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Everything posted by zero_tolerance_s

  1. I'll the take the mech inf SL. Is it possible to change classes if the situation requires?
  2. TED its difficult to align all the planets in the same time. I suggest you to host the event for couple of days, lets say one week. "Exotic" events like this are always welcomed and people don't get enough of it. Remember the OPFOR events? :) Cheers, ZT
  3. lordvlad30 LAN_WROTE ... got only 150 GB a month :/ and it costs us way to much cause the company has almost a monopoly on data traffic in the country That's enough to start a revolution. !mental
  4. WhiteWolf LAN_WROTE ... i just love how people call me a dick(and other names) wen i tell people the server rules, Lolz bad language is also punishable :)
  5. Hey Sillymoose. If you a have something solid, post the name here. Is not the first time when admin rights are suspended, unfortunately. Few days ago I heard bad rumours about a guy I know for years. The sides involved in this (accusator and the allegedly guilty man) refused to have a chat about the problem. Therefore nothing was solved. So state the problem directly and lets see how or if we can solve it in a satisfactory manner. Peace brother, ZT
  6. It seems that most players dont read the rules. I was thinking that maybe the basic rules like the ones regarding the assets and especially end of the round team killings, should be displayed on the screen during the game. Maybe this way, we can prevent the disruptions and grieving among fair players and gain overall quality for the game. Can a VG admin help us with this please? Cheers, ZT
  7. OK Melon. I understand what you say. But how can you explain bots shooting dead helicopter pilots while flying? :)) You cant see that not even in Bollywood Rambo movies. What you said about bots being attracted by sound or staring at the last known position, it juts doesn't apply here. Nor the fact they can shoot through objects. Don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming you but in this situation there is no efficient tactic. I've tried to flank the flag on the right/left side, using suppressing fire, pre-emptive artillery strike, advancing by land, sea or air. Nothing worked. We ended up all dead. I'll see how it works now with bot difficulty decreased. Cheers, ZT
  8. HEADS UP. I don't think the problem is the bot difficulty. There's something buggy over there. First: the bots are extremely accurate and fast. If the bot faces you, you have 20% chances to shot him. Second issue. I got two reports of heli pilots being shot dead in mid air. I got shot dead through the walls, fences, ducking behind HESCOs or inside houses. I literally saw the bullet piercing the fence. Its like the bots can see through objects. I couldn't find any kind of cover. I believe this is a technical issue that needs to be addressed asap. Otherwise the game will become almost unplayable. Regards, ZT
  9. Hello, who can restart the mumble on the PR coop server? Is down for 20 minutes now. Thx
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