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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Everything you need to play BMS you can download free off this site. Check out the BMS sections in Downloads. It has the F4 .exe and all the BMS files you'll need. Forget about AF altogether, it's prehistoric compared to BMS lol. I haven't played and FF6 in a long time, so not much to add there, sorry.
  2. Sup V, sorry to hear man, hang in there and thanks for the check-in. We should still be here when you're ready and able. Blud
  3. You need to set up your ports on your router 2934-2937 and establish a static IP. See help and support section/thread in the BMS section for "How to Connect to VG Server", that should help.
  4. thx man, on it! DOWNLOAD: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?view.191
  5. ya it's getting cool. Check out our BMS Page http://www.facebook.com/FalconBMS4
  6. thanks man, server rebooted. Sorry about that.
  7. I just connected man, it's working. The issue is on your end.
  8. Try these port forwarding steps http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?29277
  9. FROM ONIBLOOD: I keep seeing people putting up stupid arguments in DEFENSE of the 2nd amendment, and it's a giant waste of time and effort. What does one need? 1: http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/10C13.txt US Code Title 10 Chapter 13 states that all men from 17 through 45 years of age, and a few other optional qualifiers, are part of the US militia. Alright, that guarantees your right to bear arms. 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller Weapons in common use are covered by this. Self defense is permitted. Autoloading pistols, AR-15s, AK pattern rifles, and other modern weapons. So anyone crying about "assault weapons" can sit on a burning cactus. This does not restrict gun ownership to muzzle-loaded muskets. That would be retarded. 3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia The police have no duty to protect the citizens, and certainly no duty to rescue the citizens from imminent harm. Citizen, watch thine own ass. One chapter of the US Code, and two court rulings that outline your rights and your needs for the ownership of guns, with no bullshit restrictions on magazine capacity, muzzle devices, or the appearance of the weapon; just no grenade launchers and similar shit, please. Also no felons or crazies. Form 4473 is sufficient, even if the mental health system is not.
  10. Sorry Melon, non of my whining is directed towards you. But everytime PR gets updated, Co-op goes backwards. I've tried to talk to Salyer and other devs about it, but none of them seem to care other than Slayer. I've been bummed out with every update, and this last time we even lost Jabal!! I'm not hating on you bro, just bummed that Co-op hasn't progressed along with Deployment. Still love you man.
  11. Hence "some maps" so we'll problably lose another 10 maps and we'll be left with 4 maps for Co-op because the PR Devs don't care about Co-op. They've proved it over and over again, so I'm not expecting anything new and have pretty much gave up on PR altogether. We won't get more maps, we'll lose ones we already have. When they say we'll have a few maps, they mean the ones we already have, that they feel like converting. How many maps have we lost since v.86? .02
  12. Famine LAN_WROTE ... Hey Blud. Thanks for responding. Unfortunately though, it doesn't answer my question. What uniform channel are you establishing to be the common frequency for all flights? It really needs to come from you to maintain consistency. If it's left up to individual folks, it'll change every time (almost defeating the purpose). UHF 6 is pretty standard if hair is to be split, but in the end it really doesn't matter as long as everyone is on the same freq. I use 15 for tower and 13 for Flight. Normally we determine this depending on how many players there are. Some guys don't need to have comms with us at all if they're doing their own thing. As long as we can chat, talk, etc.. is what I meant in case of issues or conflicts. I really don't have a preference man, lol. I just go with the flow, hasn't been an issue so far.
  13. Sure man, np. Do whatever you like. As long as we have comms in-game that's all. Cheers!
  14. don't tell me, let me guess....Co-op got even worse than before? I have a hard time getting excited for this considering they could care less about Co-op. The new changes look good tho, too bad Co-op blows. Any news there?
  15. This is the VG Fight Song!! I've always wanted to make this our theme song, gawd damn love those lyrics man...Yeah! I see these guys every time they tour here. They're bad ass.
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