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Operation Frosty Dagger

=VG= Sausag3

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13 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

With default A3 you manually have to change your 'channel' from Group to Side or Global, or Vehicle, or Direct - as desired.  You are so right - really is not the best!

Yeah sucks in the communications department, I'm creating a voice attack profile for ARMA which changes channels based on my voice commands, that might be useful. That cuts out the need to cycle through the channels to get to the one you want. See what you've started here Sem!

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We've just set up TS3 for TFAR - Task Force Arrowhead Radio  http://radio.task-force.ru/en/

So, might wanna make up some commands to help navigate those hotkeys, too... ;) This mod will be used on our Arma 3 Mod server and for future A3 Events.  We'll get used to it, make up some easy tips for the new users, and have some fun!

When making missions (with radio mods in mind) consider the old ShackTac 'Rule of 3' -- a leader should never have to communicate with more than 3 leaders below them:

For a Squad, this would be Squad Leader > Fire Team Leader 1 / Fire Team Leader 2 / Fire Team Leader 3
Each FireTeam could have 3-4 members and would all be in the same Squad Radio Channel (incremented by 1 for each fire team), but Fire Team Leaders have access to a mid-range radio such as the SL has for speaking to other SL's, etc.

Everyone can hear anyone when talking on local, just like Mumble, or if they are near someone talking on a radio channel the are not on.  When radios are not needed, we speak normally when all together, and it has 3D positional audio.  AI Bots can hear this and zero in on location, and call out that they heard you, too.

The Squad Leader uses a Long Range Radio (or a dedicated radio person to haul that shit) for calling Fire Support or communicating with Command
For a Commander, this would be Commander > Squad Leader 1 / Squad Leader 2 / Squad Leader 3

For very huge events, multiple Commanders could comprise groups such as Platoons, from infantry to specialized infantry, to vehicle platoons, mechanized units, and even fire support, air support, and transportation / supplies.  But starting small, the Rule of 3 can help keep the task of organization and leadership in a manageable and time tested form.


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