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Posts posted by dman248

  1. First try at AAR(After action report). Wish i had screen shots but....

    Me and Iffn flying online, all setting realism, Good formations.

    1st flight went good, took off from Lypme in the hurricane (Rotol) with 30gal of fuel and 6 guns fully loaded and ready.

    Our objective was to defend the port of Dover, and the radar station in Rye. We had 2m spacing wingtip to wingtip with Iffn taking the lead while I'm following. Iffn calls out unknowns 2o'clock high. So we set off chasing them. With full realism you can't tell what your flying after. So after a while I finally reach them while is Iffn now in the rear.

    We are now fully across the channel. We went from the Rye to somewhere in France starting at a alt of 2000 feet and chased them up to 11,000 feet. Now i had to identify them. I pull up about 300m away and saw Germany markings. I called out to Iffn that both were HE-111 bombers. As i started shooting, Iffn CTD. I managed to get 1, but ran out of ammo !sorry. the other one limped away leaking fuel, and without 3 gunners. Now i had to make it back to England with no way of defending myself. Took a look at my fuel and saw that it read 15gal. It had taken me half my fuel to fly here. Not good. But i managed to link up with Iffn on the way back and landed with 5gal of fuel.

    2nd flight of the night. Taken off of the same airbase and same plane. Meet up with Iffn on the runway once again Iffn taking the lead and me being his wing man. We set off towards the rye but saw nothing.

    Radar reports came in and report that 3 German bomber groups were detected in M-12 which was straight east. We went for it. About 5-10mins later we saw them. Again we were to low. We were about 9000 feet, while the bombers were 12,000 feet. Iffn engaged the emney bombers while i was dealing with my plane falling out of the sky fast. I went from going 240 mph to 110mph and an altitude of 10,000 feet to 1500 feet with in minutes. But i figure out that my rudder had gotten stuck open. After that i was to far to help Iffn when he called out Bf-109 on his tail. My journey went on as i spotted the airport off to my right.

    On final approach a Bf-110 comes in from my 9 o'clock. I took a look at my fuel and it read 12gal. It was enough to chase him away. I got on his tail and fire a short 3 second burst and took off his right aileron. He was in a dive was turning right and couldn't counter turn and smack the ground hard. That's 1 kill for Dman. As i level out started hearing the sound of bullets landing on my wing. In my glory i forgot to check my six the entire time. I open up my cockpit to lean out to see what was chasing me, and sure enough there was a Bf-110 on my tail. But as i leaned out a shell from a Bofors AA gun on the airfield fired and hit the Bf-110 right in the cockpit. The plane caught fire and hit the ground.

    I managed to land on the ground with 8gal of fuel left and some ammo to spare.

    Was fun as hell. !pilot !2cool
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