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Fallujah - Coop Insurgency Gamemode

=VG= Fastjack

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Melon Muncher =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Fastjack, maybe look in the AIradiomessages for

aiComm.addAIRadioMessage "attack_position" 20 2 20

And change the numbers to

aiComm.addAIRadioMessage "attack_position" 30 60 60

And see if that slows he commander spam

Thank you sir,

i will do that.
Additionally, all the StrategicAreas have the same temperature value. When i change some of them, that will also decrease commander spam.
Also ESAi isn't used yet.
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This looks very promising and I will defeinitely look fowrad playing this mode in the near future.
But, there are couple of things I caught in the video like other people did that might need to be tweaked/changed.

1. Pre-opened door
- Lobbing a grenade and breaching the door would make this mode too easy.

2. Commander spam
- Melon suggested a solution, so let's see how that goes.

3. Unnecessary flags
- They just seem pointless in a mode where the main objective is to blow up caches.
(However, this might be useful as holding few flags might bring down actual number of people on cache hunting)

4. No intel-gathering process.
- I know we can just sit at main and just farm kills, but at least we could emulate deployment INS.
(Maybe increase the number of kills before intel is shown?)
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3. Unnecessary flags
- They just seem pointless in a mode where the main objective is to blow up caches.
(However, this might be useful as holding few flags might bring down actual number of people on cache hunting)

I put the flags inside as a handicap for blufor. Blufor must capture the flags to stop high ticketbleed.
I want that opfor (bots) can also win the game, if the defense and teamwork of Blufor sucks.
Keep also in mind if you play with 40 human players. Also we have the option for an second (32) layer with less flags / assets.
The asset in the clip you can see was only for testing. It's not a final asset layout.

I want a asset layout where Blufor isn't op.
For excample why i put the tiger (helo) in.
He is completly different as the cobra because he have no undernose gatling. He cannot hover around and clean the streets like the havoc on Beirut or cobra on Muttrah (Barracuda).
I also put some anti Blufor stuff for the insurgents in to counter the Tiger.

Posting suggestions for an asset layout are welcome but no OP layout.

No intel-gathering process.
- I know we can just sit at main and just farm kills, but at least we could emulate deployment INS.
(Maybe increase the number of kills before intel is shown?)

We dont need to emulate deployment INS because we have exact the deployment INS settings.
In deployment you need 50 Intelpoints and after getting the 50 Intel it needs 5 minutes to get the info where the ammocache location is (50meter radius).
My current settings i test with is 75 Intelpoints are needed to get the location (also 5 minutes).

What i'm not tested (because of lack of time) is to implement the CIVILIAN feature, if you shoot an civi out of RoE, you get a penalty of your Intel procss.
Currently, the civis are armed and bots always run around with a firearms and shoot at humans, so the Blufor team never get a Intel penalty for killing civis because the RoE.
Creating a new civi kit that is only armed with stones and the medicstuff could change that but i must test and code this.

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Instead of flags and bleeding tickets, how about low ticket count for us?

I know VG tried to implement low ticket count server a few months ago and scratched that idea due to inproper ticket set for certain maps. While it was far from being perfect, that low ticket count actually forced many players to think and play smart in order to win the battle.

Putting flags on insurgent map and signing couple of infantry squads just to defend a flag without getting into some "real action" might make them feel boring and repetitive even if we switch around who does defending and who goes for hunting. Also, this layout might work on 40 player count but if we have low population in our server, human side will simply be outnumbered by bots attacking multiple points, and it will come down to an inevitable, painful defeat.

By putting low ticket counts and only light assets on human side, Bots will still have a chance to win the battle if humans decide to play stupid, and even well-coordinated human squads will have to fight hard and fast as time and ticket isn't on their side.

P.S) Civi seems like a great idea for us to actually identify the target before engaging the target. In addition to intel penalty, how about longer spawn time for the soldier who did not follow ROE? That might make them think twice before pulling the trigger without actually hurting the team as a whole too much.

P.S) I mentioned light assets only, so there should be no TANK, HEAVY CAS, IFV(not APCs like AAVP-7A1 and stryker) for us.
However, if regular faction(GER, RUS, MEC, and etc) is on bot side, then both sides should have same asset set up.
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