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Posts posted by dman248

  1. 4:29 Kicked for hitting marks mines which where marked on the map and everyone telling people that they have been there since the start on the map

    A minute later at 4:30 you start to spam message kicked again.

    Now the marked mine kicking thing i would not have done, but once you came back and started to spam message at me or argue about my call, that's it. I do not put with any of that shit. Nor will any other admin.

    Now you coming in here complaining about a good friend and person that has been playing coop on our severs with admin rights since the start. I have played with badploy for a year, he has never once made a bad judgment about someone.

    Btw over a 100 kills in armour doesnt mean shit to me, i can get that and sit by the main too. Were you transporting inf, following them, helping out?

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