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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. It's secret he couldn't really say, but it's all in the chat we had. If I had PS I would try it.
  2. thanks for signing up guys but use the site as well. Post a blog entry, add relavent content if you can. Go through it all and then post you opinions. The developers have agreed to give me 20% off ALL the items so it's a good deal. We just need to figure out oif it's us or not. You can see a full demo of jcow here featuring some of the missing modules we don't have like the forums, groups, pages, etc.. DEMO: http://demo.jcow.net/
  3. so was masturbating for the first time but look at you now.
  4. Here's a chat I had with our friend Jerry from ArmA 3. Please read the chat and if you can help, please post your intent here, thank you. Jerry: 3:34pm are u awake? VG: yo sup Jerry: hey hey i need ~3 Veterans-Gaming/ArmA themed postcards. could you produce these before sunday? its for a community initiative, cant say much more about it, except the resolution must be 800x600 or a multiple of that. the postcards can be submitted here : helpivanmartin@gmail.com VG: I will try my best any special style? Jerry: it should have the community name/logo on it. its should arma themed. it could be a funny card, or just showing of your mods/addons etc. NO POLITICAL MSG (related to greece ) is allowd. by monday, you'll understand where its for. ( but you can guess it by now i think ) VG: ok I'll ask my community as see what we can do. I have no talent personally, but we have lots of kind souls that help VG so maybe they can do something. I will ask them via our Forums Jerry: great! keep an eye on helpivanmartin.org ( on Sunday ) VG: you bet man, we're always following Jerry: i'll go bother more people now THANKS VG: ok, lol. see ya Can you help us make some Post Cards?
  5. ridDle =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Since I'm one of the few people left in the world who doesn't have facebook, twitter or a blog, it's a bit weird looking. But I'm guessing thats because I'm used to good old forums and have no idea how social networking works. As long as it has a forum I'll survive! ^^ keep in mind i wont look anything like that when we get the theme made. That's just the core PHP of the platform. When we get the theme done, it will look freaking amazing. Right now we're just trying to find something to fill in for all the social community features we need. We're well behind the power curve when it comes to fresh technologies and we really need to get with the times so-to-speak. You guys don't see it, but this site it past it's prime. I like jcow but there are allot of other options out there. This was one of the best so far IMO.
  6. I'm really think about building a new VG site from that platform. It has several other plugins that would make it just go over the top cool. All we'd need is a custom theme and I think we'd have a nice new site. I need you guys to give me some input or else I'm just going for it. Please use the features and fuck around with it I want to be sure everyone is on board. We can get this done for about $1000 total. Cheapest solution so far. Let me know what you think. I kind of like it. Below is a link to ALL the other plugins we'd also have: http://community.jcow.net/store
  7. Hey guys, I need some beta testers. I've created a new site and I'm thinking of using it as the platform for the new VG site as well. If you'd like to join and help me test, please visit www.preppersmeetup.com please just join the site, set up a profile, start posting stuff, sample the features and let me know what you think about it. Do you think this would be a good platform to start a new site from? Please use it and then post your comments here!! Thanks!
  8. I've added the ability for you to connect to your facebook accounts or gtalk using our chatbar. You can now talk to your FB friends or gtalk friends right from this site. Clear your browser cache and open the Whos Online box to see the new features. Blud
  9. Today, Sept. 21, 2012, is the the annual POW/MIA Day which honors and remembers those held as prisoners of war and those who didn't come home . It's a hugely important day (is hugely really a word?) It's one of six days that Congress has authorized flying the POW-MIA flag, and it's a day when all of us, both veteran and civilian, should pause to remember. Over the past few years, we have seen dozens of homecomings where happy families have welcomed their loved one back into the fold. We have seen tragic funerals where towns such as Pekin, Peoria, Creve Coeur, Princveile, Delevan and others have lined the streets to honor and remember those who have given their lives in defense of this great land. But POW-MIA remembers those who didn't come home, ever. There are thousands of people still missing from our many wars. Fortunately, science has progressed to where that number is shrinking as DNA tests and forensics allow for better testing of remains. Ceremonies acros the nation are being held today as well as overseas at our varoius bases, FOBs and COPs. So what is POW-MIA Day and how did it get started? Here's something from the Military Times's Web site which wrote a little sidebar to a story that has some background on the holiday. The paper also has a very touching story on their Web site which is linked to above. The National POW/MIA Recognition Day, established by Congress in 1979, takes place annually in the United States on the third Friday in September. The day of observance honors prisoners of war and members of the military missing in action. Defense Department statistics list a total of 83,417 GIs missing in action: 73,681 from World War II, 7,947 from the Korean War, 126 from Cold War actions, 1,657 from the Vietnam War and six from the war with Iraq and related conflicts. The National POW/MIA Recognition Day is not a federal public holiday, but it is one of six days when the POW/MIA flag can be flown at military bases and federal buildings. (Newt Heisley, a World War II veteran and commercial artist, designed the flag for a New Jersey firm. The black-and-white banner shows the phrase, ?you are not forgotten,? as well as the head-bowed profile of his son, Jeffrey, a former Marine.) The other five days the POW/MIA flag can be flown at armed forces bases and government buildings are: Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day. So take some time and remember. There's nothing worse, I would imagine, than not knowing what happened to a loved one who went off to war and didn't come home. And also remember those who suffered at the hands of the enemy as POWs .From the Illinois National Guard: The original focus of the project was Company B, 192nd Tank Battalion, Illinois Army National Guard whose Soldiers, along with those of the rest of the battalion, would successfully repel the Japanese invasion of the Philippine?s Bataan Peninsula for four months while critically short on food, bullets and other supplies. Without supplies or hope of reinforcements, the troops were ordered to surrender. Now prisoners of war, the Soldiers were made to walk the 80 miles to Camp O?Donnell suffering from dehydration, exhaustion, disease and brutal treatment at the hands of their Japanese guards. Courtesy of pjstar.com
  10. What time does it start in socal time PST GMT -8 I might try to play
  11. =VG= BLuDKLoT


    Nice. Where you guys playing?
  12. Hi Rob, I just connected so I know it's up and running. I think you need to finish the port forwarding portions to get connected. See the steps below and you'll get into the server. It's on day 13 and looks very lively right now! *** CONNECTION DETAILS *** Join us on TS3 at: ts3.veterans-gaming.com SERVER IP: (this won't ever change) Recommended BW: 300 IVC ON 120th FS at Seosan is set for no AI gerneration (fly here) JOIN OUR BMS GROUP: (optional) http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/group.php?groupid=13 PORT FORWARDING Part 1: http://portforward.com/help/setup_static_ip_address.htm PORT FORWARDING Part 2: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm NUGGETS PLZ WATCH THIS FIRST! http://youtu.be/RWPEGNZB09Y WALKIE TALKIE MOD: (optional) http://addons.teamspeak.com/directory/plugins/miscellaneous/WalkieTalkie.html PLEASE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AND SHARE YOUR PICS WITH OUR COMMUNITY! http://www.facebook.com/FalconBMS4 *** IN GAME COMMS | Setup for MP *** WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT ENTER THE BANDWIDTH SPECIFIED BY THE HOST YOU WILL CAUSE THE FLIGHT TO BE CORRUPT AND WASTE EVERYONES TIME. If you are connecting to another person who is hosting then you are the client. In the MP Comms box, name the Server Name, if we are Hosting, name it VETERANS-GAMING so you know who's entry/IP address it is. You enter the Host's IP address in the Connect to IP Address Box Everyone MUST enter a Connection Bandwidth, specified by the Host. Finally CHECK the two IVC boxes (SET TO ON!) MP FIX: Copy and paste,the following two variable(lines) to your Falcon BMS Config file located in your USER\Config folder and save the file. It can be opened with Wordpad or Notepad. These variables prevent BMS from creating Packet logs in your User\Logs folder that are genertated when MP'ing and can become extremely huge in disk space. They are not essential to the end-user. MP HOTFIX STRINGS: set g_bMessageStatistics 0 set g_bEnableRakNetPacketLogger 0
  13. This is the nest marketing gimmick in the world! Great job BI!!
  14. Hey Vic, glad to see you're back on point. WB man.
  15. Paragliding while feeding wild Hawks. parahawking.wmv
  16. I got it on my android. It basically has our banner, then links to the site, but we're first on the list. It's a nice app with allot of great resources for veterans and their families too. It also streams all our uploaded youtube vids.
  17. We've been added to the feature section of this app. http://mobileroadie.com/apps/deanslist From the Developer: Thank you!! I've added you to our feature section, added your youtube feeds to our videos and your twitter feed. I think this will work out well. Thanks for the support and I look forward to working on more projects in the future.
  18. Got this from them via Twitter: Thank you for your service!! I would like to add your site @veterans_gaming to the Deans List Veteran Resources App. We can add you to our feature page with your website, add your Twitter into our news feed and also push notifications. Thx 4 your time. I told them yes, so let's see how this plays out! Check them out (and thank them) on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/DeansListVR Awesome! Also, this thread will be tracked in the app, along with allot of other info. This app might be awesome guys, I'm excited to see how it features what we're doing here. Follow this thread close.
  19. =VG= BLuDKLoT


    Stryker we need these reports to keep everyone honest and the game play fair, but like Savage said, we need actionable information, preferably via PM. We don't want to offend people over misunderstandings, or vague postings like this. Thanks.
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