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VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= XOR

  1. 10 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Not really, what issue do you mean? Hipfiring is one problem i'm aware about or the old look up wrapper error but that is fixed.

    Well there you go, never knew that got fixed, was out of the loop for a while, so I guess manpads shouldn't be a problem then.

    10 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    It's also possible to bypass problems - generally done when you think out of the box. 



    10 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    About the motivation thingy -

    i know what you mean and can understand that. In my case i lose focus or interrest because i'm working alone the most time on coop insurgency and there are so many things todo to improve coop but unbearable for one person. To much work.

    Touchè brother.

    6 hours ago, GRNANDGLD said:

    why would you want less bots?

    Let's assume you wouldn't, surely you want more bots though, eh? So that's the flip side, depending on how you configure the difficulty multiplier, you can avoid fewer bots while having more for higher player numbers, it's entirely left to configs, like all good things in life 😉

    6 hours ago, GRNANDGLD said:

    I want random spawn points so nobody Volods the spawns

    is that a thing?

    It can be, but not on any officially sanctioned server, at least not anytime soon. You'll most likely come across it in events, should anyone choose to use such functionality.  But as for is it possible, absolutely, I've done it & so have others.

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Would it be possible to spawn a bot with a kit that isn't in the selection menu?


    Multiple bots got killed by CAS. Now, a trigger let spawn a bot with a manpad.

    or :

    Multiple bots got killed by tank. Trigger let spawn a bot with a HATkit.

    Come on please say YES its possible.

    It's not only possible, it's fairly trivial. The only caveat being, though

    host.rcon_invoke("gamelogic.setkit ****")

    sets ANY KIT initialized for a given faction in real-time, it changes OVERALL  kit composition of bots on successive re-spawns & not immediately, instead of only INDIVIDUAL bot kits. Which might actually be more ideal, if it's constantly being set to a different kit relative to dominant threat at any given point in time, though not as targeted, it makes it so that if armor dominates the battlefield, a majority of bots that re-spawn do so with AT, though i'm sure you already know of the issue with bots using MANPADS.

    There is of course also a targeted solution, a simple (re)spawn handler can be used to shuffle spawns, such that any bot that spawns with AT kit spawns at  pos of any other bot killed by ARMOR(with random delay) for instance, or just at closest spawn point to killer(player).

    In-fact I recall writing a dumb little function for this, I called it DIE_VERSION, it was supposed to signify that the player was going to die in the next encounter with a bot the player killed.... I digress though, I'll probably pack it along with some other stuff I've written over the years and make a post or something at some point, I've thought about doing so, just got lazy.

    • VG Seal of Approval 1
  3. 7 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Can I assume you've tested this already? Or is that something that would require a dedicated server and a live environment?

    Tested on both, it was part of a server side minimod i wrote for bf2.


    7 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Can we implement this, or would there be compromises to doing so that would make it undesirable?

    Not that i can think off, that's why i posted it here, to create discourse if nothing else.


    7 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    This is all assuming that this system does not require a server restart, and that the next map loaded bot count is based on currently connected players.

    Not only does it not require a server restart, it changes through a round,so if a round starts off with 35people and shrinks to 20people, logical bot count changes accordingly as it's constantly recalculated for every bot killed, there should be no performance penalty.


    4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    I dont know if we need this for our server(s) because some maps can be handled with 10 players. Doesn`t matter how many bots are on the other side. 

    Absolutely true, however on the flipside, with an appropriate (per testing) difficulty multiplier applied, it makes it more challenging for a more full server, as normally whether or not there's a full server or not, bot respawn time is same as player respawn time, about 60sec by default which  on a full server or even half full, imho is too much.... So one might say it makes maps easier or no easier(depending on difficulty multiplier) for few, inexperienced players and makes maps harder for lots of experienced or inexperienced players alike.

    I thought about having it check game tracker to check player's played hours to scale for player experience, but figured that wouldn't go down as well....

    4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    What Coop really need is : DYNAMIC GAMEPLAY

    CAN'T AGREE MORE, I'll port over some other scripts for THAT with time, when motivation strikes....


    4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Khami lrg is horrible.

    Blasphemy, it's one of double's finest, imho. Agree to Disagree.

    4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    A pythonscript that choose randomly some objectspawners and let spawn their shit.


    4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Why we have fucking botspawnpoints inside of controlpoint areas? Or why we have active spawnpoints in a flagcap radius that is linked by another flag? To name one, Kashan with his amazing respawntime of the Milan. Those spawnpoint placements only provoking things like spawnpoint camping or causing missing boots on other important places when the server population is low.

    My solution for that was making every bot a contextual spawn point(contingent on vehicle type, cappable cp in range) and making every bot killed a probabilistic contextual respawn trigger(ex. every bot cas kills gets a 60% probability of respawning every shilka on map instead of current fixed respawn time AND 40% probability of cloning spawned shilka on killed bot pos instead of mapper designated pos after a delay), I'll port it at some point, It's part of a much larger script so, it's finicky to clean up.

    Started porting but got stuck writing a function to validate position as being in navmesh to prevent bots dying, so i can also use player positions too as that's a more random position seed, and a  2dTo3DPos function to resolve 2d coords to 3d from height map, i'll sort that out too when motivation strikes.


    4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    I want more dynamic gameplay and not the static gameplay we currently have in coop.

    Me & you both, and just about every person who plays coop.


    4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    I place 50 mortars, 50 bipods and 50 AA-AT static defense in the GPO but the randomcode will only pick 4 mortars, 10 bipods and 2 Static AA's in a random manner. After one of this asset got destroyed another mortar/bipod/static AA-AT will spawn 5-10 minutes later on a different objectspawner, so not on the same position again.


    4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    No one at roundstart knows where the mortars/bipod/static AA-AT's will spawn, so CAS has to be carefully, vehicles have to play carefully and the troops also has to Move carefully. No Round will be the same because the shit that will screw up the humans not spawn anymore on the same places.

    I implemented this at your request, but found a bug that causes python crash after the first dozen selections(which simply changes the minMax (re)spawn time  of random spawners & despawns all on round start), been looking for a fix and what causes that for a while.... still at it, when once again motivation strikes.

    • Like 1
    • VG Spirit 1
    • Upvote 3
  4. Changing the number of bots relative to player count has long been discussed and is somewhat of  a long standing 'unresolved issue' as it can't be done  using configs or without server restart, and given some recent discussion on discord about map difficulty, i figured i might as well post this up as at the very least an alternate 'POSSIBILITY', which at present it is not.


    So there's two ways to change bot count, either set ENTITY COUNT in server config or change LOGICAL COUNT by manipulating spawn times such that the mean number of bots SPAWNED at any point in time is lower or higher, Classical interpretation of 'count' signifies entity iterations, Logical interpretation that i use here signifies 'INTERACTIVE entity iterations', additionally (re)spawn time based entity count is the most computationally efficient way of dynamically adjusting such count without fucking up server performance, as more bots generally tend to tax a server's performance more, especially in such an old engine.


    TLDR; It's a fairly trivial script that separates respawn times of bots & players, dynamically not only on round start but through a round as well, as players JOIN & LEAVE. 

    It occurs to me that most people don't download attachments & since one needs to login to download attachments anyway, I'll just embed it below, as it's fairly trivial.

    SEE CHEATSHEET IN EMBED BELOW TO SEE HOW SPAWN TIME CHANGES RELATIVE TO PLAYER COUNT, it was automatically generated so it should be a fairly accurate representation

    import sys, host, bf2, math, realitycore as rcore, realityadmin as radmin
    difficultyMultiplier = 5	#lower is more difficult as bots spawn more frequently whereas higher is less difficult as bots spawn less frequently, see cheatsheet below
    def init():
    	host.registerHandler('PlayerKilled', onPlDeath)	#wounded
    	host.registerHandler('PlayerDeath', onPlDeath)	#deded
    def onPlDeath(player, soldier):
    	if player.isAIPlayer():
    		botSpawnTime(player, soldier, difficultyMultiplier)
    def  botSpawnTime(player, soldier, difficultyMultiplier):
    	botSpawnTime = math.ceil((bf2.playerManager.getNumberOfPlayersInTeam(1) / bf2.playerManager.getNumberOfPlayersInTeam(2)) * difficultyMultiplier)
    	radmin.globalMessage("DEBUG: respawning " + str(player.getName()) + " in " + str(player.getTimeToSpawn()) + " sec        [" + str(botSpawnTime) + 	player.setTimeToSpawn(botSpawnTime)
    	for p in bf2.playerManager.getPlayers():	#redundancy to reset all bot spawn times to specified timer, ignoring PR set spawntimes...
    		if p.isAIPlayer():
    	dynamic difficulty scaling applied for every killed & spawned bot,bot respawn time proportional to number of players & number of bots
    	there's 2 ways to change bot count, change actual number of bots spawned OR change spawn times to logically define the number of bots active at any given time
    	comparison cheat sheet: spawn times @difficulty N for a given Number of players, assuming 40bots
    	@difficulty=1	40sec@1players	20sec@2players	14sec@3players	10sec@4players	8sec@5players	7sec@6players	6sec@7players	5sec@8players	5sec@9players	4sec@10players	4sec@11players	4sec@12players	4sec@13players	3sec@14players	3sec@15players	3sec@16players	3sec@17players	3sec@18players	3sec@19players	2sec@20players	2sec@21players	2sec@22players	2sec@23players	2sec@24players	2sec@25players	2sec@26players	2sec@27players	2sec@28players	2sec@29players	2sec@30players	2sec@31players	2sec@32players	2sec@33players	2sec@34players	2sec@35players	2sec@36players	2sec@37players	2sec@38players	2sec@39players	1sec@40players
    	@difficulty=2	80sec@1players	40sec@2players	28sec@3players	20sec@4players	16sec@5players	14sec@6players	12sec@7players	10sec@8players	10sec@9players	8sec@10players	8sec@11players	8sec@12players	8sec@13players	6sec@14players	6sec@15players	6sec@16players	6sec@17players	6sec@18players	6sec@19players	4sec@20players	4sec@21players	4sec@22players	4sec@23players	4sec@24players	4sec@25players	4sec@26players	4sec@27players	4sec@28players	4sec@29players	4sec@30players	4sec@31players	4sec@32players	4sec@33players	4sec@34players	4sec@35players	4sec@36players	4sec@37players	4sec@38players	4sec@39players	2sec@40players
    	@difficulty=3	120sec@1players	60sec@2players	42sec@3players	30sec@4players	24sec@5players	21sec@6players	18sec@7players	15sec@8players	15sec@9players	12sec@10players	12sec@11players	12sec@12players	12sec@13players	9sec@14players	9sec@15players	9sec@16players	9sec@17players	9sec@18players	9sec@19players	6sec@20players	6sec@21players	6sec@22players	6sec@23players	6sec@24players	6sec@25players	6sec@26players	6sec@27players	6sec@28players	6sec@29players	6sec@30players	6sec@31players	6sec@32players	6sec@33players	6sec@34players	6sec@35players	6sec@36players	6sec@37players	6sec@38players	6sec@39players	3sec@40players
    	@difficulty=4	160sec@1players	80sec@2players	56sec@3players	40sec@4players	32sec@5players	28sec@6players	24sec@7players	20sec@8players	20sec@9players	16sec@10players	16sec@11players	16sec@12players	16sec@13players	12sec@14players	12sec@15players	12sec@16players	12sec@17players	12sec@18players	12sec@19players	8sec@20players	8sec@21players	8sec@22players	8sec@23players	8sec@24players	8sec@25players	8sec@26players	8sec@27players	8sec@28players	8sec@29players	8sec@30players	8sec@31players	8sec@32players	8sec@33players	8sec@34players	8sec@35players	8sec@36players	8sec@37players	8sec@38players	8sec@39players	4sec@40players
    	--default-- default PR bot respawn time is ~60seconds if deded and 0sec if wounded before deded
    	@difficulty=5	200sec@1players	100sec@2players	70sec@3players	50sec@4players	40sec@5players	35sec@6players	30sec@7players	25sec@8players	25sec@9players	20sec@10players	20sec@11players	20sec@12players	20sec@13players	15sec@14players	15sec@15players	15sec@16players	15sec@17players	15sec@18players	15sec@19players	10sec@20players	10sec@21players	10sec@22players	10sec@23players	10sec@24players	10sec@25players	10sec@26players	10sec@27players	10sec@28players	10sec@29players	10sec@30players	10sec@31players	10sec@32players	10sec@33players	10sec@34players	10sec@35players	10sec@36players	10sec@37players	10sec@38players	10sec@39players	5sec@40players
    	@difficulty=6	240sec@1players	120sec@2players	84sec@3players	60sec@4players	48sec@5players	42sec@6players	36sec@7players	30sec@8players	30sec@9players	24sec@10players	24sec@11players	24sec@12players	24sec@13players	18sec@14players	18sec@15players	18sec@16players	18sec@17players	18sec@18players	18sec@19players	12sec@20players	12sec@21players	12sec@22players	12sec@23players	12sec@24players	12sec@25players	12sec@26players	12sec@27players	12sec@28players	12sec@29players	12sec@30players	12sec@31players	12sec@32players	12sec@33players	12sec@34players	12sec@35players	12sec@36players	12sec@37players	12sec@38players	12sec@39players	6sec@40players
    	@difficulty=7	280sec@1players	140sec@2players	98sec@3players	70sec@4players	56sec@5players	49sec@6players	42sec@7players	35sec@8players	35sec@9players	28sec@10players	28sec@11players	28sec@12players	28sec@13players	21sec@14players	21sec@15players	21sec@16players	21sec@17players	21sec@18players	21sec@19players	14sec@20players	14sec@21players	14sec@22players	14sec@23players	14sec@24players	14sec@25players	14sec@26players	14sec@27players	14sec@28players	14sec@29players	14sec@30players	14sec@31players	14sec@32players	14sec@33players	14sec@34players	14sec@35players	14sec@36players	14sec@37players	14sec@38players	14sec@39players	7sec@40players
    	@difficulty=8	320sec@1players	160sec@2players	112sec@3players	80sec@4players	64sec@5players	56sec@6players	48sec@7players	40sec@8players	40sec@9players	32sec@10players	32sec@11players	32sec@12players	32sec@13players	24sec@14players	24sec@15players	24sec@16players	24sec@17players	24sec@18players	24sec@19players	16sec@20players	16sec@21players	16sec@22players	16sec@23players	16sec@24players	16sec@25players	16sec@26players	16sec@27players	16sec@28players	16sec@29players	16sec@30players	16sec@31players	16sec@32players	16sec@33players	16sec@34players	16sec@35players	16sec@36players	16sec@37players	16sec@38players	16sec@39players	8sec@40players
    	@difficulty=9	360sec@1players	180sec@2players	126sec@3players	90sec@4players	72sec@5players	63sec@6players	54sec@7players	45sec@8players	45sec@9players	36sec@10players	36sec@11players	36sec@12players	36sec@13players	27sec@14players	27sec@15players	27sec@16players	27sec@17players	27sec@18players	27sec@19players	18sec@20players	18sec@21players	18sec@22players	18sec@23players	18sec@24players	18sec@25players	18sec@26players	18sec@27players	18sec@28players	18sec@29players	18sec@30players	18sec@31players	18sec@32players	18sec@33players	18sec@34players	18sec@35players	18sec@36players	18sec@37players	18sec@38players	18sec@39players	9sec@40players
    	@difficulty=10	400sec@1players	200sec@2players	140sec@3players	100sec@4players	80sec@5players	70sec@6players	60sec@7players	50sec@8players	50sec@9players	40sec@10players	40sec@11players	40sec@12players	40sec@13players	30sec@14players	30sec@15players	30sec@16players	30sec@17players	30sec@18players	30sec@19players	20sec@20players	20sec@21players	20sec@22players	20sec@23players	20sec@24players	20sec@25players	20sec@26players	20sec@27players	20sec@28players	20sec@29players	20sec@30players	20sec@31players	20sec@32players	20sec@33players	20sec@34players	20sec@35players	20sec@36players	20sec@37players	20sec@38players	20sec@39players	10sec@40players



    • VG Spirit 1
    • Upvote 5
  5. 4 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Thank you for understanding!  And again, nothing at all against you, and we're all very appreciative of others making tools to help gamers!!  You went the extra mile and it shows, bro! Well done!

    If I could ask a clarifying question, regarding the quote above, where you wrote "... but nope, contents can be viewed by anyone so inclined..." and wanted to ask if that was using AHK itself or something?  I'm literally just curious how I could view the contents if I had wanted to?  Figured if I don't know, I should learn.  AHK is pretty popular, and I'm often way too laser focused on VoiceAttack for my macros and such.


    All good & no you don't need ahk to view the contents, you can do so with 7-zip,WinRAR,etc... Just about any archive manager, 'right click','open as archive' & navigate to specified path inside the exe,drag & drop specified file into notepad & there lies the source. It's not a particularly well documented feature so not too many people know about it, but it's well established that compiled ahk scripts contain plain source unless you use exe Packers & such to conceal it.

    tldr; use 7z to open exe as archive & navigate to specified file which can be viewed with notepad. nav2source.thumb.png.efc8fdae3089fc2107cf15829e4371ba.png @=VG= SemlerPDX just for brevity^^

    • Thanks 1
  6. 11 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Whether it's non-compressed and non-obfuscated, it's still an executable that folks are expected to run directly, no?  And the contents cannot be reviewed, being a compiled executable, correct?

    People can use exe if not inclined to compile provided source, but nope, contents can be viewed by anyone so inclined it's a bizarre but functional paradigm,I.e  'the contents CAN be reviewed, DESPITE being a compiled executable'. Regardless I take no issue with removing exe & leaving only already provided source if you feel it's necessary, let me know.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:


    EDIT: please pardon me if I have misunderstood what you meant about AHK as I'm not familiar with it, and if using "any archive manager" can allow someone to review the contents or lines of instructions contained in that exe.  I read your post, though again, I don't do AHK and would love clarification regarding the .exe

    I never include executables, only reason I made exception for this, though I included instructions to compile it was because AutoHotKey

    /AHK/ doesn't compile to native code,i.e the source of an executable is contained as a plain text file in the exe, this was an intentional design choice to prevent people from distributing malicious compiled code using it  as was the case with AutoIt for instance. So though compiled, the source of the exe can be viewed by anyone using an archive manager as instructed, and compared with provided source in the source directory.

    3 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:


    As we played coop insurgency, you (X0R) was also so there and i noticed your comment about my python init.

    You got this information with your exe.?

    That is what i understand from you comment.

    Or was it a lucky hit out of the blue? or only professional expectations because of your computing skill?


    That was just deduction...



    • Upvote 1
  8. Just updated this, I've been using it for a few years & i thought not much of it, until steam login was added to the launcher a while back, figured i might save you a few lazy minutes... It's especially helpful if you tend to debug scripts/maps a lot, which involves a lot of CTD's.

    • Sorry for my brevity, i just wanted to make it's purpose & usage as clear as reasonably possible.
    • Source Included
    • Uses Acc for UI Automation

    This launcher is no shape or form affiliated with the project reality team. It was written by a lazy fk who wanted shortcuts for profiles, and  i used to have quiet a few & PRLauncher didn't let me make one, so i made one, and added a few bells & whistles.

    This was written for personal use, and hence lacks a UI which i deemed  was an unnecessary addition prior to posting this as well, as you need only exercise some of that well hidden common sense that we all know is all too common, to use it. All feedback & suggestions are welcome.



    Profile Shortcuts, create a shortcut to PRAutoLauncher to launch 'Nth' profile as ordered in 'Select Profile' window in launcher
        -If the 'Nth' profile doesn't exist, i.e '6' when only '4' profiles exist, it loads the last profile that exists
    CrashHandler, which restarts currently active 'Nth' profile
        -Detects Hard Crashes with a Windows Error Message or BF2 engine error Dialogue
        -Silent Crash inference which uses input detection to determine if PRBF2 termination was manually invoked, if not it assumes a silent crash
        -If Online Profile Was Launched, 10sec restart delay on crash to provide time to communicate game crash to your Squad,Driver,Gunner,...
    AutoUpdate, when update is available, opens changelog before proceeding with launch
    Offline Launch, when no internet connection is available it launches 'Nth' offline profile
    PRLauncher automated common error resolution
        -Recursively removes readonly con file attributes
        -AutoBackup Project Reality Profile Folder on successful launch, to...
        -AutoRestore Last Working Profile Folder on PRLauncher error.
        -It backs up & restores all .con files in profile folder because launcher errors tend to be caused by corruption of profile & global con files
    PRLauncher doesn't steal focus, unless it needs to, i.e initial login prompt, where in user needs to login to steam if 'Stay logged In' is disabled
    [Hotkeys],you might have to alt tab to invoke these hotkeys as prbf2 tends to 'hijack' input at times
        Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Del to terminate launcher & PRBF2
        Ctrl+Shift+Del to restart launcher with current profile & PRBF2 after an extended session to avoid a midgame crash for instance
    Multiple launch attempts, default 3, incase any launch attempt should be interrupted or fail for any reason

    [Known Issues]



    After it detects an update & initialises update, it locks all internal threads,as a result any errors during update will need to be resolved manually & PRAutoLauncher restarted manually as well if an error should occur, by running the shortcut again. This is to accommodate the wider range of errors possible during a game update.

    Again, associated with the thread lock during & immediately following an update, it might hang for a while after an update completes, but running shortcut again, will resolve this issue as well.

    You might encounter this message, 'Could not close the previous instance of this script.  Keep waiting?', you may ignore it, as it resolves itself in no more than 2sec,it's caused by a locked thread in a previous instance which'll resume waiting instance,so it's a benign prompt you may ignore.





    If your firewall is enabled, it might ask for firewall permissions, this is solely to validate an internet connection & it only ever attempts to connect to google servers,you can check the connection ip's yourself to verify as much & source should signify as much.

    As with all compiled autohotkey scripts, the script resides in plain text in the executable with no compression or obfuscation applied to the compiled executable, plain text script in compiled exe can be VIEWED in 'PRAutoLauncher.exe\.rsrc\RCDATA\>AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<', you may use 7-zip file manager to explore the contents of the executable to this effect,just right click & 'open' with 7z.





    Copy PRAutoLauncher to a location from which it won't be moved,ex; C:\PRAutoLauncher.exe, as shortcuts created are contingent on a static path
    Create A Shortcut to PRAutoLauncher.exe with shortcut path like so...
            PRAutoLauncher.exe "<PRLauncher.exe Path>" <Nth Profile> <N attempts defaulting to '3'(if omitted) attempts to launch & gives up otherwise>

    •     "C:\PRAutoLauncher.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\bin\PRLauncher.exe"  1 2

        ,will launch the first profile, in your profile selection list & makes max 2 attempts before giving up on launch

    •     "C:\PRAutoLauncher.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\bin\PRLauncher.exe"  2

        ,will launch the second profile, in your profile selection list & makes default max 3(as it's omitted) attempts before giving up on launch

    Done. Anytime you use these shortcuts, PR will be launched automatically with specified profile & managed automatically, that is the sole purpose of this script.


    [To Compile Source]

    • Source will additionally self compile if run directly & instruct you to use the executable it creates, this might trigger av false positive as compilation creates a intermediate binary file in temp directory.

    Download and Install AutoHotKey, then right click on 'PRAutoLauncher.ahk' and 'Compile', you may use the executable created in the same directory in place of the one provided on this post, so long as you use a compiled script regardless.

    [Note To Moderator]
    Attached Executable Is an non-obfuscated & non-compressed AutoHotKey executable with plain text source of compiled script within, 'PRAutoLauncher.exe\.rsrc\RCDATA\>AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<', as is the case with all compiled AutoHotKey scripts, accessible through any archive manager, validate source in executable is identical to source in provided source file... It's compiled as some functionality necessitated it, particularly instantiation, which was prone to malfunction when run as a script which meant it, itself  was passed as a param to AutoHotKey.exe, which caused unpredictable behaviour.

    @=VG= SemlerPDX *Feel  free to remove compiled attachment, at your discretion, I'll follow your lead*


      File: PRAutoLauncher.exe
    CRC-32: 81a286d2
       MD4: 07e1ef063b31fd3b0a1246ffc31355b7
       MD5: 47905ab9a355b49ee74c9e5cc84f9a1b
     SHA-1: 96079d3b1226a7bd0659fe127718171096073740



    Added Checksum

    Added Source Only Download, Figured A Choice Was Better, If you are sensible download source & compile yourself, otherwise you may use compiled one.

    Made source self compile if executed directly, provided AutoHotKey is already installed per instructions


    PRAutoLauncher [compiled].7z PRAutoLauncher [source only].7z

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  9. @Connor @=AMPHETAMINE=

    • CODEMASTERS never released dev tools or dedicated servers for Red River which was locked to Games For Windows Live service not to mention the complete lack of support for true Multiplayer, with the only multiplayer support being 4 PLAYER COOP MAX, so yeah it was great single player fun, but for all intensive purposes this isn't a multiplayer game in actuality. Hell we'd be better off playing the REAL the ORIGINAL OFP:ColdWarAssault that blud mistook the imposter(i.e OFP by CODEMASTERS) posted here for, it's not pretty in the classical sense but no one played it for it's looks, with the ECP Modpack, it's still a brilliant & fairly decent looking game with the classic HunchBack animation fixed and with it's 255 Player optimal limit (3024Max) & 3024 AI max limit, it could be a better throwback similar to what BMS did for Falcon. O yeah, Dragon Rising never had dedicated servers with official servers shut down & even then only supported max 16 players, CODEMASTERS ruined the OfP brand with these garbage releases.


    I do however indeed recommend World In Conflict MWMod & Wargame Red Dragon (unrelated to the stupid dragon mentioned above), some really good fun, i still play Wargame just to watch the CWIS go brtttttttttttttttt.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Connor said:

    Lets be honest here X0R, you come to PR for one reason: Connorsponner01

    You know it brother.


    44 minutes ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

    I think eventually we'll make the transition to SQUAD but currently it isn't happening, we have the server but its not populated at all, so why is that?

    For me, the Sound design & VFX in squad is second to none(at least for a tactical shooter) but like all good looking games, it's online only, has garbage flight model, has bad netcode - obscene rubber banding & ridiculous ping where time & time again i found my self having 2x-3x as much ping in game as i had to a server on server browser, limited scale in that it doesn't feel like a warzone - at best a skirmish & mostly a rapid ttk arena shooter where the lowest ping shooter wins, limited choice of assets & limited gear customization,etc... All in all, I can't find a single compelling reason to play SQUAD over PR let alone over ARMA3, and, to make a game like squad work, you need a large group of people to play with, not 10 or 20 but more like 40 or 50 because it's only pvp & the VG server has at its peak a few dozen people at most, where in PR or ARMA3 I've had loads of fun, even just doing PvPvE with a handfull of people using AI balanced teams. SQUAD atm is a mass market fps that'll flop the moment it looses a fraction of it's audience  as it can only be enjoyed in high pop servers with geographically equidistant players, unless you're the one with low ping.

    And yea....

    2 minutes ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Because of the lack of coop. 

    ^that about sums it up. Having AI in a video game signifies more than just Single Player as it might be suggestive off, It allows you to play as you please, when you please, however you so please, that is the kind of freedom that greatly appeals to a person like myself, and lacking in SQUAD atm.

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  11. I was watching a documentary, in-game ofc, 'why we fight', and got to wondering why WE fight, bots, for thousands of hours on maps we know inside out.


        I play PRBF2 COOP because I've developed a pathological aversion to competitive multiplayer games, multiplayer only games and the generic recycled shit that most games are today, and PRCOOP put simply  is the only multiplayer game in a genre i'm interested in along with Arma 3, World In Conflict MWMod & DCS that I play anymore that ticks all the boxes (Moddable, AI, Offline SP/Campaign/COOP & Moderated MP Servers with JIP GameModes), confining myself to single player games otherwise (Kerbal Space Program, MSFX, MSF2020, Mud/Snow Runner, Kingdom Come Deliverance ,pretty much anything by ZACHTRONICS,.....), hence my affinity to GOG instead of STEAM/EPIC when possible. I also gave up on battlefield when EA gave up on BOTS & gave up on COD when it became COD. In a nutshell, not a lot of alternatives & chill folks on this particular server with this particular community, kinda made PR, MORE OF a PLACE i goto every other day, just to chill usually, where I occasionally listen to an audio book, play ksp in another window  or vibe to music while in game, usually flying around doing a bunch of other stuff irl that I'd otherwise do while multitasking anyway #afk30sec, which admittedly is why i fly a lot, it's something i can do while doing other things. Some people frequent a bar or café, i frequent this P L A C E called Project Reality, could almost be a brick & mortar thing, eh?  


    So yeah that's why I'm here, It's why I've stuck with PR for 9 years now, it's why I 'fight', WHY DO YOU? 

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  12. iirc it's a timing error, it's actually PRLauncher closing PR because of delayed response by PRBF2 process. Usually happens because of background processes taking up too much cpu time or cheat detection getting triggered, since you got it running it's obviously the prior. A simple reboot usually fixes it.


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  13. I fly(rarely gun) CAS a lot and because it's boring for me as a pilot & because I want to actually have some fun with my gunner, unless explicitly asked to do so & only to kill vehicles or help cap flags, I don't like to hover & rarely hover above 150, so as a matter of course I'd like to think I know how to stop people in my position farming kills. 


    Simple approach would be to reduce the altitude limit for CAS helis, which for the uninitiated already exists, if you go above a certain altitude in a heli, you'll take damage, reducing it to a 100m altitude ceiling should be fairly reasonable in COOP with higher altitudes attainable for short durations similar to combat areas, so again nothing new, it's a simple value change for Melon to consider should he choose to do so, as in COOP, PvP configs are down right stupid.  And hopefully the extended range & no exit statics make it (back) into an update, they were a bitch, but actually made doing CAS interesting&&fun at the very least & killed off campers expediently.

    tldr;  Lower max altitude ceiling for CAS helis, which makes them more likely to get shot at, which reduces time on station before needing to rtb for repairs, which makes them more likely to go boom, which in turn makes them less likely to hover & so less likely to camp as they'll resort to low altitude orbits & flybys for kills which isn't an ideal camping environment, and so makes for a more  target rich environment for everyone not in CAS, you don't change the laws of thermodynamics to put out a fire, you deprive a fire of fuel or oxygen to stop it dead, same principle here, just simpler...


    As for team work, it can not be forced by rules however structured, what sets PR apart from other games like it, including Arma, is forced SYSTEMIC cooperation, such that it's gameplay systems unique to PR like kit & asset restrictions, that increase the likely hood of cooperation & to systems we must look not rules, where for brevity, any RULE so enforced algorithmically/automatically is implicitly a gameplay system, it's core value derived from it being omnipotent of sorts, unlike rules enforced by human admins.



  14. @=VG= SemlerPDX cheers, commands can be bound to weapon selection, so it's no biggie, just easier for testing, tho as a matter of personal preference I don't mind it 😛



    Rearm was more a meme than not, 'comes in the box' but repair I feel can make a difference for the better, I just ended up adding a modified supply object with repair only & instead of using a command, however many crates & size of crates a heli has determines if it can repair other vehicles(so it can't repair itself), at what speed it repairs. Same with airlift, size of aircraft & vehicle determines airlift, and a command-less load/unload using crates, whatever vehicle you drop a crate on directly you get a notification & you may use commorose okay/negative to accept/reject prompt to 'load' vehicle if no passengers inside & 'getout' commorose to unload, will add prompt to driver if any in vehicle.

    11 hours ago, EuroStep said:

    The biggest problem in this game right now is the air-to-air and surface-to-air combat which is simplified beyond my imagination

    A lot of people would disagree with you on this, it's only simple for veteran cas whores, like myself 😛 Although ofc there's somethings that are too simplified.

    11 hours ago, EuroStep said:

    The idea of mine I told you today was about a cross-faction-custom-weapon-loadout thingy, meaning as an officer you would be able to chose your own pistol; or to have (let's say) a spotter with a rifle of choice plus the radio and nothing else (no bandages, ropes, knives, smoke grenades, etc.). Or (let's say) an Anti-Tank guy with nothing but his launcher and 3-4 ammo boxes in his inventory.

    Obviously that will never happen.

    Like all things in PR there's a hacky way to do that but it requires a whole custom map & scripts, so def not happening outside of events.


    Again appreciate the feedback, it's much better than it was when I posted the OP,keep it coming, cheers.

    • Upvote 1
  15. @CptHawk

    I wish I shared your optimism, people it seems define 'realistic' in the context of that with which they've become accustomed, however unrealistic that might be, in my experience, even in past posts on this forum, tbh, but it's just a couple minutes of work to modify it to do what you describe.


    @=VG= Kavelenko

    These are not intended for PR integration, but as server side mods on passworded servers so more likely than not, they're to be used on events(writing these for a PR event on Volition) & so on, if someone wanted to, I post all code for PR under an older alias in the proper forums, for brevity. Everything I post here is shit I know won't ever be added to PR, such as systems focused on coop, completely out of place in deployment or just stuff I know to have been dismissed for less than forthright reasons. So generally I post these to make them publicly available cos I've written too many of these over the years for PR & private servers, and I don't even know where they are anymore, so....  

    Like I said, there's a common misconception in online gaming that the only game you can play is the one in the title, sure it comes with a hassle , especially with PR's licensing rules, but one of the main reasons I made my account here is to dissuade people of this notion that you should wait for R-DEV to solve all your little problems & wishes, cos They Won't && They Can't especially not for 'stupid' coop 'that no one plays',  the fact that there's not a single continually passworded (modded) server that exists to explore this other way of playing PR says as much, I'm too lazy to set one up & maintain one myself, so here ya go, hell most of my stuff that's ended up in PR was taken from other bf2 mods, if that says anything.

    @=VG= TEDF

    Familiar with that, and also familiar with why it was abandoned, O C A M S R A Z O R,  'logically' doing something is sometimes superior to rendering it needlessly, especially in such an old game.

    4 hours ago, =VG= TEDF said:

    And as for the rearming CAS in the field - yea don't see it ever happening in PR. CAS is already op as it is. I believe there were some thoughts about giving osprey the repair stations like logis do, but I think that idea got thrown in a bin as it would make US unbalanced on maps with osprey.

    Xacly my point, it's never gonna happen, because it makes ABSOLUTELY no sense in deployment where it breaks balance, but in coop, it just might be perfect & above all enjoyable, but it's lack of value in deployment means you'll never see that in PR, which is why I'm here & not there, infact I think that's what's missing from your events, which I so enjoy, instead of just different maps, perhaps you should consider using some abandoned/obsolete features of which there are plenty, got no issue helping out, events are passworded, you can do whatever....


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  16. 33 minutes ago, CptHawk said:

    Instead of Air to air, is it possible to script it to require both aircraft be landed? It would only really help Gunships this way, but could it be possible to also allow Armor/APC/TOW resupply in some degree?

    Fat cow missions are pretty common among U.S. Aviation and it would be pretty useful to keep Rotatory assets up if they had a closer repair point.

    No reason why not, easier actually, I considered making big birds repair/rearm points for everything, but I could hear the outcry & screams of my treasonous ways, so I Just went with A2A, less controversial & actually takes a bit of skill to execute within a time crunch & while needing to have to execute commands in-flight.

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  17. @=VG= keed can't quite modify ui server side, but shouldn't be too difficult to bind commands to existing UI events like weapon selection, certainly a better approach, I just be lazy like that 😏

    Airlift would pretty much apply to the big birds so it's inline with what you indicated, Chinooks, Osprey & anything with 2x large crates.

    And A2A rearm might not be a thing irl, but given the size of the maps, figured why not, cos the only in-game analogue to fuel is ammo, so perhaps might just rearm AA missiles/flares & not bombs/atgms, I do see your point tho.


    100 ticket cost is just a base line, I'll probably tie it to player count & elapsed round time multipliers to make it a bit more dynamic & reasonable.

    @=VG= Nyther exploits over hacks, always 😏



    ftr, l'll post the code for these for anyone to use, but it's mostly for use on a private server in a coop Arma community of all places, cos it be like that, sadly.

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  18. I already wrote these as part of something I'm putting together to wrap up the year along with some other shit I should've gotten done months ago & I'll post these below  if anyone's interested but, what thoughts & objections might you guys have to these concepts in PR?


    Airlift Is Basically just a pair of commands that works with crates, repair stations light wheeled vehicles like humvee's & boats, '!load <str:crate/repair/wheeled/boat>', logically 'indexes' pos of first found matching object with in 5m &  '!unload' drops/'teleports' linked object from aircraft height much like crate drops,if not moved from loading position  so you'd need to get low.


    AirToAir Rearm/Repair is basically a command '!a2a', reserved for trans helis with 2x crates,with a cool down timer that 'attaches' a fast supply object(from testairfield) usually found on helipads & runways to the transport heli of player that invoked command for 60 seconds, if invoker heli isn't more than 60% damaged, and only to Rearm/Repair other aircraft. So you could rearm/repair other aircraft provided they fly slow enough & in close (<25m) formation, in midair. I always figured the osprey should be more useful, so mehh, why not, you can rearm/repair an entire cas squad in one go in midair with one of those.


    Both commands additionally cost player team 100 tickets and give bot team 100 tickets & are intended to be used in the context of bots at max difficulty, extended engagement envelops (range),a custom spawner and no squad lead respawn, among other things... As I happen to be one of those idiots who don't subscribe to the idea that the only game you can play is the one in the title.



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