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=VG= Terremer

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Terremer

  1. Yeah I should've streamed that, I'll try to stream the next one and make sure it saves the broadcast. I'd be down to play more on Sunday. Any possibility of ace?
  2. I'm down. is it basically going to be vanilla arma on the PMC terrain, or are we going to use ace/acre etc?
  3. For future reference, having access to unlimited CAS doesn't mean you're excluded in the rules against random CAS in the AO without an observer or anyone calling it in.
  4. Ah. It worked pretty well, we got a rainy night mission and it was cool. Thanks.
  5. Did you upload this already? I see the random weather mission running but i've only got the regular list.
  6. I just ordered a trackir and have at least my basic joystick for now, I'll probably try to get BMS installed this weekend. I've played a little BMS but that was a ways back. I also have dcs-a10.
  7. Bradleys and such would be pretty cool on insurgency... also there's a Gucci ad at the top of the page, gg
  8. I find it ok in rare cases, like the vietnam chopper rides you mentioned. Usually though it's really annoying. It makes it hard to listen to enemies, hear your squad, listen to music you're playing on your computer, etc.
  9. I'm down...don't really care what role.
  10. it's fine for a dollar, i wouldnt pay anything more than that for it though. It's a pretty badly done game but it can be fun for a while if you play with others. It's kind of like killing floor meets halo meets dinosaurs
  11. Yeah you can get wireless hotspots either through your phone or a standalone box, you pay like monthly and per bandwidth used or something. Just check with your phone provider or get one from a different company.
  12. I think the idea of the steam box is pretty awesome, Valve is really just trying to move more into the open source sector and it's really cool that they're supporting linux and opengl and such. As far as PCs, as everyone said, the graphics just aren't advancing enough anymore to really need to upgrade in the first place. You can build supercomputers to get huge fps on every game, but I mean half the games that most people play reguarly either don't have really amazing graphics where you need all the power, or games like arma that still manage to run like shit even on a top system due to the all mods and assets in the game. Also no microsoft on the steam box is the best part. I was watching this big speedrun marathon yesterday and some guy was trying to start a game, and windows popped up in the middle of it to try to restart for updates. I was laughing pretty hard.
  13. i played a bit,was kinda fun i guess, kept getting shot by people while i was trying to hatchet things...
  14. as i just told gaz, i have a quick skype job interview in 10 mins, it should only last 15-20 mins, so if i can download the mods and slip in on time i plan on coming. definitely dont wait if im not here on time though. hopefully ill see you guys later :)
  15. put me down as a maybe, my schedule is really random at the moment, but i'd like to join if i'm around. since im a maybe ill just run general infantry or whatever.
  16. someone broke these pillars, and now they magically float at the bottom of the ocean...
  17. I think its in this rocky formation here, its hard to get into though. i think ciro found it initially by teleporting around
  18. ciro found this cave thing yesterday with skeletons in it..kinda spooky
  19. i love playing opfor, although mainly in insurgency. its always fun to use the enemy kits and try to take down tanks with an rpg!
  20. Arma 3 livestream recording from the weekend, supposed to have lots of teasers from the full release next month:
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