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Everything posted by zero_tolerance_s

  1. IMO this is not a subject of discussion for a gaming forum. Doing this, tells me that you have no real respect for veterans and PTSD nor you that you know what are you talking about.
  2. Well.. bottom line: i would like to see us building a community that involve other games as well. This WoW its just an idea. Bait for opening discussion :). How about trying few rounds coordinated via TS? Usually I find difficult to play PVP as there is no coordination nor team play among players. There is also the issue of US/EU servers which are selected automatically according the IP.? Common, jump with ideas sailors :))
  3. I see now. I was thinking at baby seals clubbing
  4. "seal clubbing"?!? ?WTF man? Is that ?some sort of game mod or what? Sounds bad
  5. Hey, anyone here playing World of Warship??
  6. I can vouch for sirisima. Unless Rotblut will ask me who I am !yes
  7. Get well Blud and dont worry about the bike. After all is just iron and plastic. I've trashed two bikes so far. Why did that to your leg? I'm guessing it was the right handlebar.
  8. Fastjack stand down. You are married with kids. Lets us the bachelors worry about the nurses :P. This is my knee 10 years ago https://gyazo.com/65e0379897afd33dcade52ab3f0ad304
  9. That will leave a nice scar. How's the bike? What did you hit? Dry road buddy, ZT
  10. http://wiki.rustyinplaces.org/article/Basic_BF2:PR_Admin !hi
  11. Dragon Fly: Mech Infantry SL Bijar: Mech INf - SL Barracuda: Commander
  12. I heard the new Tee-Jay is better then the last one. Also it glows in the dark and smell like strawberry pudding. !crazy
  13. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... For sure.. .this also affects Windows 7 and 8/8.1 http://www.ghacks.net/2015/08/28/microsoft-intensifies-data-collection-on-windows-7-and-8-systems/ To remove: http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=7970493&cid=50473337 done already :)
  14. Yep, I've read about the telemetry thingy. Well, Microsoft always sucked at privacy. Thankfully, there are works around ;).
  15. Fastjack =VG= LAN_WROTE ... http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f27-pr-bf2-support?prefixid=Win10 Have fun HOLLY S***!!! Thanks for the head-up Jack! I'll take your untold "advice". Its always better to wait for the Service Pack 2 ;).
  16. Does anybody know if it works properly? Should I bother upgrading? Thanks, ZT !hi
  17. Hey TEDF. Can we see the best scores for VG server? Are the logs showing that? My best score is 304 kills on Pavlovsk with a great pilot called Triggerman, a long time player on this server at that time. I cannot remember many details as it was long time ago. I Maybe years ;) Peace, ZT
  18. Not in my view. Take it to the higher decision guys aka VG members. Or talk with the guys you've tked. In my opinion, that was pure wickedness supported only by malice.
  19. Hello all, Prideitself you got banned for shooting 2 friendlies in the main base, without a reason. These guys were minding their own business waiting for the tank. You just spawned and shot them without any kind of provocation. After you shot them, you continued proffering hate slurs, laughing with your squad mate like it was a good joke. This is just the last fact from a long list like: disrupting the game, asset stealing or base raping. The ban stays. Peace, ZT
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