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Give PR Server Feedback: Good news / Bad news

=VG= m823us

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So I was able to take advantage of some of the low server population times and did a maplist run, meaning that I would find when the server was empty and just run a bunch of maps and check to see how they responded in our COOP server.  Great news was that I was able to test, play, and do commands for the ones that I checked and they had little or low latency issues.  The bad news,  I was not able to do this for all maps and since I was the only one on I couldn't really get feedback from other players.  

Need for constructive feedback from you folks;

Any maps that have more lag then normal?  I checked Yamalia, all layers and did not get much until halfway through.

Any maps where tickets are not appropriate or fair?  Some people said charlies point has lower human tickets due to issues. Anything else?


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2 hours ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

Charlies Point has the major problem where if the first flag is not captured within a certain time the ticket bleed rapidly runs down and the game ends prematurely. Pretty sure this does not happen on other servers.

Maby it's for the best that if we can't take Point Lookout in 20 minutes we should just call it a day on Charlies.

Not sure if it was a coincidence but a lot of people were often saying that game was lagging on Sbeneh Std.

And regarding the tickets, Jabal Std always ends before we capture all flags. Seems like there is not enough tickets on bot side to keep fighting.

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