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VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= DEEPINYOO

  1. Thanks for the references Dman [(:-)>
  2. they switch monthly, check the schedule
  3. I voted #2, but I liked #5 just as much.
  4. McSorley!!!!!!!!!!! GO KINGS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. LMAO, hell ya I'd do that 24/6, gotta sleep sometime.
  6. With all due respect Dman, I just can't see BoZzZ not acknoweledging you or anyone if he knows you are there. possibly he was on the phone or something and his ts is on voice activate. I dont know I just dont see him doing that intentionally, and all this is probably just a misunderstanding.
  7. I can vouche personally for BoZzZ's carecter. He is one of the best team players and FRIENDS that I''ve met in my gaming career, and every morning when I wake up I look forward to playing with him. In game he does switch to his native language with his country men, but having played with him ALOT I know he is not doing or saying anytihng negative or wrong, it's just not in his charecter, and it bothers me that the person didn't have the integrity to adress the issue with BoZzZ personally, as thats what responsible mature people do. BoZzZ I support you and your choice to not appologize for speaking your native language, for to do so would suggest your language is wrong, and I commend you for your honest appology to whoever was offended. Thats what charecter and integrity is, and more people need to learn this and grow up!!!!!
  8. THAT IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love Slayer.
  9. EPIC IDEA. And yes I believe we need to drag if necessary, Badploy into this, if only for theese events, but I know alot of us owe a great deal of grattitude to him for helping us become the great gamers we are today, and his presence would only enhance the expierence. I voted yes.
  10. A big thanks for recognizeing the hard job we do, being an admin isnt easy, we make mistakes and are held accountable also.
  11. ROFLMAO, Thanks Blud I havn't laughed that hard in a long time.
  12. LMAO, that is classic, and so true. I hate when kids do that.
  13. I also loose connection after every map on coop and training
  14. Not only are they not good eats, but you can't even dip em in milk.
  15. I couldnt log into this site. PITN said it was probably too many cookies stored, so I deleted a years worth of cookies n now it works fine.
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