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=VG= Terremer

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Terremer

  1. I reinstalled arma2 yesterday and got most of my mods downloaded so Ill have to check this out again this week. Sounds like some good improvements.
  2. well, time to get back into PR! although, it makes my computer crash now for some reason.
  3. dang, sorry. someone else linked it to me so its probably a pretty spread link. its been an hour or two and i havent got a key yet either
  4. Dont know how long this will be up... Metro last light for 1 cent. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Deep+Silver+-+Metro%3A+Last+Light+%28Digital+Download%29/9592148.p?id=1219046650885&skuid=9592148&sellerId
  5. are these the people that had that PR coop server? Or am i thinking of other people? Sounds good though i'm down for more arma events
  6. just hang around in teamspeak, theres either people playing games or people sitting in the lounge trying to find a game to play. hopefully we can all get some games going together.
  7. i read this article from BI where they went and got to shoot the Lynx, was pretty awesome. kinda excited for this small update although theres lots more to come
  8. Rofl those messages about domi and not being able to livestream it..thats kinda ridiculous also, the nvg, flocc, stance indicator and compass mods i had werent accepted, but i havent downloaded the pack in a long time so im not sure if they might be out of date or something.
  9. i might drop in tonight, i get home like 5-6 eastern.
  10. i may be interested in this. im available during the week after 5pm EST as well as all weekend. the only mission ive really made is just slapping some helis onto a map though, lol
  11. Jager LAN_WROTE ... GT-I9300 aka Samsung galaxy s3 same here. actually mine's a samsung-sgh-l747 also i was thinking about maybe doing something like this but i dont know java and didnt know what to make. ive got shitloads of time this summer and learning java couldnt hurt so if you want help just let me know.
  12. Put me as a maybe. Im not sure if im going home tomorrow or monday.
  13. Yeah, lack of ACRE kinda killed it. Was trying to do a recon squad with gaz and outlanders, but a lot of the AOs are on top of a hill and hard to overwatch, so we kinda just roamed from AO to AO in front of the main forces, and killed an ifrit or two. Was still pretty fun.
  14. Bobbus LAN_WROTE ... Insurgency definitely has AA rockets, as we found out to our dismay. oh nice. Well i've seen the AA rockets in the crate but never seen the bots use them. I'll have to keep that in mind if i try to fly in insurgency now!
  15. cool, i'll have to check it out. I cant wait until the new maps and more choppers. Also I somewhat can't wait for AA emplacements and enemies with AA missiles, the only real air threat currently are ifrits with MGs. I kinda miss flying near an AO in arma 2 and having multiple rpgs flying through the air at the chopper
  16. got a report from a guy in TS, V.Schneespeicher, saying that Ectasy_CZ was stealing CAS chopper when not in the proper squad. He didnt ask for a ban or anything but we should watch out for him i guess.
  17. im down, about 90% chance ill be there unless i have to meet for a school project at the last minute.
  18. i think the f16/mig combo was the first pc game i actually played, not counting the OS games and internet ones. I remember it being ridiculously complicated for however old i was at the time.
  19. Going to revive this as weve been playing it a lot lately between myself, poffadder, ingo, sparky, starchy,acer,gaz, and some others. It would be great if we could get enough people to do 5v5 matches between us as playing bots gets really repetitive. If anyone wants a gift pass or more info let me know.
  20. i sent some friend requests, otherwise my steam is in my sig if you want a lite copy.
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