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VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= DEEPINYOO

  1. Would love to help pit but I don't have the game. Sorry bro
  2. Welcome back, wish I could help you with your problem, but I don't play much arma. I'm sure one of the other members will reply n be able to help you with your problem.
  3. It was kinda funny, I think it was funnier the first time I saw it awhile back
  4. ROFLMAO, Now I don't care who you are that suit was funny
  5. Welcome to the site, I'll stop by your server n check it out.
  6. Thnx for the info. It's players like you that help us keep our servers tard free.
  7. So long Harry, you'll always have a home here mate.
  8. Hell ya, that's awsome, nice job.
  9. NICE, and I must admit Canada is damn beautiful.
  10. ok so I downloaded the maps, I click on the server input the PW "Ovaltine" and immediately I'm staring at my desktop again. Any suggestions
  11. I'll most likely be there, I'm sure gonna try. And that's 4:00 am Sunday morning for our Aussie brothers down under.
  12. I love it, but I agree with Eclipse and the day. Can we see it reversed with the text horozontal?
  13. WoW someones been very busy doing their homework. Very nice. Great job Savage.
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