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Request for a Carrier based Harrier Squadron?

=VG= Kavelenko

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Hi Guys,

This is more directed at SemlerPDX in terms of do-ability, not sure whether its possible or how much work is involved but is it possible to add another Carrier to the Campaign next time perhaps where we can have a Harrier Squadron based. I think the Harrier really suits being Carrier based and it makes more sense from the point of view take offs and landings. At the moment to fly Harriers to the VINSON from Osan is quite a haul just to be able to do carrier based operations. What does everyone else think on this matter?

I've become a Harrier fan since playing BMS, I know its not as powerful as the F-16 and a host of other jets but I like the way it flies, its bloody noisy!

Anyway just put this idea out there and see what gives.

Harrier at Osan below:


Or aboard the USS VINSON:


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7 hours ago, CobaltUK said:

Just curious but how does being on carrier improve missions ? Its just further to fly.  Originally the harrier was about being able to operate from improvised bases if you can call a farm yard or clearing in a wood a base.  

I was thinklng more along the lines of having a Carrier such as the USS ENTERPRISE, located on the West Coast. I think that's the only one other than the USS VINSON that has the features to allow landings, I remember reading something about that. Also I'm not saying we need to cancel Harriers operating out of current bases, just the ability to perform Carrier based operations a bit closer to Seosan would be great. The Falklands War is a reminder how versatile the Harriers were being able to operate from the two British Carriers. If Semler can do this I cant see how it can detract from the game.

Currently if you wish to fly Harriers and land on a Carrier or take off from one the only option is the VINSON which is a fair distance from Osan air-base, the only base we can frag Harriers from. I've flown to the VINSON, landed, done a hot refuel and catapulted from the Carrier and continued on with a mission but it seems a bit of a waste of time and fuel to do so. Having another Carrier on the other coast would be awesome if it can be done.

I've added multiple Carriers to my Tactical Engagement missions using the TE Builder, I assume adding these to the live server is probably more difficult?

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1 hour ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

Probably the catapult and landing on the deck  that make it more real

Well Carrier landings are considered to be the most difficult thing a Naval pilot will do. Has anyone managed to land V/STOL on a moving Carrier yet? Videos please. :)

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