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Profile music

=VG= Murderface0151

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Hey guys

So i thought the profile thing is a cool addition, the whole new setup (it is new...right?) is almost like a social networking site element. whoever made that decision, gooooood choice :)

but i have a question/problem, when i try and put the profile background music up, it seems all good, i click use link, put the link in the wee little tab thingo and then hit update profile (looking forward to my new background music at this point :) ) and then WHAMMMY. it doesn't work :(

what could the problem be? it's probably staring me in the face but i'm just too tired to see it haha.

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Murderface0151 LAN_WROTE ...

i refuse to use any other browser good sir.

I can understand a preference, but not a 100% boycott. If you have a problem, and using IE for the task is the main workaround/fix for it, you should feel confident to open IE, perform the task, and close it again. (Delete it's history, etc. at end of session if you wish). There is a big difference in using a certain browser for one task, and using it as your main web portal. !wife

Think like Spec Ops: "Surgical Insertion; Stealth Recon; Clandestine Extraction"

I promise you, it is HIGHLY improbable that you will compromise the integrity of your PC security, or get some "virus" or spyware and crap by visiting VETERANS-GAMING.COM via IE just long enough to access your profile and upload a song.
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@BLuD, what's wrong with Grandma Got ran over by a Reindeer?? It's XMAS time, it's appropriate. LOL

@Semler, totally agree about browsers. One don't work, use another.

Long story short, The issues I had with my system, ports, etc., were almost all related to the fact I had actually un-installed IE8 from the system. Then when I added a second HDD and helped break a lot of registry entries by making it the master, the only way I was able to fix it all was to re-install IE8.

Otherwise I only use Firefox.

BUT if IE8 was able to allow me to have unadulterated casual SEX then I would use it. !crazy

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@Semler, Lmao. i really liked the spec ops description of using another browser haha. and i just said that to be a dick :P i'm not worried about spyware, just worried bout sellin out yo! ya know how it is in da ghetto hahah.

but seriously, ill try get something uploaded soon, just my internet is playing up atm

thanks for the help guys anyway :)
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Hey for those of you looking to buy mp3's to play on your Profile, buy your songs from Amazon. They get saved to a folder in your music folder and they work because their unprotected. Just make sure you get MP3 files, check it out: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/163856011/

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