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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

    New Computor?

    check out www.cyberpowerpc.com
  2. Hey check out www.cyberpowerpc.com you can get a brand new gaming pc shipped the same day for the price of 2 good gfx cards! Go check it out.
  3. I removed the sub buttons. Someone convinced me to put them there and he never even sub'd. Some people's kids man, I tell you what. Anyway, they're gone.
  4. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... edit: OMG I just realized those were flies!! http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2012/05/30/ottawa-body-parts-investigation-dead-or-alive.html The foot part happened at a building across the street from my work. I've never seen so many cops/swat/hazmat guys in my life!! Saw that....weirdo Canadians.
  5. Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ... man i would really pay every month but the problem is that i'm so young and i don't any mastercard or that stuff. my parents don't have this card either so i really dont know how to support you guys :( but when i'm 18 i could do that monthly :) If you can't donate cash it's ok man we understand. By sharing our content, liking our stuff, following us on Facebook and Twitter, subscribing to us on YouTube are all other ways to show your love! We look for that involvement when considering new members as well so if you have an interest in joining us then it's a great way to show your support and for us to get to know each other better. Anyway, thanks for thinking of us! Blud
  6. Thanks Lamb that was nice of you. I second that!
  7. Falcon 4 BMS Tutorial Going Defensive, Missile + AAA Evasion and Defense Cockpit Orientation
  8. Memorial Day Message By Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, Arlington, VA, Monday, May 25, 2009 (actual holiday 28th) On May 5, 1868, General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, asked that America remember those lost in the Civil War by ?gather[ing] around their sacred remains? to ?garland the passionless mounds?with choicest flowers? and ?raise above them the dear old flag they saved.? Since then, we have set aside one day each year to honor all those who have died in service to our country. Across the United States, military support groups, veterans associations, and patriots mount public tribute to those who served and sacrificed. By honoring our men and women in uniform with events like this, groups such as the American Veterans Center keep alive the memory of those who paid the ultimate price. Some wear a red poppy, in the spirit of the poet Moina Michael, who wrote that that flower ?grows on fields where valor led.? Others continue to adorn graves with flowers and candles. And each year, the soldiers of ?The Old Guard? place small American flags at each Arlington National Cemetery gravestone and patrol around the clock during Memorial Day weekend to ensure that each flag remains standing. At 3 p.m. your local time, on Monday, May 25, 2009, I would encourage you to join millions of your fellow Americans in a moment of silence to remember our fallen heroes. It is important to think of those who made the ultimate sacrifice on this day, but we should also keep in mind all of our servicemen and women throughout the year. They and their families continue to sacrifice for our country and deserve our recognition and support. We should heed the advice of General Logan who wrote: ?Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.? A piece of our history listed above for those who do not know why we remember our fallen. To all my brothers and sisters that have served, thank you. For those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, we owe it all. Thank you for your service. Semper Fi, Blud
  9. Thanks laz, yes we know gameservers sucks. We are trying to get a new server host going and eventually start our own game server hosting company! Bare with us until then and thanks for the report.
  10. I sent him a power supply 2 months ago, why isn't he using it? And sorry to hear about his loss.
  11. Sorry to hear man, it's always hard to lose a close pal. Hang in there AA and hug the ones you love, Blud
  12. lol thanks man. It's easier to follow.
  13. dude you already have a thread for this keep everything in that thread its easier to follow, lol.
  14. do you have the original falcon 4.0 game? You know that you need to point BMS to the Falcon 4.0 .exe during the install or it won't install? 1. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?view.148 2. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?view.134 3. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?list.93 Just follow the read me's step by step. Let me know how it goes.
  15. make a folder on your desktop called BMS and put ALL your BMS 4.32 files in here then install the main BMS 4 game extract update 1 to your BMS folder and run it extract update 2 to your BMS folder, run it follow the directions as they state in the readme and it will work.
  16. yup, it's a 3rd for whatever we need it for.
  17. Sup guys, I have 3 free copies of Borderlands GOTY that came with a 4-pack special I got off Steam. If you want to play some Borderlands Co-op let me know and I'll send you a copy so we can play. Obviously this offer goes to VG Clan Members first! Post here if interested. Blud
  18. 1SgMorrison =VG= LAN_WROTE ... yea i really like it but you know after 14 day you have to buy it ...ore find a way to keep it working ... i read something about 27$ so it is not that much ... i really thing about to buy it ..all the other programms i find just show the world in good ore bad quality ore just clocks ...but not everything at the same time and it looks good ... but i guess the clouds are not at the right (actual) position... i dont care it looks cool. Maybe we can add something like that at the VG Page ?! WHAT! That blows, I guess I just delete it.
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