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X52 profile


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Sup all,

I've been trying to get back into BMS but my profile isn't working since I moved from 4.32 to 4.33

I was using gunslingers X52 multi profile but now none of the buttons work, or they do different things. I used to be able to slew my cursor with that little hard nipple thing on my throttle, but now it doen't slew anything. I'm bummed out!  I was never very good at mapping this stuff anyway lol. 

Does anyone have a solution for this, or maybe have a different profile I can try before I start testing others out one by one?


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Hi Blud,

I don't have the X52, but know its popular in BMS based on the forums posts about it.  Not sure how current you are with 4.33, but they completely re-worked the key commands to different keys to organize the layout.  So older profiles would not work.  There is a .pr0 file for the 4.33.1 version in the BMS folder "C:\Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Docs\Key Files & Input\Device Setup Guides & Profiles\Saitek X52" that would be compatible with the new key layout.  There's also a Guide pdf with information on setting it up in the same folder. 

You should be able to set most of the X52 buttons in the Setup inside BMS directly without setting a Saitek profile, including setting the mini-nipple as axis settings.   If you still have trouble, you may have to do as I, and many others have, and figure out the .key file and how to enter your own key commands manually.  I had issues with Saitek's profile software with my X55 so I don't use it at all and have mapped everything in the .key file manually from an Excel spreadsheet.

Looking forward to seeing you back in the air and helping to create some smoke plums.  If you need any pointers to get you back up to speed I'll offer my assistance when able. 

Good luck with the setup - Derk

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Wish I could help more - I don't mess with that STT programming software for the X52.  Was gonna link you to the BMS forum page about the mini-stick and saw that you found it yesterday.  I don't use my mini-stick, cuz just found that post.

And I use the DirectX assignments for my non-pro X52 so I am not sure I'd be able to help much, except with a link to a blank template -- I use these as cheat-sheets for DCS Warthog and Falcon BMS to remember what buttons do what.  You write in the name of the command, i.e. Trim Reset, Weapon Release, etc.  into the boxes, and you can just have the sheet printed out for reference when flying.  I go so long between flights in either game, I can't fly without my cheat-sheets ;)

here's the pics:


Saitek X52 Stick Blank.jpg

Saitek X52 Throttle Blank.jpg

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I need more flight time to determine exactly what isn't right. Things seem ok but I must fly more to be sure. What is the kep command to get the cursor to go from the left to the right MFD? Not the MFD swap, but just swapping the cursor from mfd to mfd, I forgot the key commands....anyone? 

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It's the DMS HAT for display management - unsure of the keypress commands, but you could find out what it is for you under the Setup/controllers - it would be in the HOTAS Flightstick section (if your keyfile has sections, that is) - either way, DMS is the key word to look for.

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