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How long will PR last?


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When playing PR today...a realization struck me. PR is a 15 year old game with a waning playerbase. Most of the player I see is the same almost everyday. How long did you guys think PR would last? As much as I love this game theres no denying that its gonna have to go eventually. Thoughts?

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Yes I will shoot bots until one remains on the server)) I remember how I first got to VG, I remember how I more or less learned English (I didn't speak it before), I remember how Dyson (old-timers will remember) taught me the basics of the game and the rules of the server. I haven't played a game for so long. I go to the server more to see the players who have been playing on this server for a long time.


The fight continues...

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22 hours ago, TheRedMan45 said:

How long did you guys think PR would last? As much as I love this game theres no denying that its gonna have to go eventually

I think you mean "how long will it last for you."

Counter-Strike still going so no problem.

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