I could tell, the font is called "Bebas". I actually found the original photo the first banner was made from, and erased the old lettering.
  2. I didn't see that you already posted the other one, but here's mine. I even matched the font and everything. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_files/public/1446682412_381_FT39675_bmsbanner_rs2.jpg
  3. I used a CAD program. It's kind of complicated to explain, but basically I drew two parallel wavy lines around a circle, copied and rotated the whole thing like you said, and then trimmed out the intersecting lines in between.
  4. I can't figure out how to draw that cord circle. !wack
  5. Thanks. I just blew it up to 10 times original size and traced the lines as best I could. Then I shrunk it back down.
  6. Here's my attempt. It's a bitmap 377 x 377. I just sharpened it up a bit. What is it? If you don't mind me asking...
  7. I got it. It's not as polished as PR, but it's still pretty fun. It uses a lot of the vanilla BF2 maps, and it runs good on my crummy computer. Here's the thing: There's only one other server worldwide. It's running co-op, but nobody is playing. Plus, it auto-balances the bots between both sides. You guys might want to make an excursion onto that server and try it out before starting anything. A few screens:
  8. I've heard that one before, but a little different. And if I saw that girl, that joke would have been the first thing to pop into my head.
  9. You want specific prizes or general ideas? I say keep doing what you?re doing. The games through Steam and occasional hardware pieces are just fine. Or, you could go back to handing out gift cards. That Leatherman was a good idea too. Maybe more outdoorsy stuff like that. I don?t suppose you can give away knives or ammo though, right?
  10. This sounds pretty cool. I?ll give it a go. Is this just background sound effects, or actual orders the player is expected to understand and follow?
  11. @Headshot: I believe it's the main BF2 directory. Don't delete the installer though, because you need that to enable/disable it. It says it's not compatible with all servers, but I used it on the VG coop server last night, and everything worked OK. No problems with Punkbuster. If anything does happen, just disable it I guess.
  12. That happened to me too. I just hit "continue" and it worked fine.
  13. When I tried playing an arcade game, I got a little pop-up saying: something dummy text here..... I have read, thank's [sic] Cancel It happens twice with each game, and happened on two different games. Is this something new? I've been going nuts trying to get rid of a virus on another computer. Hope I didn't catch something.
  14. I just got it. Actually runs decent on my crummy computer. I still have to go through the tutorials with all of the characters to figure out which one I like best. After that, sure, I'll play.
  15. Took me about 15 minutes to reinstall. This is exactly why I burned it to a DVD. !grin
  16. Nope, don't have skype. Forget it, I'll reinstall PR. No big deal. Lesson learned: NEVER OVERWRITE ANYTHING! !cmdo (Without backing up first)
  17. I'll need it, Blud. "korengal_3" is no good either. Just got kicked again.
  18. I got kicked by the Punkbuster from the regular =VG= PR COOP server for an "MD5 Tool Mismatch" relating to Korengal. Since COOP doesn't use Korengal, I deleted the whole folder. A half an hour or so later, I got kicked again. Don't tell me I have to reinstall the whole frickin' thing.
  19. I used to have problems associated with flash and videos as well (BSOD's, etc). Try updating your video card drivers. Or, roll back to the original drivers. Worked for me.
  20. Here's a few I thought were kinda funny. Hang in there! Someone will be along to assist you shortly. I don't know what this guy is trying to explain to his buddies since, he's dead! His APC blew up around him, but he's still sitting there. This guy flew up about 300 feet in the air and landed on a barbed wire fence. Ouch.
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