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=VG= Dilligaf

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Dilligaf

  1. Both of them seem good, i choose Carbon but won't be disappointed with either one.
  2. Hope everything gets better for you soon mate.
  3. Space Engineers is bad for that, asteroids and the more objects and blocks you have. Kiwi and I have made a huge base in one game and when we were finished i was down to 1-5 fps when near it, and i was averaging 60+ fps, So maybe with your specs it can play the game but very limited
  4. There is DPI Shift, And it works just like that. Push and hold and it will go to that DPI Speed untill you let go, and you can set what dpi level you want it to be at. 3 Profiles to set up and use if you wish too, and 5 DPI Levels per profile to scale and set-up. Plus DPI shift but that set too one of your pre assigned Set DPI Levels
  5. Was about to suggest the G502 proteus. I'm using one and it goes well
  6. Nice mate. Looks like a nice little place to retreat to
  7. Thx for informing us Bud, Thoughts are with you and your family
  8. Take Car Buddy... We'll be here when ya back
  9. Great Artwork there mate. And A Happy New Year back at ya
  10. Hey bob... ya might wanna re look at who's post ya read up top there.... i think you better let dolly be for a bit mate... it starting to affect your eyes lol
  11. There is a couple of us from Aus that have been playing it. not too bad a game, exept for the highish ping, better then the wargaming world of planes.
  12. Yeah it does look beasty, i currently have an asus 7970 so i'm in no rush to run out and buy one, but hey, if i can win one why not. Hope atleast someone from here wins one though.
  13. Hey all, my missus linked me this site, but if you have amd in your likes on Facebook you will probably get the link there too like did, and i thought everyone might like a chance to win. Its easy enough to get in the draw so i just thought i would share it with you all. Enjoy http://hexus.net/tech/features/graphics/48661-win-powercolor-hd-7990-devil-13-graphics-card/
  14. Hey mate. You looking at LAN or actually going online with it, i used to play LAN with some friends that didn't have the game and i'm pretty sure i just used the same key between them all.
  15. That sounds sweet Blud, loved playing Ravenshield back in the day, every weekend jumping online with Kiwi and Hammering the bots, Great fun, wish they would remake it, keep it the same gameplay and modability, but give it the graphical glory of the newer releases
  16. Shall we make donations, how much is a new PSU for you guys over there, i'll pitch in
  17. yeah, signed up here too, thx for the share for those that haven't gotten into razer yet. Been waiting months for a release date on them tiamets to buy, but i think i gotta wait a little longer here in Aus for release
  18. All good Mate, we'll see ya back here when its all sorted for some gaming. Take it easy
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