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Vindicta Play Session? And/Or Server?

=VG= Alaura

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So me and @=VG= asquirrel456 and @=VG= m823us and @chickenjason123 have been playing some Arma 3 / Vindicta and i was wondering if we could have a public server like Anistasia or what not does, the liberation server, and have like ACE and RHS and Acre 2 and CBA and CUP and JSRS and Shacktac maybe to play with with Vindicta, was wondering if we could get a play session or server up for it so anyone who wants to continue the liberation of the island could hop on and play, I know i'd be a good 24/7 player on it, being able to play with ACRE talking to people on comms ingame and getting immersed in the fighting.

As well as i could put together a modpack if need be for the mod list's we need for Vindicta, always up for debate on which mods we want, but the above like ACE and CBA are needed to play vindicta but it'd be nice to play with more like RHS and CUP and Acre 2 and Shacktac and JSRS for the immersion. Alway's up for additions / subtractions to the mod list, as said, ill put one together and i'd love for suggestions for what the community or what not want around it and we have like a voting system of how many people would willingly use it VS not using said addons, for instance some addons like JSRS and Shacktac are client side while RHS and ACE and Vindicita etc are server side. 

Just thought i'd bring it up considering me and @=VG= asquirrel456 and @=VG= m823us and @chickenjason123  are having fun on the mod / mission!

This is the steam workshop for the modlist i was going to use for vindicta https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2204142150

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Logistics wise, the Tech Team here had left off on a project to make a central mod repository on the VG servers, so multiple servers would not need duplicates of mods taking up precious space.  We only have a hundred gig's free...  So this project was going to be resumed when I got done with my personal project (AVCS CORE) of the past 8 months.  I just released my first Beta test last week, and already found a major problem requiring a complete rewrite of the App for VoiceAttack in a different language.  Basically, I'm back at the grindstone for another week or at least through this weekend, though I am making swift progress translating and testing it.

Once I have time (in this coming week and/or the one after it) I will be trying to reach out to Ciro again to see where we are with the VG mod pack, central mods location on server, and I will continue my work to make the Steam Workshop for A3 mods available through the TCAdmin Web Panel, for use when updating existing mods or adding new approved mods.  Ciro also has a VG Framework mission that can serve as a 24/7 Mod server, and also as a base for anyone to create a weekly event out of (making use of all the in-place familiar systems without needing to reinvent the wheel each time), and we'll see about getting that project completed.

TLDNR; A3 has been on the back burner for more than one reason this year, so I hate to report that this is just not possible at this very time, but may be possible in the near future once we hammer out the long needed logistics of running A3 and mods properly on a server with limited resources such as SSD space, with a system to update mods without you all having to physically download them yourself and then upload them to the server.

I'll post up again next week or whenever I touch base with Ciro.  Thanks to everyone for their patience!  We definitely want to get some cool A3 missions and mods running, including more regular weekend events in them.

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8 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

Logistics wise, the Tech Team here had left off on a project to make a central mod repository on the VG servers, so multiple servers would not need duplicates of mods taking up precious space.  We only have a hundred gig's free...  So this project was going to be resumed when I got done with my personal project (AVCS CORE) of the past 8 months.  I just released my first Beta test last week, and already found a major problem requiring a complete rewrite of the App for VoiceAttack in a different language.  Basically, I'm back at the grindstone for another week or at least through this weekend, though I am making swift progress translating and testing it.

Once I have time (in this coming week and/or the one after it) I will be trying to reach out to Ciro again to see where we are with the VG mod pack, central mods location on server, and I will continue my work to make the Steam Workshop for A3 mods available through the TCAdmin Web Panel, for use when updating existing mods or adding new approved mods.  Ciro also has a VG Framework mission that can serve as a 24/7 Mod server, and also as a base for anyone to create a weekly event out of (making use of all the in-place familiar systems without needing to reinvent the wheel each time), and we'll see about getting that project completed.

TLDNR; A3 has been on the back burner for more than one reason this year, so I hate to report that this is just not possible at this very time, but may be possible in the near future once we hammer out the long needed logistics of running A3 and mods properly on a server with limited resources such as SSD space, with a system to update mods without you all having to physically download them yourself and then upload them to the server.

I'll post up again next week or whenever I touch base with Ciro.  Thanks to everyone for their patience!  We definitely want to get some cool A3 missions and mods running, including more regular weekend events in them.

I just thought i'd give a idea of a mod that a lot of us have been having a lot of fun with, and a alternative to a liberation style mission is all, take your time semler, remember im always here to support you if you need it. 


Oh and @=VG= SemlerPDX There is this tool that does exactly what you said "A system to update mods without you having to physically download them yourself" https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/220433-fast2-arma-server-and-steam-workshop-tool/

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10 hours ago, Alaura said:

Oh and @=VG= SemlerPDX There is this tool that does exactly what you said "A system to update mods without you having to physically download them yourself" https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/220433-fast2-arma-server-and-steam-workshop-tool/

Cool! Thanks for the tip!  Though, TCAdmin already does that (and more) including everything on that programmers 'Planned Features' list, and I just need to get it all set up and tested, and work with Ciro a bit... would be the same if I was working with some third party tool like that, learning to use it + testing it, and the time involved.  We'll get us all setup before too long.

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