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Posts posted by dman248

  1. I say deployment, I mean there's only one insurgency sever out there, and they don't just play insurgency.

    You take a look after playing a round on insurgency and the map goes to a AAS map. The sever empty out. The reason being is the people who played insurgents wanted to be the cache hunters, But cant.

    If we make a Veterans-gaming 24/7 insurgency it will get populated. We play skirmish maps until we hit 30 people, after that we switch and play some insurgency.

    Our play style and our no shit rule is great. Too many people get away with stealing assets on other severs, and admins don't care. We enforce that in our severs.

    We would need to revisit our rules and make one acceptable to deployment.

    The best rule out there is the asset rule, you create it first you get it. Not this first come first serve shit. No locked squads without 4 members of the same clan, etc.

    My 2 cents. Voted yes btw
  2. Sever is up and running, Things to be added are 117's, and ace map tools.

    Outlanders is working on it.

    I urge all members to go ahead and try ace, But beware, you might not come back to the plain arma 2.

    I will be helping anyone get help with the features of ace, as there are many, and installing to the latest version.
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