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New here, is this squad still active?


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I was an active IL-2 1946 player in the past, and I'm currently part of a DCS squad; the DCS F-15 is an excellent plane, but I cannot justify buying the DCS F-16 for $40 when I already have Falcon 4 BMS. It looks like most of the posts here are from 2018 or older; does anyone in the squad still fly? Also, do we have a schedule for mission events? Also, does anybody know what the most realistic BMS planes are besides the F-16 (the BMS F-15's roll rate is obscenely high compared to the DCS F-15, but at least it has a clickable cockpit)?

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There aren't as many pilots here as there have been in the past, but several of us fly BMS.  Chaz just popped by again - would be great to get a regular crew going again. We're a casual group, come as you are.  But if you want to toss up something on the schedule and see if we can fill the seats, I'm sure it would work out great.  I'll even put an event on the calendar - can announce it on the VG BMS Discord Channel, the Falcon BMS Ready Room Discord, Falcon BMS Forums, here, etc.

Otherwise, we have the VG Discord and even at the Falcon BMS Ready Room Discord, pilots can meet up and plan a flight on any server they have access to.  VG is a PvE (COOP) Public server open to anyone, just don't run any concurrent campaigns on accident - the CPU can only take one Campaign at at time.  Dogfights are cool, tho.

My problem is my aging PC is on it's last legs, already got new parts ordered, so it will be a few weeks before I got the engines rolling again.... Just working hard on my Voice Control Radio Menus profile for VoiceAttack - AVCS4 1.4 is gonna be very awesome.

See you around, man!

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4 hours ago, Frank_The_Tank said:

How often do you guys fly and how big is the squad?

There is no squad and there is no schedule.  We're casual like - come as you are.  We don't have a Virtual Fighter Squadron, and we don't enforce any full-mil-sim rules regarding SOP's, Comms, or the like, just as best as people can muster is good enough or as real as they wanna go, and of course we have rules in place against disturbing others though that's never been a problem in the ten years we've been doing this.

People come and go over time, like I said, would be nice to have some more regular casual pilots around, but for example, I play a number of games and sims, and most of the guys in VG are the same - those few who fly Falcon also fly other sims and play other games here at VG.  Always looking to build up the numbers for the VG BMS Server - more regulars means more fun for everyone.


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  • 1 month later...

Really wish we had a tracker of some kind to get this information.  I check in on the server randomly throughout the day, and could flip a coin as to when there are people flying - sometimes I recognize the names, other times I don't.

I'm a daytime pilot myself, when I fly I like to do it between 11am-4pm Pacific US Time, but if we do get some group flights scheduled, I'll find the time to fit in whenever it is.  I know that Kav and STARK have been doing some training flights on Saturdays, as STARK learns the sim.

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Yep Stark, myself, Daniel, CraB, and now Ereen. We're noobs but doing a regular training mission every Weekend at 15:00:00 ZULU (clock on the home page). You're welcome to join us but I hope we don't bore you because we're learning the basics.

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I’m still new-ish to BMS, but not Falcon in general.   Just looking to “put it all together” online.  It’s the flight coordination, comms, IFF/datalink etc.. that I can’t train in single player other than all of the reading I’ve done and YouTube videos.   
anyways I’ll look for you guys on discord soon.  :bye:

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54 minutes ago, =VG= BLuDKLoT said:

I'd love to get back into BMS but sem needs to help me get sorted I forgot everything LOL! Oh and I need a new TrackIR clip first. 

Yea, I had to bite the bullet and buy another TrackIR TrackClip Pro for $40 -- after that, I treated it like it was made of glass... I take it off and keep it in a box when not in use.   Made it wireless so it's easier to use now, but still I keep it in a box and risk breaking it anytime I use it (say a fly buzzes my head, only a matter of time before I snap this little POS in two again).  Wish they made it out of the same plastic polymer that my Glock 17 is made from, seriously, I'd pay $80 for something like this if I only knew I could drop it off a roof and still be able to use it for years.

I gotta get all my shit set up again, re-read the graphics setup on the BMS forums, great pics of the different settings screens, etc: https://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/showthread.php?29750-Good-Quality-and-Good-Performance-Guide-NVIDIA&highlight=nvidia

The most annoying thing is trying to get the damn ministick on the X52 Pro to work... but I think the problem we had before was I had X52 (non-pro) and I think you got the X52 Pro, right, BLuD?  If so, that's why the fix that worked for ME did not work for you back in the day.  Now that I have X52 Pro, and if that's what you got, whatever fix I get working will also work for you.  Same method for both, just different file format for the profile save, that's all.

I got some server work to do this week, and I am culling just a couple features from the upcoming BETA test for my next BMS voice control system just so I can get it out there cuz having that work hanging over my head prevents me from feeling like losing myself in games, other projects, etc.  After that, I'm gonna spend a lot more time on our various servers, particularly BMS.   I want to get some online SOP's for comms and such that we can make simple guides with pics on the forums here, to help new players dive right in to our casual sim-server.


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  • 2 years later...
  • 11 months later...

We Fly,   Kavelenko fly as of the last 2 weeks at least 3-4 times a week.  We were up for like 3 hours today going through training.   The F16 model that these awesome Devs have designed is amazing, the systems, mechanics, procedures can be trying at first, but I am finding the more I practice through the BMS training manual & practice with Kav', the easier it seems to get.   🙂 

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