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=VG= Dilligaf

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Dilligaf

  1. Awesome ride, If it wasn't for the fact i in Oz i would go for it. Freaking Sweet ride.
  2. It comes down to Personal Choice, myself i like the AMD and i only just upgraded to the 1090T. But if your looking at a comparison, Kiwirambob has my old AMD FX-60 Dual Core System, and compared to a Quad Core Intel, the dual core AMD is quicker, but the i7 is also a good cpu also from what i've heard, just depends on how much $$$ ya wanna throw at it. Bang for buck i would say the AMD
  3. Nah don't think so, lol i a better driver then that, and i ain't gonna be no jail cell bitch
  4. Updating my Beta now :D Hope to see you in sometime, i love how the using Rockport from Most Wanted, that was my fav one of them all !e4
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